View Full Version : This should be in the pc section but...

1st September 2006, 20:50
I can't be bothered spending 10 minutes getting there :ooo

The forum is very slow on my home PC

Pages are generally taking 30-60 seconds to appear.
It often times out and often says that the page can not be found!!!

I've tried loads of other sites, but they seem to all be fine!

I've deleted all temporary cookies and pages... that hasn't made a difference.

Is there anything else that I should do?
Is an easily identifiable problem?

1st September 2006, 20:56
Bring up the Task Manager with Ctrl+Alt+Del and see what (if anything) is using all your CPU and memory

And tell us more about the PC (rough spec, browser etc)

1st September 2006, 20:57
Stop searching for Vegy and intelligent at the same time :laugh

1st September 2006, 21:09
Have a look at all your cables at the back... if any of them look too long you need to cut them in half - long cables mean the data takes longer to reach your pc... worth formatting your hard drive as well... and since that lot will save you a trip to PC world, that'll be £40 please :D

PS... I may be telling porkies...

1st September 2006, 21:16
It was the server......decided to run a backup on it's own :doh So it slowed down for around 5 mins.

1st September 2006, 21:22
My PC's been slow for 48 hours! :yikes:

It also seems to be affecting william hill :peeky

and bbc.co.uk

I'll try firefix, see if it's just IE!!

1st September 2006, 21:53
Firefox is worse!

Nothing major running bar IE and Firefox although I've closed FF now!

Nothing else bar IE runnin, and it's still slow! :(

1st September 2006, 21:55
Virus scan it, then run a spybot check and something like AdAware.

And check that Task Mgr, something could be sucking up resources without you knowing...

1st September 2006, 22:41
Try doing the following:

Click Start, Run and type CMD
In the Command Prompt window type PING www.win2win.co.uk (http://www.win2win.co.uk)
Copy the results back here

If you're getting times in excess of 300ms on dialup or more than 20ms on broadband, then there's a delay somewhere. Try typing tracert www.win2win.co.uk (http://www.win2win.co.uk) into the Command Prompt window and see what that tells you. My bet is that you'll spot one or more servers that are timing out. As it seems to be happening to a number of sites that suggests it's a server close to your ISP or on one of the major hubs. Is so, contact your ISP and ask them to reboot the server.
If the first hop seems slow then that means the modem you're connected to is faulty or isn't handshaking properly. Disconnecting and reconnecting can hook you up to a different modem which quite often solves the problem.
If there doesn't appear to be any delay, then it's more likely to be a problem at your end.

1st September 2006, 22:42
Phew! Glos is here so I can stop making it up as I go along :laugh

1st September 2006, 22:49
Phew! Glos is here so I can stop making it up as I go along :laugh

Looks like Vegy isn't though....not that that's a bad thing of course :wink

1st September 2006, 23:15
Pinging www.win2win.co.uk [] with 32 bytes of data:

Reply from bytes=32; time=4988ms TTL=49
Reply from bytes=32; time=104ms TTL=49
Reply from bytes=32; time=103ms TTL=49
Reply from bytes=32; time=104ms TTL=49

Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 <0% loss>,
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 103ms, Maximum = 4988ms, Average = 1324ms

1st September 2006, 23:21
Tracing route to www.win2win.co.uk [] over a maximum of 30 hops:
1 * * * Request timed out.

Same for 2-15

16 118ms 105ms 105ms hc.ded203.com []

Trace complete.

1st September 2006, 23:55
There you go Vegy...that 4998ms ping is plain wrong. If you're on dial-up the other three look fine but that first attempt to locate the server is seriously slow. That's reflected in the time outs that you're getting when you run the tracert - they're timing out because they're not getting a response from the next server in the line.
Have you tried reconnecting? The law of averages says that you should get hooked up to a different modem which might be better. However, if it's your ISPs servers that need a kick, all you can do is get in touch with them and let them see a copy of your ping and tracert.
One other thing - do you have another ISP you can use? You can try signing up with a pay-as-you-go ISP like Freeserve (or Orange as it's called now) http://www.orange.co.uk/ or Tesco PAYG
It'll cost you 1p per minute but you can use it for a couple of minutes to check if you can access the sites you're having problems with. I'm willing to bet they're fine and that, if you run a ping or tracert while on a different ISP, you'll see a better set of results.

Which ISP are you with? They should have a status page advising you of any connection problems.

2nd September 2006, 08:22
I can't be bothered spending 10 minutes getting there :ooo

The forum is very slow on my home PC

Pages are generally taking 30-60 seconds to appear.
It often times out and often says that the page can not be found!!!

I've tried loads of other sites, but they seem to all be fine!

I've deleted all temporary cookies and pages... that hasn't made a difference.

Is there anything else that I should do?
Is an easily identifiable problem?
Your not with NTL are you? Ive been having the exact same problems for the last few days but it seems to be working fine this morning though??

1st time I have been able to get on the forum properly for days.


2nd September 2006, 08:30
He's on TESCO...obviously every little doesn't help when it comes to gambling sites....

Vegy....you can test my server by going to www.win2winpoker.co.uk (http://www.win2winpoker.co.uk) or www.filipinouk.co.uk (http://www.filipinouk.co.uk) They're all located on the same 'thingy' (tech name for Vegy & Dan!!!)

2nd September 2006, 08:46
He's on TESCO...obviously every little doesn't help when it comes to gambling sites....

Vegy....you can test my server by going to www.win2winpoker.co.uk (http://www.win2winpoker.co.uk) or www.filipinouk.co.uk (http://www.filipinouk.co.uk) They're all located on the same 'thingy' (tech name for Vegy & Dan!!!)
Tesco... Does ASDA do one, actually lidels would be more up my street (literally)

2nd September 2006, 09:15
We wish you'd DO ONE :laugh

2nd September 2006, 09:22
We wish you'd DO ONE :laugh
Not until Ive bust all my betting banks anyway!

2nd September 2006, 11:26
My 5Mb connection is running at 0.25MB - problem at the exchange (for 2 weeks now!) according to BT.

2nd September 2006, 11:43
My 5Mb connection is running at 0.25MB - problem at the exchange (for 2 weeks now!) according to BT.
They haven't fed the pigeons :rolleyes:

2nd September 2006, 12:13
:anger I'm back slow again!! Whats going on?? PC's going out the window in a minute!!:mad:

2nd September 2006, 12:27
Vegy. Everytime I try and download the .NET framework thingy. My computer drops into snail mode. I've installed it no problems on the laptop, but the PC just ain't having it. I can't get the damn thing to run. As soon as I delete all that gubbins it's back up to full speed.
I know Keith'll come on and say it's rubbish, nowt to do with it etc, and he's probably right. I suspect my AV software.:)

2nd September 2006, 13:40
Don't blame me, .NET is a Microsoft thingy....and will be installed by default on Vista.....as the majority of software will be written using it in a few years.

It shouldn't interact with your AV, as it's bascially just a huge database of class, methods & objects :) ...but as it's MS God knows what it does in the background......Ask GLOS :D

2nd September 2006, 14:32
Disconnectinf and reconnecting hasn't made any difference!

Still timing out all the time!

I'll see if Tesco's have a status page!!

2nd September 2006, 14:35
Try a proxy

2nd September 2006, 14:52
I'll see if Tesco's have a status page!!


no problems reported there

2nd September 2006, 19:06
Although it says Service Ok, some ISPs only maintain a rudimentary status page - it's unlikely anything will appear there unless it affects a significant part of the country or they're undertaking maintenance.
I think HiArt might've identified one cause and that's the local exchange. I think you have to have a BT line to connect to Tesco? If so, give them a call. Best bet is their customer service (0845 650 8000) at 4p per minute rather than the 50ppm help desk - after all the fault definitely isn't at your end and they are "committed to providing you with the highest quality of customer service". Have some ping and tracert results that you can quote at them too!
As Keith says try a proxy too and, when you find that your connection is zooming along again with it, quote that at them also. In IE, go Tools, Internet Options, Connections, highlight your Tesco connection, click Settings, Check the box for Use Proxy Server, enter, Port setting should be 8080 then OK back out. If that's still slow, try out a few from this site http://www.proxy4free.com/page1.html

As for the .NET framework, I categorically refuse to download it because of a) the sheer size and b) it's not as robust as MS claim. Yes, it is just a suite of prebuilt classes, methods, etc. that's supposed to make life easier for software developers, but why should I download 80Mb of rubbish just because some dork wants to use a miniscule class to print Hello World on my screen? So any software that requires .NET is also binned.

2nd September 2006, 19:15
As for the .NET framework, I categorically refuse to download it because of a) the sheer size and b) it's not as robust as MS claim. Yes, it is just a suite of prebuilt classes, methods, etc. that's supposed to make life easier for software developers, but why should I download 80Mb of rubbish just because some dork wants to use a miniscule class to print Hello World on my screen? So any software that requires .NET is also binned.

It's about 20MB :wink . I had that opinion as well until I learnt how to use it having used various other languages over the last 25+ years, and it makes life easier for developers being flexible, and able to cross between languages relatively easily.......used to have to use machine code for that in the 80's :yikes:

2nd September 2006, 19:21
Last time I even contemplated downloading it, it was close to 60Mb...but even at 20Mb I'm still not going to bother. Developers have it far too easy nowadays....the way I see how .NET works, it's rather like somebody designing and selling me a car....but then I have to go and get the engine from someone else, the wheels from another source, brakes from another, etc. And I'd still be lucky to get a service manual on CD.

Or maybe Leyton Orient...I only get half the side and still have to download the defenders :D

2nd September 2006, 19:52
You can still program VB.NET the 'old' way if so wished, in fact in the 80's the software worked just fine without all the fandangled add-on bits, but I like to keep my employment value up by moving with the times :D

3rd September 2006, 03:59
It's 4 in the morning, and my computer is suddenly working fine :yikes:

I haven't rung Tesco's yet, so hopefully they have fixed the problem without being notified,
and I will remain at hyperspeed from now on!

Thanks to everyone for their help!
Particularly Glos, who I now love and adore and want his children :laugh

3rd September 2006, 08:33
I haven't rung Tesco's yet....

Do you use your hands for that, or a rope? :wink

4th September 2006, 19:38
It's 4 in the morning, and my computer is suddenly working fine :yikes:

Quick - someone run round and dismantle Vegy's local exchange!

4th September 2006, 20:05
If we just dismantle Vegy it wouldn't affect other users in the area :D