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16th April 2007, 20:34
Where to begin. Please excuse any spelling, grammar and punctuation errors.

Saturday was our last rugby game. We were winning 20 – 12. when the opposition were awarded a penalty on the 5m line, they pssed it to their biggest player to crash over for the score only he didn’t. yours truly tackled and stopped him ih his tracks, unfortunately I slightly mistime the tackl;e and got my head the wrong side of his hip. I went to the floor poleaxed and stopped breathin, I couls stiil hear everything but couldn’t feel anything, iwas trying to say help me I can’t breathe but because I wasn’t breathing, no noises were coming. I heard someone say straighten his legs to inflate his lungs. I then heard someone on touchline screaming ‘don’t touch him, leave him alone’ . fortunately that was Johnny Gray, not medically trained but if Johnny says something people listen. I honestly thought I was dying. I’ve never been so scared in my life.
Now for the me3dical bit, apparently the spinal canal, should be 80% of the spinal tunnels width, mine is 50%. I always knew I was bigboned.J.
Apparently when I made the tacle my neck concertinaed and the 5th disc of 7( i think) dislocated and scissored the spinal cord against 4 and 6. fortunately it didn’t cut it but according to the MRI scan, the signal return from the cord is showing a different colour. They think its bleeding caused by the trauma. At the moment I have no use in my left arm, limited use of my left leg and full use of my right arm and leg although these are numb and tingly. The nuero surgeon, neorologist, spinal consultant and orthopaedic consultant, yes all of them were there prodding and poking me ‘til midnight last night, think once the bruising settles down the use of the limbs will return over the next few months.
I go for another mri scan next Tuesday to see the progress. They also said if I’d have been moved then I would’ve been a quadraplegic for the rest of my life.
So at the moment I’m walking round like a cross between Douglas bader and quasimodo with a bit of the Michelin man thrown in.

16th April 2007, 20:38
Christ on a bike!

Horrible story sparks...Sorry you had to go through it.

Get well soon mate, and good luck with the scans...

16th April 2007, 20:42
Sheesh! And OUCH!

Hope you get good news from the scans and that you're up and about soon Sparky

16th April 2007, 20:42
Blimey Sparks... you're lucky to be alive mate.

Get well soon, hope you make a fast recovery.

16th April 2007, 20:44
Holy crap Sparky. Hope you recover soon :(

16th April 2007, 20:46
Blimey Sparks... you're lucky to be alive mate.

Get well soon, hope you make a fast recovery.

i know mate. i don't mind telling you i've cried a few times thinking about it.:yikes:

16th April 2007, 20:50
Jeez mate that's horrendous! I can only echo all the good wishes from everyone else. Keep us posted as and when you can.

16th April 2007, 20:50
Thank :censored: you're okay!

I too hope you make a swift recovery!
Just glad you're up and walking though!

16th April 2007, 20:52
have a speedy recover sm.

16th April 2007, 20:56
Crikey...hope all goes well. I've obviously been to a number of games (even those at the top-level of the sport) where matches have had to be cancelled because of a serious spinal injury to one of the players, and all bar a few were caused by the same thing, a mis-timed tackle. It's nature's way of telling you you're getting too old and slow for this game! Time to hang up your boots, Sparky, and live the life of the ex-player propping up the corner of the bar.

Fortunately you had someone there with a bit of common-sense that prevented you from being moved. You sure you should be moving around now though? Your Douglas Bader impression is probably very funny to watch but don't overdo it without strict orders from the quacks!

Keep us up-to-date with developments.

16th April 2007, 20:58

Here's wishing you all the very best for a full & speedy recovery.

Kind regards


16th April 2007, 21:09
:ermmm I hate it when folk never finish a story.......did they score the penalty or not?

:peeky :Bolt:


16th April 2007, 21:24
bloody hell sparks, :yikes:
have a quick recovery.

16th April 2007, 21:31
Jeez Sparky, all the best for a speedy recovery, the sort of story that makes you go cold.


16th April 2007, 21:44
Shocking story.

All the best Sparky, get well soon buddy.


16th April 2007, 22:41
on the bright side they can't make you redundent while you're on the sick.
if you can spin this one out you could well be the last miner

16th April 2007, 22:56
I did the same kind of tackle once in a rugby game and even though there wasn't near the kind of damage done as yourself, it was pain beyond belief. That few seconds afterwards, when you think your neck is broken, is terrifying. I can't even imagine how bad it was for you. All the best and hopefully a full speedy recovery

16th April 2007, 23:01
Blimey, that sounds horrendous ! :yikes:
I'm amazed that you're out of hospital and walking about at all - heartfelt best wishes for a full and fast recovery :)

16th April 2007, 23:18
That's awful Sparky, can't imagine what you must have gone through. I broke my collarbone last week and that's bad enough being unable to use one arm for a while, pales into insignificance to what you are going through. Here's to a full and speedy recovery and here's to Johnny Gray :hic

17th April 2007, 01:04
Get well soon Spark....sounds like you and your family have been fortunate....:yikes:

17th April 2007, 09:14
:ermmm I hate it when folk never finish a story.......did they score the penalty or not?

He is finishing it...it's just gonna take him a few weeks to tap it all out, what with only being able to use one finger on the one hand for now :D

17th April 2007, 09:21
Sorry to hear that Sparky, but very glad you're surviving!

But was it in vain, did you win???

He is finishing it...it's just gonna take him a few weeks to tap it all out, what with only being able to use one finger on the one hand for now :D

If he's lost the use of his arms I don't want to think about what he's using to type...:icon_tong

17th April 2007, 09:29
thanks for all the good wishes ladies and gents.
I'm doing everything the quacks have told me to.
Mrs sparky won't let me at the pc because the angle of the keyboard together with the surgical collar i'm weariong makes me have to scrunch up, but i've told her it's therapeutic for me to discuss it. and she's tidying up at the moment:D
It will also be very therapetutic to put all me bets on this afternoon.:)
at the moment typing with one right forefinger, which looks like a walls pork sausage. i'm actually left handed.:rolleyes: :D

17th April 2007, 09:32
you're right glos. it is taking time to type, no he didn't score but he offloaded to another player who did score, but to give credit to buxton they immediately agreed to call off the game and let the result stand, so technically it was a match winning tackle.:D

17th April 2007, 09:36
Did you get the kiss of life???:yikes:

17th April 2007, 09:37
Did you get the kiss of life???:yikes:

no. the paramedic was gorgeous though.:)

17th April 2007, 10:02
With 29 other rugby players around I would have thought there would have been a queue! :D

17th April 2007, 10:05
she only had eyes for me though off.:)

17th April 2007, 10:06
That's not what I meant and you know it! :laugh

17th April 2007, 10:58
Speedy recovery Sparky, has your local got seat belts at the bar :thumbs

17th April 2007, 12:19
Sounds very nasty all the best and get well soon sparky

17th April 2007, 13:36
Hope you have a speedy recovery sparky

All the best

17th April 2007, 15:14
Maybe time for a change of hobby mate. Wishing you all the best for a full and speedy recovery

17th April 2007, 18:01
Speedy recovery Sparky, has your local got seat belts at the bar :thumbs
thats a brilliant idea:)

17th April 2007, 18:22
only just seen this sparky, make a swift and full recovery

17th April 2007, 23:41
Ditto all that was said before me, have a swift and complete recovery sparky

18th April 2007, 00:36
Sparky i have just read all of this and i hope you have a full recovery as a rugby player and coach I know how hard a game it is. Your have been unlucky and lucky at the same time if you know what i mean. At forty two it certainly makes me think about hanging up my boots again.

Hope you fully recover and get back to full fitness. Good luck!

18th April 2007, 01:07
Hope you get a full recovery soon Sparky :hearty

18th April 2007, 13:26
Just seen your post Sparky, must have been terrifying and thank :censored: you can tell the story. Really hope you make a complete and quick recovery, trust you'll be buying Johnny Gray a pint or 2, I'll even buy him one!!. Very best of luck Sparks:thumbs

19th April 2007, 15:51
A crate of beer has just arrived at my door.
Cheers Keith.:)

And thanks to everyone else for their goodwishes.:)

19th April 2007, 15:53
:thumbs :thumbs :thumbs :thumbs :thumbs :thumbs

I sent that on behalf of everyone on here.....now get it down yer neck & ::hump the empty bottles.....

19th April 2007, 20:36
Sorry to hear the news, Sparky. Very unfortunate and more so if you are forced to give up the game you love. Get well soon.

19th April 2007, 20:38
I can just picture the scene....

...Sparky surrounded by all that beer...

...but unable to remove any of the ringpulls :D

19th April 2007, 20:51
Espcially as they are all bottles :rolleyes:

19th April 2007, 20:57
but rugby players don't have any teeth do they? :yikes:

19th April 2007, 20:59
but rugby players don't have any teeth do they? :yikes:No, which is why they can give each other such good blow jobs :ooo

19th April 2007, 21:00
:thumbs :thumbs :thumbs :thumbs :thumbs :thumbs

I sent that on behalf of everyone on here.....now get it down yer neck & ::hump the empty bottles.....
very nice gesture :thumbs

19th April 2007, 21:24
.....now get it down yer neck...

i'll have to wait awhile 'til I come down off the high level painkillers.:geek :woohoo: :dunker :cuck :lickme

Iron Chris
19th April 2007, 21:27
Only just read all of this Sparky, all the best for a full recovery mate...:)

20th April 2007, 00:18
Take care sparky, do as you are told by doctor's and you will be fine, easily said than done I know. Just do it.

Take it easy.



20th April 2007, 09:52
just read what happened - a speedy recovery my friend :thumbs

and to kieth .......... nice gesture :thumbs

22nd April 2007, 20:17
sparky what is more dangerous the rugby or Kings Mill

22nd April 2007, 20:50
sparky what is more dangerous the rugby or Kings Mill

I'd say Kings mill - you can choke on that bread if you're not careful! :wink

22nd April 2007, 23:30
sparky what is more dangerous the rugby or Kings Mill

I have to say that I received fantastic care and attention from the ambulance staff right up to the consultants who were dragged in on thier weekends off. I couldn't have recieved any better care. Kings Mill and The Queens medical centre were brilliant. Thank god for the NHS.

23rd April 2007, 08:56
Thank god for the NHS.

:yikes: You can't say that on here....you'll have the Daily Mail readers accussing you of lying, and that the NHS is falling apart, and bankrupt.....all by people who have never had a serious illness to test the damn thing....:ermmm

Over 20 years of treatment for my problems, never once have I had any problems.

If idiots from drunken fights, small scratches on there finger, etc, stopped clogging up the damn hospitals, things would be much smoother at the front end.

I know a woman who was bitten by a budgie!! And rushed to A&E to see if she had rabbies :headbange

.....and look at Vegy....still normal after all those clinical trials......:rolleyes:

23rd April 2007, 12:27
:yikes: You can't say that on here....you'll have the Daily Mail readers accussing you of lying, and that the NHS is falling apart, and bankrupt.....all by people who have never had a serious illness to test the damn thing....:ermmm

Over 20 years of treatment for my problems, never once have I had any problems.

If idiots from drunken fights, small scratches on there finger, etc, stopped clogging up the damn hospitals, things would be much smoother at the front end.

I know a woman who was bitten by a budgie!! And rushed to A&E to see if she had rabbies :headbange

.....and look at Vegy....still normal after all those clinical trials......:rolleyes:

Come on, Keith, you know it isn't just Daily Mail readers who know the NHS is bankrupt and up to its eyes in debt. Every newspaper is saying the same thing, as are the news bulletins, and I for one am very thankful to the staff of Frenchay Hospital in Bristol for their prompt and professional treatment when my heart stopped and I had to have a Pacemaker fitted within the hour.

In emergencies, the nurses and doctors will always do their very best IN SPITE of the NHS, not because of it, most times with one hand tied behind their back.

We should thank them all!

23rd April 2007, 12:31
most times with one hand tied behind their back.

What did he examine my back passage with then?:icon_tong :yikes: :D

23rd April 2007, 12:50
Bit late on this one, only just read it.....open-mouthed :yikes: . I'd have probably died through fear if that happened to me!

And heres me whinging about a blister on me thumb this morning :splapme

Hope your feeling right soon mate :thumbs

23rd April 2007, 13:53
And heres me whinging about a blister on me thumb this morning :splapme

Hope your feeling right soon mate :thumbsI can't see any blister on that thumb :doh

23rd April 2007, 17:25
Come on, Keith, you know it isn't just Daily Mail readers who know the NHS is bankrupt and up to its eyes in debt.
About 20% of them yes, but that is probably about the same % for any business in the UK. Man U to mention one.

How's the now Sparky?

23rd April 2007, 18:14
If idiots from drunken fights, small scratches on there finger, etc, stopped clogging up the damn hospitals, things would be much smoother at the front end.

Very very true... something like 50% of all weekend A/E admissions are now drink related. Personally I think anyone who goes to A/E with a minor injury should be sent straight back to their own GP, and drunks / druggies made pay for their treatment - I've seen enough of it to know that some of these :censored: idiots get priority treatment over more pressing cases just to get rid of them out the department, and that just isn't right - but who can blame the staff... constantly being threatened and abused, often violently. I'd be tempted to carry a stun gun in my pocket, get them in a cubicle and zap the buggers...

23rd April 2007, 19:33
..and just for the record....I've never been in hospital after midnight due to alcohol....


....more than twice :rolleyes:

24th April 2007, 11:22
I've been for an outpatients visit today. some improvement in my left arm but not much in my left leg. signed me on the sick for another 5 weeks. Bring on the sunshine.:laugh
They showed me the MRI scans from last week, Wow, what a well constructed individual I am.:D. You could see the bruising of the spinal cord, the displaced vertebrae and the ligament damage around the disc. They don't think the damage is serious enough to require surgery to realign it.:woohoo:
And I don't have to wear the collar 24 / 7 anymore, only when my neck aches.
Another outpatients appointment in 5 weeks.:)

24th April 2007, 11:47
Great going Sparky.

Sounds like they are happy with you.

24th April 2007, 12:23
5 Weeks.....can't be having that.....if you can use the keyboard.....you can use a chisel.....now get back down that bloody mine :D

24th April 2007, 23:38
5 Weeks.....can't be having that.....if you can use the keyboard.....you can use a chisel.....now get back down that bloody mine :D

You could at least feed the canaries. They still have them, right? :D

25th April 2007, 08:14
You could at least feed the canaries. They still have them, right? :D

They put football teams down mines? :ooo

25th April 2007, 14:58
Glad to see you are on the mend Sparks :thumbs

26th April 2007, 12:16
What did he examine my back passage with then?:icon_tong :yikes: :D

Eh? He examines your back passage then fits a neck brace! :D :icon_tong
Dno't let this guy near me, whatever. :D

3rd May 2007, 09:32
You could at least feed the canaries. They still have them, right? :D

We've not had them for about 15 years.:)

Nice gesture from Piggy. A parcel of DVD's has arrived. Cheers mate.:thumbs :D

3rd May 2007, 10:17
hope you are up and running asap mate sorry to hear what happened and i'll have a pint for you this week in ho chi min city


3rd May 2007, 10:20
hope you are up and running asap mate sorry to hear what happened and i'll have a pint for you this week in ho chi min city


Cheers Tony.
Didn't that used to be Saigon.:)

3rd May 2007, 10:47
yes saigon thats the place

saigon is actually a district of ho chi min city now and the name still exists


17th September 2007, 16:21
Went to see the consultant last week. He's not happy with the speed of my recovery. I've got to go for another MRI scan to see if the spinal cord is permanently damaged or if there is insufficient room in the spinal canal for the cord with it's scar tissue.:(
So still not at work, I could do light work but the colliery won't let me start back until I'm fit enough to go back underground.:mad:

17th September 2007, 17:14
You're still on full pay though aren't you Sparks??? I know at our place, if you're off ill for more than 4 or 6 months in a year - your pay drops significantly!!! :ooo

Do you know when your scan will be?

18th September 2007, 00:47
Good Luck Sparky, I hope it all works out well for you, It must be tough on you and your family. Keep your chin up, it's amazing what these medics can do now.:thumbs:thumbs:thumbs

18th September 2007, 00:48
it's amazing what these medics can do now.:thumbs:thumbs:thumbs

Just ask the McCans :laugh

18th September 2007, 01:47
You're still on full pay though aren't you Sparks??? I know at our place, if you're off ill for more than 4 or 6 months in a year - your pay drops significantly!!! :ooo

Do you know when your scan will be?

No mate. I've been on SSP since July 2nd.:(
There is a 3 month waiting list for a MRI scan but they put it down as urgent so it should only be a month. However I've found out that our union has a Welfare sheme which will pay for me to have the scan done privately. Being the hypocrite socialist as I am, I'm going for the latter option.:D

18th September 2007, 08:18
i hope the scan gives you some good news mate

18th September 2007, 08:35
I hope the scan doesn't show your missing a leg! :doh

10th October 2007, 14:00
I've had the scan.
The cord is permanently damaged. I can't ever go underground again. The consultant has said I must retrain because I can't do manual work anymore. I need him to clarify wether it's just underground where I can't work or any manual work. He also said the only exercise I'm allowed to do is gentle swimming.

10th October 2007, 14:03
Sorry to hear that Sparks...not meaning to ask a stupid question...but how do you feel about that?

10th October 2007, 14:04
That's a bugger Sparx, sorry to hear that.

Can you claim any sort of compensation?

10th October 2007, 14:08
That's a bugger Sparx, sorry to hear that.

Can you claim any sort of compensation?

There's some insurance from the rfu but I don't think it's that much.

but how do you feel about that?

I'm not sure Fade, could be a blessing in disguise. If I qualify for ill heath retirement then I can pick and choose what to do next, knowing I've got my pension to fall back on but that's all still being discussed at the moment.

10th October 2007, 14:11
Could be an opportunity alright...maybe for you to do something that you've always wanted to do but never thought you'd get a chance...that's a stab in the dark (excuse the pun) but fair play to you for looking for a positive anyway

10th October 2007, 14:12
There's some insurance from the rfu but I don't think it's that much.

Wil it have much effect on your general home life Sparks?

I'm really sorry to hear that it's come to that Sparks.. we all know how much you enjoyed your job!

Street cry
10th October 2007, 14:16
Sorry that you can't continue underground Sparks and that you have permanent damage i hope you find something that you enjoy and that keeps you in a good standard of living.
I hope that you can also do most of the things you enjoy in life, at least you can still post on here saying that only a labotamy would prevent that and even that didn't stop Vegy ha ha.
anyway All the best mate SC

10th October 2007, 14:31
Really sorry to hear that you're unlikely to make a full recovery Sparky - real bummer. Ditto what the other guys have said about your positive approach, good on ya. Does kind of show how right your buddy pitch side was when he bellowed instructions not to move you.

Very best of luck with whatever you decide as your next move - some great outcomes are derived from forced change. Cheers Vic

10th October 2007, 15:34
What Vic and the others said and I'm sure you will make the best of whatever happens.

10th October 2007, 15:47
Without doubt an opportunity.......in my opinion....

Good Luck….

PS: Don’t think pimping is classed as manual work…

10th October 2007, 16:21
Plenty of work for minor's on the Internet :rolleyes:

10th October 2007, 17:04
Sorry to hear that Sparky, must have hit you for six even if you were half expecting bad news with the recovery being slow.

Like everyone's saying, great to see you being positive. Maybe a career in rugby management is beckoning :D

10th October 2007, 19:23
Maybe a career in rugby management is beckoning :D

How about the Welsh job?

11th October 2007, 10:44
Very sorry to hear you've had bad news Sparky - guess it's going to take a while for it to sink in and to explore all your options, but I hope that once the dust has settled you'll find everything works out well .... one door closes another opens etc. - if that's not too cheesy ! :D
Also hope you feel ok physically and that the permanent damage doesn't mean permanent pain or discomfort.

All the best, and take good care ! :thumbs

11th October 2007, 13:03
Ditto what the others say Sparky.

11th October 2007, 23:34
So sorry to hear that Sparks.

Best of luck in whatever you decide to do in the future mate.

28th November 2007, 15:46
I've been offered the Asset Manager's job at work.
Start back Monday at 6am.:yikes:
It's a drop in money from my previous job but still vastly superior to Incapacity Benefit.:)

28th November 2007, 15:56
Assuming you want the job and it's not a glorified teaboy job then congratulations Sparky. Hope it all works out well for in the future with the new role

28th November 2007, 16:09
It's in charge of the Collieries maintenance scheme and ensuring equipment is where it's supposed to be when it's supposed to be there.
Not a teaboy, but I get my own office.:)

Street cry
28th November 2007, 16:43
good on ya sparky all the best for ya return to the fray

28th November 2007, 16:49
Fair play to ya mate.

28th November 2007, 16:56
Fancy a game of rugby Sparks.......get you back on the sick? :yikes:

28th November 2007, 21:05
Nice one, Sparky. I'm glad to hear you've made a good recovery from your terrible accident. I hope it all goes well for you.

Iron Chris
28th November 2007, 21:49
Nice one Sparky, good luck...:thumbs

28th November 2007, 22:13
Thats great news Sparky, hope it all goes well.

28th November 2007, 22:34
Great news mate, well chuffed for you!

29th November 2007, 11:07
Great to hear some good news ! All the best in the new job :thumbs

29th November 2007, 11:15
I've been offered the Asset Manager's job at work.

Asset Manager - Same line of work as me! :thumbs

29th November 2007, 13:11
Asset Manager - Same line of work as me! :thumbs

Emphasis on the ASS :D

29th November 2007, 19:48
Asset Manager - Same line of work as me! :thumbs

What's the spot price on a 2MVA dry transformer OFF?:D

29th November 2007, 20:51
Three phase or step down?

29th November 2007, 23:12
Depends on the EBITDA, FX and PE. :wink

30th November 2007, 01:14
Three phase or step down?


30th November 2007, 19:20
nice one sparky pleased to hear things working out.

12th April 2008, 16:42
It's a year today since my accident.:yikes::thumbs:D

12th April 2008, 17:52
Happy Aniversary Sparky :doh, how are you doing now mobility wise, hope you are firing on more than three cylinders :wiggle:.

12th April 2008, 18:13
Has it really been a year?

Are you able to show the missus what she has been missing yet? :D

12th April 2008, 18:39
Are you able to show the missus what she has been missing yet? :D
Why would he be showing your missus what she has been missing? Apart from satisfaction? :wink

4th August 2008, 23:00
Quick update.
Not much has changed except I've got a new job. Well, when I say new job; it's a new role on top of my existing job. I'm now , Planning co-ordinator.:doh as well as Asset Manager and Section 13 (1) (d) officer. What a title. 3 jobs, same money though. That's why I don't get on here so much I'm always knackered. I pop in to try and keep abreast of things. I've launched a cunning, long term plan, ready for when we move to the new colliery.
I'll keep you informed.:wink:D

5th August 2008, 10:13
Bring on NUCLEAR :D

5th August 2008, 10:18
Bring on NUCLEAR :D

I thought it was Nookylar..... at least that's how the 'leader of the free world' says it?

5th August 2008, 11:39
Good for you Sparky for getting on with a job, unlike so many benefits scroungers. Just bumped into a man I know in my nearest little town - aged late forties, been on 'incapacity' benefits for 6 years because of a soft doctor who never saw him, just re-signed the forms. Suddenly, that doc retired, new young GP said he wasn`t signing anything, guy is perfectly capable of doing a job so long as it does not require heavy lifting. He`s bleating and screeching, blaming the system, blaming everything, He has been offered 3 jobs locally - one stock checking, one on the gate at a small factory, sitting in a nice warm box all day lifting the gates open by pressing a button, and one in the local min-market. On various grounds he`s turned them all down and his wife is now doing TWO jobs to keep them. He walks 1 mile every day to get his paper and fags and he seems to keep the British Legion club going all on his own. He has now got the idea that he has ME and will start claiming for that. Meanwhile, he is, of course, changing his GP to make sure he gets another soft touch. How do these people play the system as they do ? How can he live with himself while his wife runs the house, does everything - he`s bone idle - works early mornings in the paper shop and the rest of the time in shifts in a care home ? I bet you anything you like he manages to get back on the Benefit. All suggestions as to what to do withn people like him welcome .. so long as they`re not too violent. :hearty

5th August 2008, 11:46
:doh Welcome to Susan's Party Political Broadcast on behalf of the Scroungers Party :rolleyes:

5th August 2008, 11:54
All suggestions as to what to do withn people like him welcome .. so long as they`re not too violent. :heartyI have a few suggestions...
Let him move in with you.
Write him into your will
Shag him senseless
Give him a stern talking to
Write to your MP
Write to my MP
Write to all the MPs
Write to the broadsheet newspapers
Train to be a GP and then take him on as a patient
Pray that God will show him the error of his ways
Have a word with the manager and staff of the British Legion
Offer to collect his cigarettes and newspaper for him each morning
Stop paying your taxes then he's not robbing you by claiming benefits
Try to beat him at his own game by claiming more benefits than he can

5th August 2008, 16:44
I hated claiming benefits but they did help, I couldn't have done it as a lifestyle choice though.:yikes: The people in the 'Benefit Office' were really helpful. They seem to have a bad name but they couldn't do enough for me, perhaps it's because I was a genuine case. One really worrying aspect was the people at HMRC. I had to deal with them for Tax credit thingies. My god, those people are so f***ing dense it's unbelievable. No wonder they lose discs, pay benefits to pet rabbits and tax new born babies. Pray to whatever god you have, that you don't have to deal with them.:splapme

25th February 2009, 19:34
I've got a new job. A proper new job.
I'll be leaving the mines next month and I'll be mostly working in................................sewage.:yikes:
I'm going to be the UK Maintenance manager for a company called c2c services.
They provide water supply and waste water services to all MOD facilities from Cumbria down to Kent.

25th February 2009, 19:45
Congratulations mate :thumbs:thumbs

25th February 2009, 19:47
to all MOD facilities....
I always said the forum Mods talked sewage :D

25th February 2009, 19:51
Fantastic news fella, congratulations. Good luck in your new job - when you starting?

25th February 2009, 19:54
Fantastic news fella, congratulations. Good luck in your new job - when you starting?
March 23rd latest.
Could be as early as March 9th, if they let me take voluntary redundancy.:D

25th February 2009, 21:47
You need Cheltenham week off!!!!!!!!!!!!!

25th February 2009, 21:51
congratulations Sparky

25th February 2009, 22:29
Great news Sparky - from a crap job underground to erm.... a job with underground crap. Congrats mate, hope it all goes well ! :)

26th February 2009, 00:47
Nice one Sparky

26th February 2009, 22:46
I've got a new job. A proper new job.
I'll be leaving the mines next month and I'll be mostly working in................................sewage.:yikes:
I'm going to be the UK Maintenance manager for a company called c2c services.
They provide water supply and waste water services to all MOD facilities from Cumbria down to Kent.

c"c services. That's a south eastern train operator. I suppose with their service, they could be described as sewage! :D

Good on you Sparky, and does this mean that you will no longer be promoting coal as an energy source! :D

26th February 2009, 22:48
Burning sewage is good :)

27th February 2009, 20:28
You need Cheltenham week off!!!!!!!!!!!!!They're already in 't tin.:D

Good on you Sparky, and does this mean that you will no longer be promoting coal as an energy source!
I'll still continue to promote it Vegy. It's daft not to. We're sat on enough coal to be self sufficient in energy for 300 years. If they gave the coal industry the same support as the banks, we could burn it quite environmentally friendly and pay consumers to take the electricity of us.:thumbs

Burning sewage is good
We already do burn the sewage Keith in a round about way. We digest the sewage sludge, burn the methane and give the residue to farmers as fertiliser. If the EU continue to ban various fertilisers etc etc. We'll soon be able to charge for it.:)

27th February 2009, 20:29
Oh yeah, Thanks for all the good wishes everyone.:)

9th May 2009, 10:26
It's me again.
I've started the new job.
Crikey there's a lot more to do than even I imagined!
But it's very interesting.
I've become a corporate tart.
I've got a company credit card, hotel chain card, petrol card, in fact if there's a card been made I've probably had it issued to me.
I've also been given the Maintenance budget. £1.1M pounds.:yikes::D:thumbs
That'll look well in the Betfair account.:)
Not that I've even looked at a race for yonks, things will settle down once I've whipped everyone into shape. Oooer. Fill in your own innuendo!:wink

9th May 2009, 10:28
Given the nature of your new job, shouldn't you be SparkyMinger now? :D

9th May 2009, 10:29
I've also been given the Maintenance budget. £1.1M pounds.:yikes::D:thumbs
That'll look well in the Betfair account.:)

Don't forget to claim for bath plugs & Kit Kats :rolleyes:

Street cry
9th May 2009, 10:32

Don't forget to claim for but plugs & Kit Kats :rolleyes:


9th May 2009, 10:34
Given the nature of your new job, shouldn't you be SparkyMinger now? :D

I'll keep my current non de plume for the moment if that's alright?:wiggle:

9th May 2009, 10:35
If everyone had buttplugs SC I'd be out of a job!:)

9th May 2009, 10:39
I've also been given the Maintenance budget. £1.1M pounds.:yikes::D:thumbsIs that for running repairs on your body after the rugby injuries? :doh

9th May 2009, 10:41
Is that for running repairs on your body after the rugby injuries? :doh

It wouldn't be enough Mat!:wink

9th May 2009, 10:57
I'll keep my current non de plume for the moment if that's alright?:wiggle:

it's the plume I'm worried about !

10th October 2009, 08:05
Hi chaps.
Just thought I'd pop in and say hello.
How is everyone? Hope your are all well. Piggy's ear excepted!:) I'm still incredibly busy. Very little time for betting. I made a little on the cricket but not got time to do the gee-gees!
I must try to visit more often! Just to bring some intelligence, wit and repartee back to the forum. I take it Vegy's still around? :D

10th October 2009, 08:43
I take it Vegy's still around? :D
When they let him out, yes! :rolleyes:

How's the new job then? Where's our pint? :D

10th October 2009, 12:31
Good to hear from you mate, hope everthing's going well! :thumbs

7th January 2010, 00:33
I miss Sparky around the forum. Please try and come back more often Mr Miner! I know he left a message in the Christmas thread, but I don't want him to become a Win2Win Turkey, i.e Making an appearance once a year!