View Full Version : Your Pour Ellie - a late extr & My Nap!

1st December 2006, 04:22
;fire For any who has been following my threads (Daily Fun FC's) they will note i have picked a couple of FTO's, that's First Time Out, Schiehallion 4/s fc & Paradi 9/2 fc. The betting can go either way - C4's teletext have got Pour Ellie @ 8/s.

They are what i call, A Breeding Certainty! Your Pour Ellie is one of them - this is a potential Grade One horse in a Class 5 race. The best horses win most their races, their easiest races are likely to be their first.

I put a Fri FC up earlier, i forgot to name my Nap, my Lay of the Day wld be Billy Bray and I'm going to go against him with Good Book(Nap), he's bred for the job as well but connections are quite happy to let him go in here off've an OR [105]. I was determined to keep my Naps showing a level stake profit but alas, I'm onto my 6th straight lose, if I have to get a horse from Minehead to get me out, so be it!

:splapme I know this differs to what i've written in the ForeCast but that was a bit of a rush job & this is a late extr, Goodnight...

1st December 2006, 09:30
I put it up as an A+ bet at 9:30 last night, but for different reasons having spoken to someone who knows the yard. It is not working like a Grade One horse, that's a very misleading statement. However he is working like a horse that can do well in Class 5 up to 3, and is highly rated in the yard. However, this trainer has very few markers to judge it against, so it may be beating everything else on the gallops, but they may all be utter crap, but in the contect of this race, and this race only, he is not short of fitness.

I wouldn't back anything on the bais of breeding, as other than pattern races, it is meaningless.

1st December 2006, 12:55
I did lose 1/2 a post last night explaing things in more detail. I wldn't normally but my threads have shown quite clearly as i have noted in the past, i'm very lucky FTO.
I'm going to be moving some ideas down to your Systems Qualifiers dept in due course & maybe develop a system. I know Pour Ellie doesn't come from a big stable that farm these type of races but Paul Webber has his fair share. This all stems back to Lammtarra & Myself '94 - somebody says, 'What's going to bt Myself today?' This one 'ere, it's bred to win a Derby! That was Group 1 breeding in a Pattern race. The same kind of thing happens every week in little NHF races.
If Pour Ellie is 2/3rd's as good as the majority of the dams offspring, this will be a cakewalk. Has gone in my Notebook on breeding alone, rather like Schiehallion, Paradi, Carlitos, Bob Bob Bobbin to name but a few. Take Accordello, a fine example...

Keith, can I ask a ? Can i send u the address of my blog, my November Review is almost ready & it is a bundle of System Qualifiers. L8R's

1st December 2006, 12:57
I wouldn't have time to look at it, just about spare 20 minutes in a day to play Battlefield 2142......which is not as good as the previous ones :(

1st December 2006, 15:44
Do you have time to read my threads? You're missing out on winners galore if u don't!
I'll be using My Notebook & horses that are contained therein to do a Daily ForeCast of what for the time being is basically NH horses.
You have to be a system qualifier just to get in but when you are previewing a days races u can see things, like the breeding of Pour Ellie, which suggest that it is a future Notebook entry.

Basically mate, the Notebook is my CV, i'm only playing at the minute but the results speak for themselves. I wasn't too confident at first to put my FC's up, what with my first few Naps going down but just look at the Next Bests.
Read my ForeCasts - pretty soon u won't want to bet without it!

1st December 2006, 15:46
If you're so confident about your tips GodSpot start a £1000 mythical challenge and show us how quickly you can turn it into much more than that

1st December 2006, 16:25
I don't read every thread, and NEVER follow anyone else's tips. No need, I'm one of the best around :)

1st December 2006, 16:37
I NEVER follow anyone else's tips.

go on, we know you back Tommo's at this time of year to help the injured bookies Christmas fund :D

1st December 2006, 17:37
They'd get more if I followed Vegy's :geek

1st December 2006, 18:23
If you're so confident about your tips GodSpot start a £1000 mythical challenge

Now you're talking, how do i go about that, i'm in the process of having some monies sent to Betfair so i can do it for real but i will gladly try your mythical challenge....

1st December 2006, 18:28
Now you're talking, how do i go about that, i'm in the process of having some monies sent to Betfair so i can do it for real but i will gladly try your mythical challenge....Start a thread in the £1000 Mythical Challenge section (http://www.win2win.co.uk/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=90) of the forum and keep a running P/L. Easy eh?