View Full Version : Golden Lays

9th December 2006, 11:37
Is there any demand for me adding the Golden Lay to the daily SMS message?

I didn't add it originally as it is a free bet, and using the SMS means paying for it, which isn't my idea of free, but some folk have been asking for other ways of getting it, and that would be the only option.

9th December 2006, 12:43
I couldn't comment mate as I don't use the SMS service. If I can't get to a computer I don't do the bets.

9th December 2006, 12:45
Could you have a text back service - where if you want the golden lay you text a number and it texts you back and costs 30p or whatever covers the costs of the service to you (plus a bit obviously it is a business!!!)??

9th December 2006, 13:07
Minimum they do is £1.50, unless your a big compnay and buy mass credits in advance. From the £1.50 I only get 60p......everyone takes a chunk including BT even though they have bugger all to do with it :doh