View Full Version : Bl**dy Laptops Playing Up!

25th March 2003, 18:44
In fact, it's just not playing at all!

I took it with me today and tried to turn it on whilst in my car (not driving of course, I'm sure that's illegal). It made some beep sounds (nothing on screen) and then died. I've been told this is some hardware failure? Well anyway, I thought it was the battery so I brought it home and plugged it in and tried again. Got the beeps again............tried again, but this time nothing. It appears to be completely dead now and just doesn't want to play. No sounds not lights no nothing.

The laptop is about a month old and this is the first time I've ever actually attempted to use it for work, it's just been sitting on my desk at home although I have had it on installing software etc and it was working fine then.

Why me? :dead

25th March 2003, 18:56
Take it back to the shop.

Is it a Compaq by chance ?

25th March 2003, 19:04
No bloody Fujitsu Siemens, bought it online from a shop I've never heard of (well done Phil :clp)

I'm so angry, I haven't touched the f*cker and it worked fine when I didn't want to use it

Stupid piece of........

25th March 2003, 19:09
if you can remember what the beeps were that is the fault diagnostic thingy and you will be able to find out what is wrong from that (maybe)
if its 3 bleeps in quick sucsession that means the road runner is comming 2 bleeps and its E.T.
i big long bleep and its sadamm in a hurry :compcrash

25th March 2003, 19:11
Shop you hadn't heard of eh ??????????

Used to get this with a lot of old laptops. Keep re booting and see if it eventually fires up.

A BIOS upgrade :flush sometimes does the trick.

25th March 2003, 19:13
Check the manual if it came with one. Some beep patterns could mean a memory problem - maybe not seated in it's slot properly. On the other hand Silax could be closer to the truth.


25th March 2003, 19:13
Problem solved. The plug wasn't in the mains properly, hence the reason it didn't work in the car today as it obviously wasn't charged, and it wouldn't work when it was plugged in.........well.........because it wasn't plugged in properly.

Well done Phil, you're a genius :clp

25th March 2003, 19:21

25th March 2003, 20:10
Phil, i said it yesterday and i will say it again, you are a legend!

25th March 2003, 21:15
Did I miss something here!!:confused:

25th March 2003, 21:33
Originally posted by gneville16

.........well.........because it wasn't plugged in properly.

99% of computer problems are USER problems - as excellently borne out by our favourite, resident, Technophobe gnev' :compcrash :dunker


25th March 2003, 21:43
Of those 99%, 85% are RTFM problems - Read The F*****g Manual!

Today, I spent most of the day getting an old touch-screen system to work - the original software was for Windows 3.1! I finally got it working and set the machine up with the information system and put the 'fish' screensaver on it for when it was not being used. About an hour later, I got a call saying one of the clients had apologised and was a little bit upset. I went down to see what the problem was - poor woman was in tears cos her son 'was playing near the computer thing and I don't know what he did but I can't find any way to get the fish back on!'.

25th March 2003, 21:59
Originally posted by TheOldhamWhisper

I don't know what he did but I can't find any way to get the fish back on!'.

You know what kids are like - he probably flushed the fish down the toilet!!! :flush


28th March 2003, 17:52
Originally posted by gneville16
Problem solved. The plug wasn't in the mains properly, hence the reason it didn't work in the car today as it obviously wasn't charged, and it wouldn't work when it was plugged in.........well.........because it wasn't plugged in properly.

Well done Phil, you're a genius :clp

Phil, I have to admire your honesty. Surely nobody else would admit to being so mentally challenged. :D :D :D

28th March 2003, 20:38
I've just bought a 'mobile' printer. It's wonderful, and all you need to get it work while out on the track is a USB cable, a power cord & adaptor, and another cord that plugs into an electric socket & the adaptor!! I think I may have missed something somewhere!!

Maybe they think 'mobile' includes running a cable from my house to Ascot!!:confused:

I have a feeling the damn thing will be going back....

28th March 2003, 20:42

Every now and again something out of the usual happens. And today you are in luck.

I can help YOU. Go out and buy an invertor. It plugs into the cigarette lighter in HMS Driscoll and converts the 12 volt supply into 240 mains power. I run a TV and video in HMS Bulldog for the kids when we go on long journeys so it should handle a printer etc.

You can get them from Maplins. That's the store not the holiday camp. Other places do them. Find it on Google.

28th March 2003, 20:56
I ordered one yesterday for my laptop, and the wifes pneumatic vibro.:laugh

Not very mobile though if it's got be plugged in the bloody mains. Still, the wife can carry the car battery while I'm on the track...:peek

Nice bloody printer though.

I've just ordered the new Sony DVD writer, it just got into the country today, as the previous version was stopped due to a couple of bugs, that'll make the backups easier on one disk instead of 1,000,000,000......CD's & Floppies....