View Full Version : Sam says a big hello

9th October 2006, 20:40
Hi guys and gals,

My first post on here since I subscribed a week or so ago. I am quite impressed with what I am seeing at the moment. I happensed to stumble onto a losing day on my first real punt, however I see that its the long term that matters and not the short.

Today seemed a really good day for the layers on the 2 main systems, pity I was unable to have a go. Damn my luck.

My history is a very poor, almost compulsive gambler and I am hoping to turn it around by being more sensible. The hard thing is not having a side bet or wavering from your path. The other key thing is as the boss puts it, never mix gambling and alcohol. Don't I know it !!!!

Well, if I can keep my nerve and control the urges, I am confident of a successful future.

Here's to everyone on here, good luck and hopefully I will be able to provide some useful info.

By the way, do you ever have forum meet ups?

Sam (South Yorkshire)

9th October 2006, 21:34
Just be careful with those 'urges' when Presto is around ::hump :peeky

As for meetings, the doctors never let us all out at once! :lickme

9th October 2006, 21:45
never mix poker and weed either :splapme can be quite easy to mix up nothing for a straight or flush :ermmm

disiplin is probably the most important thing (IMO) when betting for profit, so that's something to work on. and theres plenty of 'stuff' round here to help with succesfull betting.

9th October 2006, 22:42
hi sam i'm newsih to the site too and as you say taking time is important, if its any help i've followed the intructions and over the last month and it's a slow burner but it'll get there in the end i'm sure!!

10th October 2006, 12:16
Welcome Sam, if you have joined up as a member, you should email Win2Win with your username so you can get access to the members area of the forum, there's lots more information there :)