View Full Version : best time to lay?

26th September 2006, 15:17
Hi all, just wondering, generally, what time would be the best time to lay a bet to stand any chance of getting the best lay price? Minutes before the off, seconds before the off, or does it not really matter?

Many thanks


26th September 2006, 15:33
Chicken/Egg/Experience is the eased way to describe it :)

26th September 2006, 20:13
I dont understand, can you please elaborate for me?

Thanks, Jamie

26th September 2006, 20:31
How long is a piece of string?

Each race is different, there is no optimum time for placing a bet. You need to learn how to profit from trading if you wish to read the markets correctly.

You can only judge which way the market will go for a particular horse by knowing certain trends in advance, and how all the variables work together. :)

26th September 2006, 20:34
the best time to lay is basically, - the time that you are comfortable to lay, and can do on a consistant basis.

some people prefer to lay just before the off.
some in batches (ie, an hours worth at a time)
some bung them all on at once.

whichever way you do it will basically end up with the same result.

26th September 2006, 20:39
How long is a piece of string?

It is twice the distance from the centre to one end.


26th September 2006, 21:21
It is twice the distance from the centre to one end.


I've been trying to work that out since the apple fell on my head :lickme