View Full Version : Bet Angel, 20 day trialist

6th November 2006, 01:16
hello all,


my names deano (or laffo). I have had my eyes fixed on betangel for sometime now but was unsure wether to take the plunge, maybe i should have 6 months ago when i first came across the program. I'm very much intrested in making a living from the comfort of my home. For the past 2 years i have been doing a few wacky things over the net. I started off selling tutorial & emulation dvds on ebay while i was at college so could pay my rent away from home. I then decided to take a look at horse racing and let out several different tipsters, all was going well until paypal shut me out and my tipsters ran a bad run.

In a last ditch attempt to pay the rent ^^ i turned to poker, and found my self within 2 weeks time programmin a bot to play for me. a month later i was living back at home :) ow so nice to be home again, and i have been working on my poker bots ever since. I have been dabaling with betangel basic for the past few weeks getting back into the backing / laying spirit and tried to make a bot for the free software which placed the bets for me (the bot is very basic i must admit, following parameters such as "IF Orange/blue figure is below 20 or above 80 Then place the appropiate bet" and place the appropiate counter bet at 1 tick). I have only worked on it for a few days, but it doesnt seem to cut the ice by any means. It made 18 trades, 7 of which were unsuccessful on saturday. So i've kicked that to the kerb and decided to give the full version a trial.

I havent viewed the tutorials yet, but will do before the races tommorow. Im hopping to get stuck into the excel, vb bot side of things. But will also try the hands on trading approach. I'm simply looking for some advice on where to begin, links/articles/websites which will help me trade, or any advice at all for a beginner. hello everyone! :wiggle:

6th November 2006, 09:52
Just play with it for a few weeks at no more than £2......program an Excel bot wrong, and it can cost you £100's, even with that stake.

I'm forever testing things in it, and I've been using it for 2 years. I would recommend Odds Extractor from the same company, it gives you plenty of data to search for trends.....and become a member on here....

6th November 2006, 15:58
thanks for the advice win2win

6th November 2006, 16:09
I started writing my own bot but gave up when I realised everything has already been done, if it hasn't, it's easier to do it through Excel.

7th November 2006, 15:42
really having a blast with betangel, its fun as well as great. win2win, i was wondering if you, or if you know of someone who has released some video tutorials (apart from the betangel ones) which might help me undestand better how/when to find good spots to trade in (horse racing).

i've been using the ladder and charting systems with global settings so far.

7th November 2006, 15:45
I don't know of any other videos........I have some of the wife! :doh

Best way to learn the markets is with said Odds Extractor, and compare different races in Excel.

With so much in Betangel it takes weeks to get a handle on it all.

7th November 2006, 19:41
If you look up excel macros for creating log files you can create your own odds extractor using Bet Angel :)

Not quite the same sufistication perhaps as odds extractor.

If your really into programing Bet fair are now offering a time limited version of the API for developers for free. As I understand it you get to read the market every minute. That is what they mean by time limited :doh

7th November 2006, 20:50
I've been fiddling round with tha API for a couple of months, but it's easier using Betangel's interface.