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3rd July 2007, 17:59

Has anyone signed up for this?

Seems an interesting idea, but not sure how long it'll last!!

I've signed up, will wait for the email asking for my £35, and then read the T&C's VERY VERY closely before I commit to anything.

3rd July 2007, 18:20
i think it's a fantastic idea, though the financial structure is something that i just can't see working. out of the 50,000 registered users (if they get that many) i reckon about only 50% will bother paying fees, especially if they chose to buy a club that they don't care for.
the 1 share per person i think should also be increased, as if they increase it it would mean that much less people would be needed, and say selling 100 shares to 1 person wouldn't give them the monopoly that the club want to avoid but give the individual (more affluent / dedicated fan / company etc... ) a much bigger involvement.

having said that - if this thing looks like it's working - i may give it a go, it's cheap and sound's fun - hope they buy Accrington :)

3rd July 2007, 21:38
So, they are going to find a club with the potential to reach the premiership that has 'manageable' debts and is 'for sale' at £2.8m or less??

Good Luck with that then - I'll keep my £35 and maybe buy a nice piece of moon real estate perhaps...

I wonder how many of the potential buyers have actually thought this through?

3rd July 2007, 23:25
I joined it a while back when it had about 25,000 people signed up, then forgot about it till this post, i didnt think it through..

3rd July 2007, 23:33
Mansfield Town FC is for sale.:)

4th July 2007, 06:24
So, they are going to find a club with the potential to reach the premiership that has 'manageable' debts and is 'for sale' at £2.8m or less??

Good Luck with that then - I'll keep my £35 and maybe buy a nice piece of moon real estate perhaps...

I wonder how many of the potential buyers have actually thought this through?

Its not meant to be seen as a purchase or an investment
. It's like joining a club for 12 months, call it a subscription if you wish. You pay your £35, the majority of which goes to the club, and you get to vote on certain things, and become a follower of the team.

I think it'll be a Conference North or South team they pick up - which will bring huge support to the team, and exposure to that league.

All in all a good idea for me - and not an investment, as nobody gets anything back as such.

4th July 2007, 08:33
It may be Arsenal :)

4th July 2007, 09:02
For the sake of football clubs everywhere, I hope someone steps in before the 'purchase' can be made.

50,000 CM players trying to run a football club by proxy? That REALLY can't be good for any football club - no matter what division they play in!

I would also question the validity of the site as I read just 2 pages, the home page and the How It Works page, and I was given the distinct impression that £35 got 1 share in the 'Society' which in turn would own 51% of the football club. If the 'real deal' is hidden on other pages, I need to ask WHY?

4th July 2007, 09:31
I don't think the Football League will allow this purchase to hapen anyway.

Remember, that since the Brighton incident, people who buy football clubs have to meet certain criteria.

4th July 2007, 10:04
I don't think the Football League will allow this purchase to hapen anyway.

Remember, that since the Brighton incident, people who buy football clubs have to meet certain criteria.

I wonder if the decision will be made before or after £1.4m is in the site owners' hands. :ooo

4th July 2007, 10:53
I signed up to it out of interest but I have deep concerns about handing money over when it comes round.

I saw the guy on tv a couple of days after signing up and he seemed abit of a dell boy. Anyone can setup a internet site asking for money.

I just can't see it working, how a club can have a faceless manager etc i dont know.

Also, it would that theres no way of making money back on it if it does work, i.e the club gets to the football league / premiership and is sold for big bucks, the only person that makes anything will be the chap that set it up.

4th July 2007, 23:59
Mansfield Town FC is for sale.:)

Sparky ,will they want to see Uncle Keiths creative accounting......sorry the books.

More chance of Shergar turning up ridden by Lord Lucan than Uncle Keith encouraging genuine bids

3rd September 2007, 15:14
Right, so are any of the fellas who signed up actually going to open their wallets and release the mothballs that have gathered! :D

Halifax Town have approached the organisers after being issued with a winding up order unless they can find £100,000

SO now we will see how many of the people who have pledged money are just willing to part with it to save a club with little ambition or potential wholst already being in debt!

3rd September 2007, 15:24
Good timing Vegy i got an email from them this morning, which says they have so far raised £500,000. 1.4 mil is the target.

3rd September 2007, 15:28

here's the link everyone!

If anyone does decide to honour their pledge, keep us informed won't you? :)

You tempted Matt?

3rd September 2007, 15:34
I threw my £35 pound into this about 6 weeks ago.

I'm unsure how it works, I dont think I'll get anything back from it, I cant see really see it working but i've paid and I'll part own Halifax soon it would seem



3rd September 2007, 15:39

Negative points

Halifax Town are rubbbish

Will probably still go bust even with a cash injection! :D

Good points

While still alive, you can have a seat in the directors box,

Sub negative point

Unless the other 25000 owners turn up! :laugh

3rd September 2007, 15:41
I fail to see where a club that is subject to a winding up order can be considered to have 'manageable debts'. I seriously question the bit about realistic Premiership ambitions too! Also, it was supposed to be subject to a member's vote??

Is it just coincidence that it only NOW says the truth - £7.50 per £35 membership goes to 'administration fees? That's £375,000 to 'project manage' this little venture.

I think it is a win/win situation - for the people who thought up the idea and a NO WIN situation for anyone else involved.

3rd September 2007, 15:42
I wonder if all 80 fans they brought to oxford on saturday are happy about this :yikes:

27th November 2007, 18:51
There is now another outfit doing a similar thing - and they reckon they will get 40,000 "members" signed up by the end of the season.

www.thepeoplesclub.com (http://www.thepeoplesclub.com) to find out more

Power to the people !

6th December 2007, 19:15
...they reckon they will get 40,000 "members" signed up by the end of the season.

So, at the lowest package it works out at £160,000 (less say £5k tops for the website) for the 'organisers' - not bad work if you can get it. :ooo