View Full Version : RP Racecard Extractor

9th May 2007, 09:29
I might be being a little naughty here and pinching Keith's forum area but I'm sure he'll forgive me.

RP Racecard Extractor
It's an Excel-based utility that will download the Racing Post racecards and convert them to Excel format.

It was designed to allow me to then develop further software to query the racecards and apply system rules to them to find the qualifiers for a number of systems. Finding these qualifiers manually takes time and means you are prone to human error. Using a computer means you can do it all in seconds and be right every time. Of course, applying these systematic rules to the RP website is not easy, hence the Excel format racecards.

The RP Racecard Extractor is written in VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) within Excel. Unfortunately this means it won't work for anyone running Open Office as I don't think that supports VBA. Sorry.

Without giving away all my secrets the extractor works by downloading the HTML source for the RP racecards and stripping out all the adverts, fancy formatting etc and then reapplying Excel-style formatting to produce a nice looking racecard.

Sample racecards
The attached compressed workbook shows the cards for Wednesday 9th May as produced by the RP Racecard Extractor. It can be uncompressed with Winrar.

I have tried to reproduce all the information from the Racing Post racecards, or at least all the information that I think is relevant. As well as the basic info on each horse (racecard number, weight, draw, days since last run, jockey, trainer etc etc.) I have managed to preserve the links to horse form, stallion and dam stats plus trainer and jockey stats also. For each race I also include the full betting forecast and the Spotlight verdict.

This software was only ever really produced for my own needs but I am starting to see that it would be useful for others, mainly to help them get their system qualifiers out in the same way that I do. So at present the RP Racecard Extractor is only available on my PCs. However, once I have added in a bit more functionality (updating of the results) then I would be happy for others to have a copy in return for a small donation for the time and effort that has gone into it.

No software is without its limitations. Here are mine:

You must have a Racing Post account
You must be logged in to the RP website to extract the racecards
Historical racecards are NOT available
The utility doesn't update with results (soon to be resolved)
RP Racecard Extractor is offered as is, with no support (limited support at best)

Some of those limitations are down to the way the RP site works so you can't blame me for those. I have tried to make it as easy as possible in terms of logging in to the RP site by including an embedded browser in the utility so you can (and should) log in to the website that way.

As for the lack of support - I will do my best to fix any bugs that are spotted and provide help along the way but it is not my intention to spend my evenings answering support issues on this software having already spent a lot of time writing it. It does a job and works sufficiently well - I know that because I have been using it for a while now.

Any questions?
If you have any questions feel free to ask away and I will do my best to answer them.


9th May 2007, 10:03
How do you pull the qualifiers out of the cards Mat ?

You mentioned elsewhere that it takes you just a few mins for the NH Quickfire. I am missing lots of selections because I dont have the time to do it everyday.

If it can help me Id be happy to make some sort of donation, it must have taken you a while to do this.

9th May 2007, 10:12
That's great Mat. Even without software to pull the qualifiers from a system it's a much easier format to see and read and pick the days qualifiers from all in one sheet. :)

9th May 2007, 10:25
How do you pull the qualifiers out of the cards Mat ?

You mentioned elsewhere that it takes you just a few mins for the NH Quickfire. I am missing lots of selections because I dont have the time to do it everyday.

If it can help me Id be happy to make some sort of donation, it must have taken you a while to do this.I have a separate spreadsheet that uses the day's cards and runs VBA over the cards to apply the rules. I'd say it does the NH Quickfire, Flat Quickfire, Lay'em, NH Profit Machine, Jumping for Profit, Running for Profit and 3 or 4 other systems in under 5 seconds.

Unfortunately I can't post the second spreadsheet at this stage as it contains all the code to output qualifiers for all the above systems and were I to post that then everyone has Keith's systems for nowt.

As I said in the W2W systems chat thread, I think the fairest thing for me to do is to supply the System Qualifiers utility without any system rules in it and then ask that you supply me with the rules of the system you want coding up and I'll do it. I don't need to know where the rules have come from. They may be a W2W system, they may not. It makes little difference to me. That way I can supply you with the code for the systems you specify and I don't get into trouble for giving away secrets.

Let me try and have a word with Keith when he's not gallivanting around the USA and I'll confirm all of this as soon as I can.

9th May 2007, 10:56
As I said in the W2W systems chat thread, I think the fairest thing for me to do is to supply the System Qualifiers utility without any system rules in it and then ask that you supply me with the rules of the system you want coding up and I'll do it. I don't need to know where the rules have come from. They may be a W2W system, they may not. It makes little difference to me. That way I can supply you with the code for the systems you specify and I don't get into trouble for giving away secrets.

Let me try and have a word with Keith when he's not gallivanting around the USA and I'll confirm all of this as soon as I can.

Brilliant Mat, if its any help in your discussions with Keith I would probably add the Flat Quickfire and Jumping for Profit systems to my portfolio if I could get all the qualifiers as easy as that :wink. At the moment I dont have the time to take them on.

9th May 2007, 11:07
Jonny, Are you going to offer Mat a vice presidents position in your company rather than a donation! :D

9th May 2007, 11:59
Jonny, Are you going to offer Mat a vice presidents position in your company rather than a donation! :D

I could do with some IT improvements here.....only problem is he'd be on Betfair too often! :D

10th May 2007, 00:40
Note that system rules can only apply to what can be extracted from the RP website and not from other websites unless Mat is willing to try and add that too!!! :yikes: As in using the Adrian Massey ratings as part of a system.

10th May 2007, 08:45

I too spend a lot of time each evening scanning the RP online for system qualifiers.

These programs would be a real help and would be very interested if you get this up & running



10th May 2007, 09:20
Note that system rules can only apply to what can be extracted from the RP website and not from other websites unless Mat is willing to try and add that too!!! :yikes: As in using the Adrian Massey ratings as part of a system.Hell no. This is a one-time only deal and it's the Racing Post website only. I haven't even looked at Massey's site - I have never found the need. And while this software is only a merry little sideline for me and not part of my main income I will not be writing bespoke software to extract info from other websites. And don't even ask about Sporting Life! I used to use their cards when I did the qualifiers manually because you don't need to log in and that, but the website is a proper bugger to navigate through VBA so I didn't even attempt it.

10th May 2007, 09:50
took me nearly 1/2 and hour to do the Nh Quicks and Flat Layems last night, very frustrating clicking in and out of each racecard on a small laptop with touchpad. Im waiting with baited breath Mat :happyboun

10th May 2007, 12:30
Matt, only just spotted this and it looks like a fantastic timesaver. I use OE, but I'd get excel if needs be. I'd hazard a guess that it does not work in the basic 'microsoft works' spreadsheet that came with my pc?

10th May 2007, 12:33
Matt, only just spotted this and it looks like a fantastic timesaver. I use OE, but I'd get excel if needs be. I'd hazard a guess that it does not work in the basic 'microsoft works' spreadsheet that came with my pc?I would hazard the same guess. I don't think Works supports VBA and without this none of this can be done.

10th May 2007, 13:45
Apart from programming the rules in yourself to extract the qualifiers from Mats excellent software, which would take you less than a week to learn, their are no current plans to release it for automated 'Win2Win for sale 'system.

11th May 2007, 13:03
mathare what is the procedure to obtain this software ?

11th May 2007, 13:06
mathare what is the procedure to obtain this software ?The basic RP Racecard Extractor should hopefully be available sometime in the next week or so. It's dependent on me staying off the poker tables and doing some coding to finish it off :ooo

The system qualifiers stuff - I am still in negotiation with Keith over. Talks are progressing, shall we say :wink

11th May 2007, 13:17
The basic RP Racecard Extractor should hopefully be available sometime in the next week or so. It's dependent on me staying off the poker tables and doing some coding to finish it off :ooo

The system qualifiers stuff - I am still in negotiation with Keith over. Talks are progressing, shall we say :wink

nice one, I think id be interested for maybe 5 of keith systems :wiggle:

16th May 2007, 14:53
Hi, any ideas why I can't download the attachtment. Its says something about not having enough privliveges (spelling!). Do I need to be approved by a moderator before I can view/download attachments from this forum.

16th May 2007, 18:59
Hi, any ideas why I can't download the attachtment. Its says something about not having enough privliveges (spelling!). Do I need to be approved by a moderator before I can view/download attachments from this forum.You shouldn't need to be approved by anyone. It's possible that the measures put in place to reduce the number of spammers we get are causing the problems. Can you post either a screen grab of the error or the exact text?

In the meantime I can send a copy of the attachment to your registered e-mail address if that is any use to you...

16th May 2007, 20:20
You need 15 posts.....

16th May 2007, 20:22
Do I need to do something to download .rar files? It keeps prompting me to select a program

16th May 2007, 20:28
Winrar, winzip or Winace

16th May 2007, 20:29
Do I need to do something to download .rar files? It keeps prompting me to select a programDownloading it should be fine. To open it you need WinRAR or something compatible. Not sure if WinAce or WinZip open them

16th May 2007, 20:34
Downloaded Winrar and that worked thanks Keith.

Mat, I opened the file with OE and it was fine. It asked me if I wanted to include the macros and I said yes.

Does this mean your main program will work on OE? (and what is a macro? :peeky )

16th May 2007, 20:46
Mat, I opened the file with OE and it was fine. It asked me if I wanted to include the macros and I said yes.

Does this mean your main program will work on OE? (and what is a macro? :peeky )What's OE? To me that means Outlook Express but that makes NO sense at all here.

You were right to say yes to the macros. Without them you can't run any of the functions, just look at the previously-generated output. Does that mean it will work in anything other than Excel? I honestly cannot be sure and have no plans to check such things. If it does and that's good but if not I will not be recoding it so that it is compatible.

What's a macro? It's an embedded program within the spreadsheet (in this case, but it could be within a word doc or whatever) that in this case manipulates a load of date and formats it for better readability and handling. But macros can be used to automate pretty much any task in Excel, Word etc. If you needed to colour every other cell in a large range in Excel pink then you wouldn't do it by hand, it'd take far too long. You'd write a short macro to do it for you.

16th May 2007, 20:53
Open Errifice!!

16th May 2007, 21:24
I've added the functionality to download the results from the RP site now also.

One thing I haven't done though is include Irish racecards as this was primarily designed to give me something to query for UK-based systems. Would there be any demand for the Irish cards as well?

16th May 2007, 21:42
Probably only from me but I've been a thorn in your side for long enough!

16th May 2007, 21:46
Probably only from me but I've been a thorn in your side for long enough!:laugh

17th May 2007, 08:56
mathare,hope you haye been staying of the poker tables:)
today was a real headache for the nh qualifers.i need a copy
for keiths 14 systems :ooo please

17th May 2007, 09:06
mathare,hope you haye been staying of the poker tables:)I wish I had been but I haven't and I'm suffering because of it but that's another story for another day.

17th May 2007, 11:19
mathare if you could please send me the attachment via my email I would be grateful. It may take a few more days for me get 15 posts. Cheers:thumbs

20th May 2007, 21:37
Please matt....I spend hours updating and checking for the qualifiers each day. I'd gladly pay you.....

I have all of Keiths packages....

Any idea when you will sell it on?

Cheers - Nick :thumbs

20th May 2007, 21:45
Keith and I are just ironing out the details. Hopefully have more news for you soon :)

20th May 2007, 22:02
We only have one iron so have to share :)

Not all the systems can be automated though, unless we lock Mat in a room with a naked Vegy and not allow him out until it's done!!!

PS. Don't sound too desperate, we may charge more :laugh

25th May 2007, 18:11
Hi everyone, just become a member here and it looks a wonderfull forum.

Mathare if you could please send me the attachment via my email I would be grateful. I want to check the available information you are extracting from RP cards, I think i'll be intrested geting it.
Good luck everyone .

25th May 2007, 22:21
OK, time to come clean. Due to the RP's copyright terms and conditions I CANNOT offer a tool that extracts their racecard information and displays it in Excel format :(

That's the bad news. The good news is I can code round it and still rewrite the software that automatically produces the lists of system qualifiers.

I'm at poker school this weekend but I assume there is still interest in such a tool, yeah?

25th May 2007, 22:36
Mathare will we be able use our own systems with this software or just Keiths systems?

If yes would we be able to do this or would you have to code it for us?



25th May 2007, 22:38
Mathare will we be able use our own systems with this software or just Keiths systems?

If yes would we be able to do this or would you have to code it for us?Initially at least any system can be coded up but I'd need to code it up as there seems no easy way of protecting my own code and allowing you to add your own code all the while staying within the RP's copyright terms and conditions.

28th May 2007, 07:28
Matt - I'm still interested in it.

28th May 2007, 08:20
We're still putting the business together :)

28th May 2007, 10:54
We're still putting the business together :)Very true.

I think I said earlier that I needed to be kept off the poker tables if this was to be finished. I had grand plans for this weekend but instead of working on this I ended up on a 2-day poker bootcamp up in London. Today though, I promise I'll make significant strides towards getting it finished.

30th May 2007, 10:26
Im definitely on the waiting list :wink

30th May 2007, 20:36
me three :D

30th May 2007, 20:42
It won't be free....poor Mat has to program it all.

30th May 2007, 20:49
:laugh i know that :)

30th May 2007, 20:51
He only started it as something simple.....I've got him working on reprogramming Vista by the looks of it :laugh

30th May 2007, 22:05
He only started it as something simple.....I've got him working on reprogramming Vista by the looks of it :laugh:laugh

It wouldn't take long if I didn't keep getting distracted by the internet. I have spent the past hour or more looking for a new watch

30th May 2007, 22:13
Watch - I used this guy the other month. Excellent deal. All original stuff, no rip-off. http://stores.ebay.co.uk/CheapestOnPlanet-RK-Group Paid £124, for a £230 Seiko Titanium.

30th May 2007, 22:30
Worth knowing - cheers boss

31st May 2007, 23:51
I've only just joined and this is post #2, I hope it isn't too infuriating. Here goes:

mathare, would it be possible to adapt/use RP Racecard Extractor to scan greyhound racecards?

I know I'm getting ahead of everything here but it just so happens I've been energetically looking for a solution to this for the last week, and mainly it's been a :headbange so I just have to ask...

Btw, I love this statement I found at your website:-

"North East Lincolnshire - where normal is abnormal, where everything fails"

a great antidote to the PC verbiage from NELC :thumbs



1st June 2007, 08:54
We're still doing the Horsey version......it's basically for automating systems, and we don't have any greyhound ones.

1st June 2007, 08:57
We're still doing the Horsey version......it's basically for automating systems, and we don't have any greyhound ones.Yeah, what he said

1st June 2007, 11:41
What is the recommended easiest platform to write software that can extract data from a certain site :D with written rule to find qualiers ?
I've been seeing visual basic about and then I see somewhere where keith says visual studio, which is it ? Thanks

1st June 2007, 11:45
What is the recommended easiest platform to write software that can extract data from a certain site :D with written rule to find qualiers ?How long's a piece of string?

What programming experience do you have already? What data do you want to extract? How do you want to display it? What do you want to do with it afterwards?

1st June 2007, 12:03
How long's a piece of string?

What programming experience do you have already? What data do you want to extract? How do you want to display it? What do you want to do with it afterwards?

damn, been doing abit of java at uni but it doesnt register with me so really no programming experience. Want to extract all visible data on a race card and display it exactly how it is on excel. I guessing I need more questions, cause I have no idea where to start. All i know is that i want to be able to write a program that can find qualifiers :ooo

1st June 2007, 15:03
You could just pay Mat to do it when we've got it setup. It'll be sooner if he stopped wasting time posting :laugh

1st June 2007, 16:38
You could just pay Mat to do it when we've got it setup. It'll be sooner if he stopped wasting time posting :laughYeah yeah :)

Football this evening but this gets my full attention tomorrow and I hope to have my stuff complete and bug-free by the end of the weekend. I know I keep saying this but we are nearly there folks, just bear with me

1st June 2007, 16:43
Yeah yeah :)

Football this evening but this gets my full attention tomorrow and I hope to have my stuff complete and bug-free by the end of the weekend. I know I keep saying this but we are nearly there folks, just bear with me


1st June 2007, 17:05
Then I have to put all the info together when I'm free :rolleyes:

2nd June 2007, 00:56
How long's a piece of string?

C'mon Mat, everyone knows that a piece of string is twice the distance from the centre to one end.:ermmm

2nd June 2007, 01:08
C'mon Mat, everyone knows that a piece of string is twice the distance from the centre to one end.:ermmmAhhh, but which end? :wink

2nd June 2007, 01:35
both ends :rolleyes: up late mathare must have plenty of
time on your hands :wink

2nd June 2007, 08:25
Incontinence :)

2nd June 2007, 14:22
Yeah, what he said
Sure, I understand.

But could I contact you later, (i.e., after the horsey version is ironed out) about a piece of bespoke programming?

No rush to reply on this - I know you're busy. :)



3rd June 2007, 08:55
Incontinence :)


3rd June 2007, 09:07
But could I contact you later, (i.e., after the horsey version is ironed out) about a piece of bespoke programming?

Try here http://www.google.co.uk/search?num=50&hl=en&newwindow=1&safe=off&q=html+parsing+excel

A one off script by Mat would not be cheap, as this one has taken a couple of weeks, but we know we can spread the cost out so Win2Win horsey folk pay as little as possible.

4th June 2007, 12:10
Try here http://www.google.co.uk/search?num=50&hl=en&newwindow=1&safe=off&q=html+parsing+excel

A one off script by Mat would not be cheap, as this one has taken a couple of weeks, but we know we can spread the cost out so Win2Win horsey folk pay as little as possible.

Thanks for the Google link Keith - I did have an intensive search last week without much success, so hopefully your word combination will work better.

Yup, I know good coding isn't cheap, (I've had one quote of £500) so I'll have to be careful with the housekeeping money :laugh



4th June 2007, 19:55
A quick question for all/any interested parties (and I do mean quick as I'm going to take a representative answer from your views this evening) on this new tool I'm writing (still!). It's a user interface issue so you can tell the guts of the thing are at least all written and tested :)

Look at the attachment to this post and answer the following questions:
How many qualifiers are there in each system?
How many horses should be layed?
How many should be backed?

They are not trick questions. I want to see how you interpret the proposed output of Auto-Sys.

4th June 2007, 20:17

System A - 5
System B - 10
System C - 2
System D - 4
System E - 4

Horses to lay - 15

Horses to back - 10

4th June 2007, 20:23
How many must be finished manually?

4th June 2007, 20:23
system A 5
system B 10
system C 2
system D 4
system E 4

Lays 15

Backs 10

Looks like I got same as Jonah not sure whether thats good or not

4th June 2007, 21:03
Hmm, looks like Keith may have a point ;fire

4th June 2007, 21:57
Voted most helpful forum member - W2W Awards 2007

Now if you want to win again.....:D

4th June 2007, 22:08
The correct answers were:
Q. How many qualifiers are there in each system?
System A: 5
System B: At least 9, maybe 10
System C: Anything from 0 to 2
System D: 4
System E: Anything from 0 to 4

Q. How many horses should be layed?
14, maybe 15

Q. How many should be backed?
At least 4 but perhaps as many as 10

You got the back/lay bit so I am happy with that. But the last column seems to have thrown you. The IF... column states conditions that have to be met for the horse to be a qualifier in that system. For example, Camilla only qualifies for System B if she was beaten by 10 lengths or more last time out. If not, she doesn't qualify. Similarly for the other horses for which that coloumn is populated.

Does that make sense? I can only assume it wasn't obvious (which I why I asked the questions in the first place) but is it clearer now?

How can it be made more obvious to people? All suggestions welcome (although I reserve the right to ignore them, naturally :laugh)

4th June 2007, 22:18
The IF... column states conditions that have to be met for the horse to be a qualifier in that system.

It makes sense Mat, I think it was just a case of we didn't know the format of it. Maybe just a note on the page stating the paragraph above would do it.

4th June 2007, 22:21
It actually makes a lot of sense Mat

4th June 2007, 22:40
It actually makes a lot of sense Mat

It makes sense Mat, I think it was just a case of we didn't know the format of it. Maybe just a note on the page stating the paragraph above would do it.Cheers fellas. If there was an FAQ/Help sheet in the workbook explaining the format would that help? I am keen to keep the output as uncluttered as possible.

You'd read an FAQ sheet if all you had to do was click the sheet tab and see the text written there - right?

4th June 2007, 23:01
Usability Testing*. I like! :)

*I think this is usability testing.

4th June 2007, 23:05
Usability Testing*. I like! :)

*I think this is usability testing.Almost John. This is user consultation.

Or getting someone else to design it for you :peeky

4th June 2007, 23:09
I'll do it for 400K. :laugh

4th June 2007, 23:27
Cheers fellas. If there was an FAQ/Help sheet in the workbook explaining the format would that help? I am keen to keep the output as uncluttered as possible.

You'd read an FAQ sheet if all you had to do was click the sheet tab and see the text written there - right?

I'd think that would be a very helpful addition to it Mat

5th June 2007, 08:34
Usability Testing*. I like! :)

*I think this is usability testing.

I've told him to change it to TAHOMA for you John :thumbs

5th June 2007, 08:39
My idea would be help bubbles, that way the page isn't cluttered. Click the little "?" and they appear....like this;


Scripts are availabe for free, I have the html one, and may incorporate it into this site to hide the help info.

5th June 2007, 08:41
I can't even open the file, mama mia.....:splapme

5th June 2007, 08:43
I can't even open the file, mama mia.....:splapme

Wait network security blocked the file, got it now, I'm catching up :)

5th June 2007, 08:50
...and you have Excel?

5th June 2007, 09:07
My idea would be help bubbles, that way the page isn't cluttered. Click the little "?" and they appear....like thisExcedl has them built in - they're called comments. And they're terrible. If you include them no-one spots them despite the red triangle in the corner of the cell and if they do spot them no-one ever pays them much attention. And if they do read them they seem to instantly forget what they say. They're rubbish and won't be used in Auto-Sys.

I have the user interface pretty much nailed now which means we are good to go. I've done pretty extensive testing on the main code and on the systems I use so I know the basics all work OK. They should do, I've been using them for a month or so. But it has taking me ages to knock it all into the sort of shape that means it's swishy enough for other people to also use it.

Writing software is like writing a memo. You can write a quick rough version for yourself and you know what it says but if you want to share that memo with other people you need to spend a bit of time working on the presentation and double-checking the content.

5th June 2007, 09:23
Excedl has them built in - they're called comments. And they're terrible. If you include them no-one spots them despite the red triangle in the corner of the cell and if they do spot them no-one ever pays them much attention. And if they do read them they seem to instantly forget what they say. They're rubbish and won't be used in Auto-Sys.

I wasn't talking about the Excel ones, as you say, they are comments, not help file bubbles. Even eBay uses them now, makes everything clearer, and prevents repetitive questions you'll get :)

Writing software is like writing a memo. You can write a quick rough version for yourself and you know what it says but if you want to share that memo with other people you need to spend a bit of time working on the presentation and double-checking the content.
Hence I've never shared my auto-RSB software, can't be :butthead: rewriting it, even though it can process 100's of systems in seconds, from the RSB file to what stake to place.

5th June 2007, 09:33
I wasn't talking about the Excel ones, as you say, they are comments, not help file bubbles. Even eBay uses them now, makes everything clearer, and prevents repetitive questions you'll get :)An FAQ sheet in the workbook will do for v1 and we can look at tarting it up with help file bubbles etc for v2 later down the line. I think we've dangled this carrot for long enough and unless we make it available soon this lot will have my knackers off for promising software I can't deliver.

5th June 2007, 09:36
...... for promising software I can't deliver.

...and to think I done most of the code.......:rolleyes:

:peeky :Bolt:

5th June 2007, 09:37
I'll test it on MS Works 8 later....but at the moment


5th June 2007, 10:17
...and to think I done most of the code.......:rolleyes: You'll be fixing most of the bugs that will be found then will you? :wink :ermmm

5th June 2007, 10:35
You'll be fixing most of the bugs that will be found then will you? :wink :ermmm


...anyway...no bugs....I use an excellent programmer :wink

5th June 2007, 10:46
I think we've dangled this carrot for long enough and unless we make it available soon this lot will have my knackers off for promising software I can't deliver.

I wasn't going to say anything but.........:D :thechop

11th June 2007, 17:20
Having seen and used a prototype - people really should start getting excited about this piece of kit.

This really is the dogz danglies for anybody that is looking for a quick and easy way to extract system qualifiers.

I'll certainly be parting with a few sheckels once the final version is released :D

11th June 2007, 17:36
Talk about over exaggerate :rolleyes:

Every discussion needs two perspectives and to give mine on this software,

It's not much kop to be honest with you.
I used it today, and it didn't pick all the winners out for me.

Highly disappointing!

11th June 2007, 17:41
Talk about over exaggerate :rolleyes:

Every discussion needs two perspectives and to give mine on this software,

It's not much kop to be honest with you.
I used it today, and it didn't pick all the winners out for me.

Highly disappointing!

Is it any good for running the Footy Sim?:rolleyes:

11th June 2007, 17:42
Is it any good for running the Footy Sim?:rolleyes:It's better at it than Vegy is :peeky

11th June 2007, 17:45
Just to let everyone know - Auto-Sys is complete and we are just knocking together the website and what have you.

I say 'we', I mean Keith. I've done my bit by writing the code in the first place. :D

Available very shortly I'd say

11th June 2007, 17:48
Just to let everyone know - Auto-Sys is complete and we are just knocking together the website and what have you.

I say 'we', I mean Keith. I've done my bit by writing the code in the first place. :D

Available very shortly I'd say

Thats great mat...best dust my wallet out then eh!! :yikes::D

11th June 2007, 17:52
Is all money raised going to the Grimsby Appreciation Society of Sensible Homegrown OnLine Elitists (GASSHOLE) forum member's society? :D

Very nice bit of kit Mat by the way. I tested it out the other day and it kept crashing, but had a play this arvo since Mark mentioned it to me earlier and it didn't crash. So, impressive stuff! :)

11th June 2007, 19:54
Who you calling Shortly? :doh

Mat hasn't signed the legal document stating I own his :butthead: :yikes:

11th June 2007, 19:57
...and it comes with a free system :)

11th June 2007, 22:20
...and it comes with a free system :)

One of Vegy's :laugh

12th June 2007, 03:32
One of Vegy's :laugh

A lay system so :laugh

13th June 2007, 14:12
Just to let everyone know - Auto-Sys is complete Available very shortly I'd sayI think the words I am looking for are something along the lines of :yikes::censored::ooo;fire::swear:mad::helper:headbange:ermmm:cryer:bangb:compcrash:dead:brrr:grrr:Blackl1:Blackl2:23_111_9[:Bugger::smileybigangry: but certainly not :ARsurrend

Those wonderful folk at the RP have reorganised their racecards and so screwed all my code up ;fire

Believing Auto-Sys was done I made plans for the next few days too so I htink it is fair to say that Auto-Sys will be delayed. It might be ready by the time I go on holiday (27th June) but I really wouldn't swear to that.

I am not at all amused :mad:

13th June 2007, 14:17
If you use the following code it should help;



13th June 2007, 14:31
Those wonderful folk at the RP have reorganised their racecards and so screwed all my code up

What did they change ?
They added the last column 'best odds' ?

13th June 2007, 14:43
What did they change ?
They added the last column 'best odds' ?Amongst other things. The forecast odds are no longer displayed with each runner, only in the summary below. And they have changed some of the code behind the page too.

13th June 2007, 14:50
I wondered about that today while I was hunting for the view all races at this meeting link which used to be on each race if you clicked it. Now it's only on the first page.