View Full Version : Spreadsheet

1st August 2007, 18:21

I've attached a excel file for the excel experts to look at.

This is a simple version of a spreadsheet that I've created with the help of the various spreadsheet forums. However, I cannot really explain to the guys on there what I want to do in order to improve the spreadsheet. Maybe putting it on here, you racing/excel experts can understand it better.

What it does at the moment is works out the returns from straight win bets and each-way bets whether won or placed.

Now I want to enhance it a bit to include Rule 4 deductions and dead heats.

Maybe some experts on here can modify it and once I've I got it doing exactly what I want it to do, I can put the final version on here for all you to use.



2nd August 2007, 17:51
My spreadsheets coming on a bit now but still stuck on a few things :headbange ::swear

1...Anybody on here know how to work out a 2-way dead-heat with a rule 4?

2...The returns for an each-way bet with a) a dead-heat b) a rule 4 deduction c) a dead-heat with a rule 4 deduction

What Im trying to achieve is an automated spreadsheet where you only have to enter your stake, selection and odds. Hopefully, the rest will be calculated by the sheet. The simple version is attached above but I want to make it take rule 4s and dead-heats in to account.

Any help would be gratefully recieved and as I said I will put up the finished article on here for you guys :thumbs



2nd August 2007, 18:17
1.....(Half the stake X Odds) - Rule 4

2nd August 2007, 18:23
My spreadsheets coming on a bit now but still stuck on a few things :headbange ::swear

1...Anybody on here know how to work out a 2-way dead-heat with a rule 4?

2...The returns for an each-way bet with a) a dead-heat b) a rule 4 deduction c) a dead-heat with a rule 4 deductionNeither are that hard. And why stop at a 2-way dead heat? Why not cover 3-way and 4-way as well? :wink

1) A 2-way dead heat is half stake on a loser and half stake on a winner. So take the rule 4 off your odds, subtract one for the loser and multiply by half your stake. I assume the user can specify the R4 percentage.

2) These depend on whether the horse won or placed but the principle is the same as one. The portion of the bet for which the horse dead-heated should be treated as above. If it dead-heated for 1st then I guess you get a full place return as the nag didn't dead-heat in terms of placed/unplaced.

What Im trying to achieve is an automated spreadsheet where you only have to enter your stake, selection and odds. Hopefully, the rest will be calculated by the sheet. The simple version is attached above but I want to make it take rule 4s and dead-heats in to account.So where is it getting the results from? And commission rates, if applicable? Does it handles backs and lays? What about different systems and calculating the stakes for each?

2nd August 2007, 18:30
You can pay Mat to do it :)

2nd August 2007, 18:44
Which reminds me, when's the RP Excel sheet being released? :)

2nd August 2007, 18:47
Hi guys, Im not an expert on excel so this spreadsheet would really be basic, ie. no automatic stakes from betting banks. and not really set-up for the exchange user. Altough I will have seperate sheet for lays and place bets for the exchanges. It would suit guys who user the bookies better.

The user would enter the result from a drop-down menu with "W" for Won, "P" for placed, "W-DH" for Won in a Dead-Heat etc.

Also, the number involved in a dead-heat can be entered and the rule 4 deduction again using a drop-down list.

It can already calculate straight wins, each-way bets and lays but as I said I just want in to incorperate dead-heats and rule 4s.

Really, I just want it customed for me but put it up on here just case somebody else would find it useful.

2nd August 2007, 18:51
Which reminds me, when's the RP Excel sheet being released? :)

Just finalising it now. :)

2nd August 2007, 20:19
I've got the sheet almost working, it can calculate the results for dead heats (2,3 & 4 way dead-heats) including each-way bets that include a dead-heat.

It can work out the returns with a rule 4 deduction for a straight win but having trouble working out the returns with a rule 4 for dead-heats and each-way bets.

Anyone know what the formula should be?


2nd August 2007, 20:51
It can work out the returns with a rule 4 deduction for a straight win but having trouble working out the returns with a rule 4 for dead-heats and each-way bets.

Anyone know what the formula should be?It still depends on where the horse finished as I said earlier, and where the dead-heat occurred. All the info you need to sort this out is in this thread.

2nd August 2007, 22:54
It still depends on where the horse finished as I said earlier, and where the dead-heat occurred.

I've got that part working, the problem I have is with the rule 4 deductions. I have the following columns WIN, DH-WIN, EW DH-WIN, EW WIN and EW PLACE all these show the various returns for the bet.

I have a formula which work works out the returns depending on the bet type and the finishing conditions (W, L, P, DH etc), that works fine.

Also I have a column for the R4 deductions with each deduction shown as a decimal number. Now the formula I have for a R4 deduction works great for a normal finish, the problem occurs when a DH occurs or the bet is each-way.

Im having trouble adjusting the formula for the each-way and dead-heat columns to deduct the rule 4 deductions.

I have attached the latest version, if anyone can help me fine tune it with the formulas I need or find any errors I would be extremely grateful.

The final sheet will be a lot better than this example, I plan to include different sheets so people can have a sheet for each system and include a sheet for use on betfair. There is also plans to include more stats and a dutching calculator.


3rd August 2007, 08:59
I've got that part working

Im having trouble adjusting the formula for the each-way and dead-heat columns to deduct the rule 4 deductions.Doesn't sound like you have that part working at all then. The dead-heat could be for one of the places which will obviously affect the place returns but not the win returns. And depending which place is dead-heated and how many ways you may need to split the stakes, you may not.

Personally I think you're wasting your time worrying about something that happens so infrequently it's not worth bothering with. How often do horses dead-heat? So how many of your bets are going to be affected by an each-way dead-heat? Much less than 1% I'd say, much less. So just manually correct the profit/loss as and when it happens.

3rd August 2007, 09:29

I guess you right in what you saying, so I feel it is best to drop the bits I can't do I just concentrate on getting most out of the bits I can do.

Hopefully, I will get my final version up and running within a few days and get it up on here (for those you want it).


3rd August 2007, 12:37
i've been using the online calculator on William Hill to check the returns against the returns from my formulas. As I said I was having problems with R4 deductions within dead-heats and each-way bets. However, I decided to use different online bet calculators to check my formulas ie. Coral, Ladrokes and Paddy Power.

The results from the latter 3 all came out with same returns as my formulas but William Hills completely different :doh

Hills also returned more than than the others

So maybe the William Hill calculator is on the blink , anyway I will email them to see if that is the case or whether they work out thier returns with different factors than other bookmakers.

I'd just thougth I'd let you know because I've been going out of mind trying to work out the formulas. Maybe, Im on the right track and can revert back to my original plan :D.


16th November 2007, 07:24
i cannot download the spread sheet can someone help me, i keep getting i dont have permmison

13th March 2009, 22:59
Hello Jackster,

Wanted to take a look at your Spreadsheet.
It won't let me open it yet.

Have you sorted the problems with the D-H, and R4 Deductions.