View Full Version : Win2Win Racing - System Manager

20th September 2006, 15:54
This is the second piece of software to be released for free. It has been tested as much as it can be, but the odd bug may pop-up in the real world. If so please post it here, and I'll fix it ASAP.

Free Horse Racing Software - System Manager;

Manages horse racing/greyhound 12 systems (May be manually adapted for other sports) .
Will work from a pen/USB pocket drive.
Keeps a full history of all qualifiers per system, recorderd as Time, Meeting, Selection, Stake, Odds, and whether it won or lost, so you can check them, or import them into a spreadsheet to do further research on.
Allows you to enter one qualifier and tick the boxes of the systems it qualified for....
It then shows you one combined stake, so you don't have to fiddle about calculating stakes for each system. All individual system stakes are calculated by the software, and added together to give you an easy to handle overall stake. (All active system file are stored in the \Data directory).
You can then cut'n'paste the data it into Word, Excel, etc for printing if so wished.
Settings allow you to set the stake increase from 0.1% to 4% (0 being levels) for each system.
A built in bank barrier, adjustable between 30%-60%
Editing of the bank in case you add, or take out money from a system (this automatically resets the bank barrier)
Easy changing of system names (This resets everything in that system, and starts a new data file based on that system, the old one is transferred to the \Backups directory for future reference)
All the data files are in delimited text format rather than database so it is easier for you to import to Excel, or edit if required.
Backup, which copies the file name preceded by the days date to the \Backups directory.
Message window to keep you updated with latest versions, news, special offers, etc.
All qualifiers are listed in an Excel type area, with all relevant files, and betting banks being updated once you press the SETTLE button, each qualifier/system with its own individual stake.
SETTLE can be used after each race, end of day, or when ever you decide that the banks need to be updated in order to change the stakes.
Deductions can be made after settlings on the SETTINGS page if you use a Betting Exchange (comms), or your country has tax deductions.
Simple stats page showing Profit/Loss & % for each system.
The software is designed for a minimum screen size of 1074 x 768. It can be used on smaller screens, but will involve scrolling.
Can be freely passed around the Internet by whatever means.Requirements:
1. Windows XP/ME/2000 with .NET Framework installed.
2. Software needs to be online each time you run it in order for the message to refresh. Once that is done you do not have to stay online.


Profit Seeker
20th September 2006, 16:07
I get this message when trying to install.

"A network error occured while attempting to read from the file. C:\docume~1\myname~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\Rar$DI01.375\winsystemmanager

20th September 2006, 16:11
You probably would on your computer, nothing works :rolleyes:

Profit Seeker
20th September 2006, 16:14
I'll try again on my new barracuda :H11

20th September 2006, 16:14
Just tested it on another system, works fine.

22nd September 2006, 17:00
Once you entered all the selection s and come to settling them if there is a non-runner it is not possible to settle the bets unless you delete them and re-enter all the runners again without the non-runner#(s).

22nd September 2006, 17:46
Maybe.....blame the beta testers for not picking it up :)

I'm upgrading the forums at the mo, so will take a look later.

24th September 2006, 12:14
Haven't forgotten about this, recoding the delete method today.

26th September 2006, 22:34
Keith the systems you sell for £25 is it a book or a computer programme? Do i get regular updates/downloads? Any more info would be great.

26th September 2006, 23:01
Keith the systems you sell for £25 is it a book or a computer programme? Do i get regular updates/downloads? Any more info would be great.
rfhdocYou get an e-book explaining the system, the rules and how best to stake it. You also get a spreadsheet showing the results of the system for the past few years.

There are no updates/downloads. The e-book tells you all you need to know to strike out on your own and run the system by yourself.

26th September 2006, 23:09
The software I suppy is free........

...By the way.....I've put the DELETE in the System Manger, just need to test it tomorrow.

27th September 2006, 10:05
New Update. Ver 1.11

Download: http://www.system-manager.co.uk/download.html

Software will just install over the previous version with no loss of data.

The software now includes a delete facility for non runners, etc. Just highlight the line you need to delete, and click DEL.

Please ensure your data has been backed up, just in case I've missed anything.

12th October 2006, 11:52
after downloading it it asks me what program I would like to open it with as it a ace file:doh what do I do?

12th October 2006, 12:56
Download the free version of WinAce or WinRar for free.... They'll both extrat the files for you.

2nd December 2006, 17:54
I get this message when trying to install.

"A network error occured while attempting to read from the file. C:\docume~1\myname~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\Rar$DI01.375\winsystemmanager

I'm getting the same error. :(

2nd December 2006, 17:55
I'm getting the same error. :(

Scratch that, ran the install a second time and it worked fine. :splapme

2nd December 2006, 19:20
Glad to have helped :doh

3rd December 2006, 12:45
Is this written in c#? I like it. :)

3rd December 2006, 13:05
Visual Basic .NET

3rd December 2006, 13:15
Ah haven't touched VB since 2002, didn't look at VB.NET yet either. Did it take ya long to code? I wonder would it be difficult to add a web service that pulls the results for ya.

3rd December 2006, 13:19
Very difficult to do that, no reliable source.

3rd December 2006, 13:22
Hmm, it would just be a matter of parsing text from something like horse-results.co.uk, or the RP fast results page. Would definitely be difficult though.

3rd December 2006, 20:51

I can't seem to get your software to work . I always recieve an error message .

(See attachment)

Could you explain please

3rd December 2006, 21:54
:doh It has nothing to do with the temp folder!!

My guess is the install has gone cuckoo on your system. Uninstall, then reinstall and manually change the directory to something you like, but there is no where in the code for it to look in that directory, it wouldn't know it existed, unless you installed it in the temp directory.

14th January 2009, 19:03
Can someone please explain how to use "deductions" under settings.
Does it remove specified percentage from the bank or just from the last profit margin?

14th January 2009, 19:06
Deductions is equal to Betfair commission and works it out the same way they do. :)

14th January 2009, 20:20
Deductions is equal to Betfair commission and works it out the same way they do. :)

So after I have settled up I just enter 5 in deductions,then save and it will only remove 5% of winnings from the session in question?

14th January 2009, 21:16
You enter the deduction in the settings, and it works it out automatically as it goes.

14th January 2009, 22:51
It does not appear to save the setting.When I enter 5 in deductions then save it,it then deducts 5% off my Bank roll.If I then re-enter settings the deduction number is back to zero.Is this maybe a "bug" or me doing something wrong?
Its not the be all and end all,as I can update the bankroll manually everyday,as I have been doing.

14th January 2009, 22:58
Just dawned on me that manually updating works if I only run one system in the software the moment I run two or more manually updating becomes complicated,as I will have to work out the new bankroll figures for each system(after commision).As apposed to just checking my current betfair bank roll.