View Full Version : 5 Year Results - Members System Qualifiers

5th April 2007, 09:51
These can be download in a compressed file from http://www.win2win.co.uk/file/MembersNHResults.rar

The XLA file can be open in Excel, or the free OpenOffice.

5th April 2007, 15:53
Double Top - £35,000,000 profit in 5 years starting with £200 @ 3%! :ooo

Peaked at £60,000,000......could you handle that losing run? :yikes:

Seriously though, that is figure is mathematically possible, however in the real world you would be taking money out of it well before then, so it wouldn't get near that, you'd also have moved your stakes from 3% to <1%.

However, those that have been following this one for a while will vouch for it, as it constantly supplies good winners, plenty of qualifiers, and seldom has any really bad losing runs.

7th January 2008, 16:50
just a quick qn, the proofed tips for NHmemberbacks at racing-index proofing site is making losses with 10% + sp and 5% bfair comms, becasue of the incorrect staking over at that proofing site?

over here a pct of bank is always advised but over at RI it seems that the staking is not as prescribed here, perhaps due to fact that RI makes it hard to update stakes

so then, the loss figures at racing index are simply due to the wrong staking i presume?

7th January 2008, 17:18
Those on RI are nothing to do with this site, I use it for research purposes.