View Full Version : The win2win 2007 awards ceremony

3rd June 2007, 19:34
will take place at 8pm inb the chat room... be there!


3rd June 2007, 19:54
get yer butts in there now :laugh

3rd June 2007, 20:01
It'll all be kicking off in a couple of minutes... quite a good number in there already, so feel free to join in the fun!

3rd June 2007, 20:22
Now I remember why we dumped this chatroom and went back to the old one - the one that works :(

3rd June 2007, 20:22
Grrr i give up with the chat room

3rd June 2007, 20:25
Haha - thought everyone had left cos I came in !!! :laugh

3rd June 2007, 20:39
Did I just break the forum ???!!! :yikes:

3rd June 2007, 20:42
No - it's always been broken - it can't handle more than a few people and automatically kicks people out after a set period of inactivity making it almost impossible to use.

And it also slows the forum down because it's on the same server.

3rd June 2007, 20:45
Cheers Oldham - glad it wasn't something I did !

3rd June 2007, 20:46
I guess we'll continue from where we left off - so here's where we got to...

The Best Racing Tipster award (sponsored by Kered with this weeks 5p profit)
3rd - Frontrunner 11%
2nd - Keith 23%
Winner - WB - 46%

The Best Sports Tipster Award (sponsored by Acme Crystal Balls inc.)
3rd - Markwales 4%
2nd Presto 25%
winner - Yerotslaup - 71%

The 'I wanna be as good as Tommo' award for worst tipster
3rd - Gingertipster - 13%
2nd - Darkman 32%
Winner - Vegy - 35%

3rd June 2007, 20:56
The whole Win2Win site was having problems loading :(

3rd June 2007, 21:03
Cant log in to the chat room now.Its telling me another user is logged in with same name when i try to log back in.Can someone fix this. Whats going on. Can we post the results here as well.

3rd June 2007, 21:08
The server was having problems.....:yikes:

Chatroom script not logged as the problem, it just decided to restart a few things....it does that after updates usually......all automatic...

3rd June 2007, 21:12
It'll all be kicking off in a couple of minutes... quite a good number in there already, so feel free to join in the fun!

yes it all kicked off alright. It threw me out then it has now told me i am logged in when i try to log in. i have missed out on all the fun!:yikes:

Still telling me "Another user is logged in with this user name .Please try again"

Everyone thinks am at the awards ceremony but I'm really lying drunk under the table or theres an impostor using my name.

3rd June 2007, 21:19
I'll post the results here in a minute