View Full Version : Massive gloat time

25th May 2007, 09:21
I just won a place on the 888.com poker bootcamp up in London this weekend :D :D :D :happyboun :thumbs :wiggle:

25th May 2007, 10:52
bloody hell - well done - gloat away

25th May 2007, 10:57
What's a poker bootcamp?

25th May 2007, 11:01
What's a poker bootcamp?2 days of intensive poker training by some of the UK's pro players. The London one is being taught by Caspar Berry, Nick Wealthall, Padraig Parkinson and Neil Channing.

See here: http://www.888bootcamp.com/default.aspx

It's a prize worth just under £600 apparently :yikes: and includes a freezeout tourney with a seat at a major European tourney up for grabs.

Be good experience for Las Vegas anyway :D

25th May 2007, 11:10
Be good experience for Las Vegas anyway :D

Check you ticket....I think it reads LA Vegans.....

25th May 2007, 11:23
Well all you'll learn from Neil Channing is how to fold 500 hands in a row and then be forced all in with your first good hand and get it cracked.

He is the worlds tightest player.

Padraig will talk you all to sleep and teach you to play like a maniac.

Casper Berry is very solid and although not that well known has a good all round game.

Don't know the other bloke.

Enjoy it mate.

25th May 2007, 11:37
Don't know the other bloke.Cheers for that. I knew nothing of Caspar Berry and Neil Channing. I know Padraig Parkinson for some of his TV play and commentary. Boy that guy can talk some rubbish :laugh

Nick Wealthall presents Poker Zone on Sky I think and has recently been writing articles for Poker Player magazine I think it is. That or Inside Poker.

Even if I don't learn much it's a weekend out and will have cost me nothing more than a couple of travelcards to get there and back.

25th May 2007, 11:43
How did you win it Mat?
Was it in a tournament or draw type thingy?

25th May 2007, 11:55
How did you win it Mat?
Was it in a tournament or draw type thingy?I was on Oddschecker yesterday lunchtime, as I am every lunchtime, and just spotted a banner ad for the competition. Clicked the link, answered the question (multiple choice, who won last year's WSOP main event? Jamie Oliver, Jamie Gold or Jamie Foxx :rolleyes:) and then got an e-mail this morning informing me I'd won. Easy as that really.

27th May 2007, 21:46
Now that was two long, intense days but a lot of fun.

I learned a lot and have good chats with the pros. Casper Berry wasn't there but we had:
Neil Channing - a nice bloke, I got on well with him
Nick Wealthall - a very funny fella with a very likeable style
Padraig Parkinson - this guy can talk for Ireland, pick a subject and Padraig has an anecote on it. Knows his stuff though
Dr Tom Sawbrook - presents Poker Night Live apparently (never seen it, or him) but great with the maths side of poker and taught us a lot about win rates, tournament fallacies etc.

We also had Glen Francis (I think) there who I recognised and it was only later on that it occurred to me I think he has been tournament director in a few of the tourneys I have seen on TV. Recognising the TD - how sad is that? He's a great character though and one I got to know pretty well after he made a ruling on a hand I was in (more on that in another thread) that ended up with me busting out of the main tourney.

All in all I had a really good time and as you'd expect there was some decent side games going, from SnGs to cash games. I even got involved in Chinese Poker with the film crew.

I made sure I asked a lot of questions and tried to get the most I could out of the event. The experts were always about and happy to answer any questions and give advice so I made sure I used that facility.

Is it worth £600? I dunno. It was a nice enough venue (Bonnington Hotel, Holborn) and I picked up some good tips but I don't think I'd pay £600 to go on the course. Although when I put some of the new skills I have learned into practice maybe £600 will seem like a fair price to pay if my results show a decent upturn. I am definitely happy with what I got for the price I paid (two one-day travelcards and a few beers in the bar) :D