View Full Version : annual comp please look in

4th June 2007, 17:03
if this is acceptable to everyone this year would work like this
1st june is day zero and the annual competition will be run excactly the same as the monthly one, so anyone starting later than june 1st would start on a negative score.
all points profit before june 1st will be credited to the players concerned so their good work so far will give them an advantage but everyone would have a chance at least.
i know this is not perfect but anything else would tax my poor little brain to much :D
i'm willing to run this if everyone agrees it is fair and not just for the massive amount of rep i'm bound to recieve :thumbs now that's rep whoreing :laugh

the leaderboard would look like this

ftb - 103
scaaty - 95
tootall - 76.5
iron chris - 65
vegy - 58
sparky - 42
darkhorse - 40
mathare - 35
bill - 27
oldham - 23
markw - 20
rusko - 18.5
johnw - 16.5
seagoon - 11
paul - 11
big c - 10
kaiser54 - 6.5
everyone else - 0

4th June 2007, 17:17
'sig': privelige -privilege :)

4th June 2007, 18:43
Yes that looks good :D :thumbs

4th June 2007, 18:44
Did you win the "Best Cannabis Advice Award"? :doh


4th June 2007, 19:58
Fine by me Piggy. Thanks.

4th June 2007, 20:01
I like the look of that leaderboard.

4th June 2007, 20:03
I like the look of that leaderboard.

Fade, I think yours says -103. :)

4th June 2007, 20:17
Still! I'm top! That's gotta be good for something!

4th June 2007, 20:24
Still! I'm top!

::hump About time...my knees are buggered :D

4th June 2007, 20:28
You've got sex on the brain you have! Bloody perv!

4th June 2007, 20:30
You've got sex on the brain you have! Bloody perv!

Just cos you're not getting any :thumbs

4th June 2007, 20:31
It's against my human rights in'it?

I'll have to lubricate the cat at this rate!

4th June 2007, 21:49
It's still pussy :rolleyes: