View Full Version : will i ever get a 180

24th September 2006, 22:03
a bit of a poor picture.
but after nearly 2 years of arrow chucking (at least 15 mins a day), i have never hit a 180. and am getting a little annoyed as this keeps happening.

on 120 the following have happened.
2 darts in the shaft
1 stuck in the flight (that was pretty unbeleivable)
countless (well at least 5) bounce outs, either on the wire or dart.

24th September 2006, 22:15
Try getting two in the top left of the 60, that leaves loadsa room for the 3rd dart.....easy :D

24th September 2006, 22:20
will give that a go next time :splapme
i wonder why this never happens to the pro's, as nearly every dart they throw lands in a 1"X1/3" space. and i think i have seen it happen less than 5 times out of countless throws.

24th September 2006, 22:23
I've had a few 180's......had 3 bulls once, as used to be in the pub team. Bloody years ago, but still play in the house. Pretty crap now as my elbows don't straighten, so no follow through.

24th September 2006, 22:36
i managed 3 bulls once - was bloody lucky as the last one just clattered into the flights and was just held up by the other 2 darts (but was touching the red) :D

hit 3 trebble 18's (whilst aiming for 20's) :rolleyes:
pretty good on the 19's / 17's
hit 3 trebble 5's which were all touching the wire - and i thaught was a 180
done a 170.
but that 180 is just so dam elusive ;fire ;fire

Profit Seeker
24th September 2006, 22:45
Crikey even I manage that when I pick up some old bent darts about once a decade when I go to a pub, and I hate the game! :ermmm

24th September 2006, 22:51
right then if PS can do it then so can i :D
tommorow - stuff the racing, i will throw darts till i get a 180.

24th September 2006, 23:14
I like Darts but am useless at it. it really is one of those sports that the pros make look easy

Profit Seeker
24th September 2006, 23:54
I think gambling's the only profession I've yet to see anyone make look easy .

25th September 2006, 08:52
I think gambling's the only profession I've yet to see anyone make look easy .
It is :doh Once you've put all the basic work in to undersatnd how maths & stats work in the real world of racing, plus bank & risk management, staking, etc, everything else falls into place.

25th September 2006, 09:26
It is :doh Once you've put all the basic work in to undersatnd how maths & stats work in the real world of racing, plus bank & risk management, staking, etc, everything else falls into place.

I like Darts but am useless at it. it really is one of those sports that the pros make look easy

Crikey even I manage that when I pick up some old bent darts about once a decade when I go to a pub, and I hate the game! :ermmm

Just testing the old multi quote. Fabulous :D

25th September 2006, 09:29
You just broke my virginity :yikes:

25th September 2006, 09:30
Although the latest is at the top.
Shouldn't it be at the bottom? :doh

25th September 2006, 09:31
Depends on your perspective in life :doh

25th September 2006, 09:31
Just testing the old multi quote. Fabulous :D

You just broke my virginity :yikes:

Hold on, I think it was because I selected the first lot going up.
Works now I selected going down (cue some pervy joke :rolleyes: )

25th September 2006, 17:33
Once hit 7 consecutive Treble 20s - and was on for the magical 9 darter. Next dart hit the Treble 19 as planned and the final dart bounced out of the double 12 :(

I went to pieces and eventually threw 20 odd darts at double 1 and lost the game!

25th September 2006, 17:36
thats some going oldham.

i remember when my next door neibour missed the black in snooker for a 140, was the nearest he got in 20 odd years, then the next week he hit 2 147's :yikes:

25th September 2006, 17:40
When I was growing up someone at my local bowling alley bowled a 299. They gave him the pin that he left standing.

25th September 2006, 17:41
I'm equally skilled with both hands at darts. Crap with both that is, never had a 180!

Very unlucky presto, one day mate I'm sure :)

Profit Seeker
25th September 2006, 23:27
It is :doh Once you've put all the basic work in to undersatnd how maths & stats work in the real world of racing, plus bank & risk management, staking, etc, everything else falls into place.

I can quite believe it has nothing to do with selections, yes Keith, I've seen enough of this. :)

26th September 2006, 10:42
I used to play a lot of darts as a youngster, hit quite a few 180's, but that was probably as much through luck as skill... I used to practise for hours though... keeping an average score over every 10 throws to see if I was improving... should have stuck with it, especially now I have the build of a champion darts player (that'll be Andy Fordham) :laugh

11th October 2006, 18:01
Used to play round my grandad's all the time, I think the highest score I ever got was 138 (2 treble 20's and 18)..... haven't played in year's but have some great memories of darts as a kid playing all the time.

8th February 2008, 16:39

finally got it just now :D
havnt really chucked the arrows for a while, but watching the manly vs mardel game i just had to have a go :thumbs

8th February 2008, 16:49
Was this from 2 or 3 feet away? :D

8th February 2008, 17:01
Was this from 2 or 3 feet away? :D

i was just following your advice keith :D
though i went for the middle first :rolleyes:

Try getting two in the top left of the 60, that leaves loadsa room for the 3rd dart.....easy :D

8th February 2008, 17:28
With the lack of bend in my elbow these days, I'm lucky to hit the floor :)

8th February 2008, 18:01
Star?? Bingo :D

8th February 2008, 20:31
It's time you painted that wall. Yer scruffy b@$£@rd.:)

8th February 2008, 20:44
Star?? Bingo :D

woo :wiggle: :D

It's time you painted that wall. Yer scruffy b@$£@rd.:)

i am more scruffy / lazy than you think, thank god you havn't seen picks of the other walls :laugh

they havn't been all the same colour for 10 years+, i get board of painting half way through - or run out of paint, so often leave one wall a different colour. i only finished off the 'light blue' painting in the summer. a mix of the dark blue / white paint i found in the garage.

actually - i think i may have painted round the dart board since the first photo - to cover the holes in the wall where a stray dart missed the double by a long way. :ooo

23rd July 2008, 20:08
Nice one Presto! (He says 4 months later...) :D Was playing darts at the weekend round a mate's house and I'm still pretty good at it if I do say, must be all those years I spent playing it as a kid. Every saturday for about 10 hours until it got dark, and then sometimes we'd put the outside light on and carry on playing till it was bed time. Good old days!

Highest I've ever had though is 138 - 2 x treble twenties and then... 18... whilst aiming for the third treble 20 my arm just went to sleep.

30th July 2008, 20:10
Hadn't played for about 20 years Went to the local as i know the people who have taken over. even got dragged into painting the place. Had a few games of darts. A bit hit and miss but after a few beers I improved just missing out on 180 the third dart edged into treble 5. decided to call it a night after winning 6 of the 9 games. Looks like I may have to buy some new darts if it becomes regular. I only went for the beer