View Full Version : dont matter what i am dealt its no good

eruptive plot
22nd November 2006, 23:09
played 5 stt $10 tables on bet 365 tonight
game one dealt ace 6,flop comes out ace 6,7. guy makes 2 half his stack bets,and catches a 10 on the river to give him a better 2 pair::swear

game two.after about 5 or six hands,i'playing early with kk,i raise 100,and a guy goes all in playing late with 99,i calls and yes a 9 on 4th street.out i go again::swear

game 3 about 5 of us left i,m playing early with aa,i raise 3xbb and gets 2 all ins,one guy got qk and one guy got aq.you guess it 2 queens ON THE FLOP,out i go again::swear ::swear

game 4 i gets a pair of 6s and out comes the flop 2,6,9.i goes all in and gets a call and 2 hearts 4th and 5th kills me for the flush::swear :ermmm ::swear

eveyone playing like madmen(over-valueing their hole cards)
i dont play many hands,but when my chips went down to 800,i was dealt aq,i raised 3 times bb playing early,and this guy who was just playing crazy all game called with an ace 4.out comes the flop a,2 3, i knew what was coming, yes the lucky::swear caught a 5 on 4th street to give him the straight.so being down $55 dollars tonight i am ::swear ::swear gutted ::swear ::swear

22nd November 2006, 23:13
last night i had AA twice in my first 3 hands (called both all ins pre flop)
first opponent flopps FH 333 JJ 2nd opponent flopps a flush.

eruptive plot
22nd November 2006, 23:17
there's nothing worste than losing to pure luck hand after hand.
its alters the way you think,the word tilt comes to mind;fire

23rd November 2006, 00:24
I have reciently joined Party Poker, They give you the CALCULATUM software free. It helps you make better decisions about the situation.

For me the game is to play as little as possible so you get into the money in tournements. Dont let them see the turn or river (4th and 5th flop cards by making it too costly i.e your in position only three others are calling so go all in with your big cards) You will get unlucky occasionally, the reverse is also true.

I watched a freeroll game through to the end. These must be one of the toughest tournements to win. All the players at the final table were so tight with the cards they played you hardly ever saw anything below a ten when you got to see their cards. Hole pairs were never less then 9s.

The goal is to get to the final table. Avoid fights and if you have to fight be happy with the fact you went in with the best hand you could but KNOW that the result of a low fight is only going to be 50% of the time a win to you. How badly do the other players want to reach the money positions?

If your playing with A 6 that has a pre flop hand rank of 58% and only a 11% chance of winning by the river. After the flop the advice is that you now have a 13% chance of winning!

With kings and a bad seeming flop you only have an 18% chance of winning the hand.

So stop looking at your hands as 'how could I possible lose to people with such bad cards' and start getting to understand the chances of winning with the cards you have and the sort of cards other people play with.

I did not think I could play poker and win. Now I seem to get to the money and I have only played poker 10 times before using this free software. Still learning some of the tricks, the do's and don'ts. Freerolls are good for learning what to do and what not to do. Outlasting 7500 people and getting into the last 200 to 300 players shows either good luck or good play.

If you get to the last 200 consistantly on a freeroll (1 in every 3 games?) then it must be good play!

Hope these words help. Sorry you had such a bad night of it.

23rd November 2006, 00:32
Talking of bad luck a friend of mind said he got 4 7's with the flop against trip K's. So he played it slow only to lose a K on the river! Hands like that are usully going to go to the river!

I also now throw away AK if there are two many fighting for the pot too many chances that I will get beaten and the idea is to stay in the game and make sure I have odds stacked as much as I can in my favour. Hey I have only played 30'ish Poker games in my life so you can ignore this. However I have got into the money more times than I ever would have expected to since I now have some software to give me good advice.

23rd November 2006, 00:55
Marcus, for a novice pokerer, I a,m astounded by your words of wisdom/advice! Very wise.

23rd November 2006, 18:57
Thank you

23rd November 2006, 19:03
you should join in with the W2W game marcus.

23rd November 2006, 20:27
Just bet 400 with AQ clubs...opponent goes all-in with K9 unsuited and wins with a pair of 9's. Similar situation yesterday with KK..opponent goes all-in with 85 and hits them both on the flop to win with two pair.

Ahhh, and again...AQ suited loses to a pair of 6's...opponent only had J6. Seems I just can't draw anything at the moment giving those playing like idiots a field day. Like you say, people really do over-value their cards and most of them only know two options - fold or go all-in.

23rd November 2006, 21:22
Talking of no sense (and idiot betting that people would never do if they were playing with cash instead of chips), I'm sat there with 78 and 693 on the flop. The pot is a reasonable 300 but the fool to my left goes all-in (2,000 chips) with the pair of sixes he's now got! So I fold my open-ended straight and he gets beaten with a pair of Q's - someone followed his 2k bet while holding a single queen!

And he then rebuys another $30 of chips. Is there no end to this madness.

eruptive plot
23rd November 2006, 21:34
it takes all sorts to make this world.
anyway first game tonight, i came second,only to lose on the river,but things are looking up:D