View Full Version : System Banker

26th July 2007, 16:56
New version under beta testing at the moment, should be released soon.

Addition of a 'Rule 4' button, so the odds can be adjusted after the race before settling up, in case a horse doesn't enter the stalls, or something after you have placed the bet, and their is a Rule 4 deduction.

Correction: Slight change to the Time Zone code.

For thos who are not using this software, I'm sure those who are will tell you how it's doing :)

28th July 2007, 18:01
before i start off i wish to state that the system banker is as close as is possible to make certain money.

for once i actually saw the consistent profits reeling in.

However i did email Keith regarding the projected profits, which i fell quite below of

for example, in the past month or so, utilizing a mythical bank of 5000 dollars, i made 800+ dollars in 30 days... at this rate, after three months i would be nowhere near doubling the bank. However i did get an explanation from him, and i fully agree. At a time when uncertain weather is wrecking the systems of Hundreds of others, system Banker continues to belt out profits day after day. I believe many other tipster are struggling to even show a profit at these uncertain times and going.

out of 128 bets, i won 50 and lost 78, for a very healthy strike rate of 40%
av odds is 3.47
risk meter is now eleven from initial 12

all in all 5 thumbs up (oops, forgot this does not apply to normal human beings with 2 thumbs) :splapme

Keith, once the ground has settled and weather turned for the better, do you think i will be making an average growth of 100 dollars each week from a 1000 dollar bank like your missus is? i am really excited at the prospect of 40% growth monthly!!!:spinning

28th July 2007, 18:34
i am really excited at the prospect of 40% growth monthly!!!

:doh How tall are you now? :rolleyes:

SR has been down about 2%-3% over the last 3 months from the norm, no surprise though, it still shows a level stakes profit, so it's holding up during the bad spell.

Doubling the bank every 3 months is possible, but it is not guaranteed. Same with all racing, you may have 2 crap quarters, followed by a stormer where the bank increases 120%.

29th July 2007, 07:20
i fully agree with keith, in any case, being able to show a strong showing despite uncertian times is a huge plus for me!

29th July 2007, 08:52
Could anyone explain what system banker is?

I run all main systems under seperate banks and wondered what the difference is between these selections and system banker.

29th July 2007, 08:54

Software that automates staking to keep the profits coming, with heavy ban protection. Selections supplied.

29th July 2007, 08:59
Thanks for swift reply.
Is this different to me adjusting my stakes to 3% on a daily basis?
Are selections different to other systems or taken from those same selections?
Is it run alongside what i do now or instead of ?

29th July 2007, 09:38
Is this different to me adjusting my stakes to 3% on a daily basis?
No, it has a couple of plans built in it'll switch between.

Are selections different to other systems or taken from those same selections?
Different system, but will throw up some qualifiers that match, as all systems/methods do.

Is it run alongside what i do now or instead of ?
It's an extra if the user wants to use it.

29th July 2007, 09:47
Cheers Keith.

30th July 2007, 22:13
Just a little testimonial from me on this software and the odds-on software.

Im enjoying using the software immensley. I can't use it everyday as im at work but have been using it in the evening and at the weekends when I can.

So far on the system banker I have had 53 bets at a 30% strike rate. Bank is up 6%. Level stakes would have shown a profit of 5 points, the software has turned that into the equivilient of 15 points.

On the odds on system I have had 26 bets with a strike rate of 42%. That bank has increased 1%. Levels would have shown a loss of half a point, the software has made that into a profit of equivileint of 2.5 points so again its done the job so far.

Very early days but it is working nicely for me and i think it would be a good way for newbies to get used to betting long term.

31st July 2007, 19:09
I've put the Excel (OpenOffice) file together of the last 8 years of the results for the System Banker. They even impressed me!!!


1st August 2007, 11:13
Would you still advise using banker software over using 3% staking, as in results Keith?

1st August 2007, 12:17
The Banker software is for folk who want it simple and to ensure they make constant profits. If you wish to use the qualifiers any other way that is up to you. Both ways are profitable.

1st August 2007, 12:54