View Full Version : Auto-Sys released!

18th August 2007, 17:34
Over the course of the past three or four months I have posted several times on the forum about some software I have been developing and I am now pleased to announce that Auto-Sys is ready for action. :happyboun

For anyone who hasn't seen any of my posts on the subject you may be wondering what Auto-Sys is. Well, in simple terms it is a simple, fast and accurate way of obtaining the qualifiers for any given system.

You may have seen the Win2Win systems chat thread and the discussions each day about the number of qualifiers in various systems and whether Horse A meets rule 4 and so. Auto-Sys takes all that uncertainty away, using the Racing Post racecard data to give you a list of horses that meet the rules. Job done.

My original plan was to electronically deliver the software as an Excel workbook to all purchasers, with each workbook submitted to me to add the required systems. I then had lengthy discussions with Keith about how best to protect his interests as well as my own, as it was his eBook systems I had automated and I had no easy way of telling if someone really had bought the Flat Quickfire eBook when they e-mailed their copy of Auto-Sys to me asking for those systems to be added. We also discussed how we would upgrade the software when the Racing Post update the code behind their website (as they did once or twice during Auto-Sys development). As you can imagine with so many different combinations of systems possible, every copy of Auto-Sys could be different (although still using the same core code). So we have come up with what we feel is an excellent solution to both these problems - instead of purchasing the software you subscribe to a service providing you with the qualifiers, in much the same way as racing club members do for their daily members' info updates.

So how does it work?

You are required to OWN the eBook before having access to the relevant Auto-Sys qualifiers. You need to PM/Email Keith your aMember username & which Quickfire eBooks you purchased in the past so he can manually check, and update your file. Once you have done that, jump to step 2 below. NB It may take 24hrs for your file to be updated.

1) Register with aMember if you have not got an account:
If you DO NOT have an account register HERE (http://www.win2win.co.uk/subs/signup.php?price_group=-2), select System Banker (http://www.system-banker.co.uk/), and use the code 15E35707E8 . This gives you an account without paying anything.

2) Go to the W2W subscription page and click on the 'System eBook & Auto-Sys' link at the top of the page.

3) For eBooks you have already purchased you should have the option to subscribe to the corresponding Auto-Sys information for £3/month (£1.50 for NH during the summer). You should also be able to purchase other W2W eBooks via this link, as the software is upgraded.

4) Once subscribed your list of subscriptions will be updated and the links provided can be used to get the qualifiers for the day.

If you have purchased any eBook you're also entitled to the free Auto-Sys qualifiers comprising the TJ Murphy, AP McCoy, Stoute80+ and Odds-on Heavy systems. You still need to confirm your purchase with Keith va PM/e-mail and have an aMember account though.

The lists of qualifiers will be available online before the start of racing each day. Updates should be on by midday but will often be on before 10am. The qualifiers will be based on the information available from the Racing Post website at the time of the update. The list will not be updated again during the day should the Racing Post update their racecards.

It'll be me, not Keith, providing this information (at least most days it will, Keith will deputise when I am unavailable for some reason). It is not included as part of the standard W2W racing club members' updates - only through the aforementioned subscriptions.

Of course, there is no obligation to subscribe to Auto-Sys for any of the eBooks you may have bought. You have the system rules and are free to run the system manually. But I think you'll agree that 10p a day is a pretty small price to pay for the time Auto-Sys subscriptions will save you. :thumbs

At present Auto-Sys subscriptions are only available for the NH Quickfire and Flat Quickfire eBooks. The remaining eBooks should be available in a week or so.

Note also that at this time Auto-Sys is only available for W2W systems. It is hoped that in the near future it can be made available for use with 3rd-party systems. These will not be subscription services and there will be a one-off charge for the software and the automation of the 3rd-party system. More details will follow on this as and when they are available.

19th August 2007, 12:24
So if you want to use it, and it will dramatically speed up the way you get your qualifier lists, PM/Email me (info@win2win.co.uk) a list of all the eBooks you have purchased, and your aMember username. (No account, just use Option 1. above)

I'll update your account, and tell you when you are good to go. :thumbs

.....and don't forget you get freebie systems chucked in :)

23rd August 2007, 21:24
Auto-Sys is now available for ALL Win2Win eBooks.

That's: Lay'em, NH Profit Machine, Jumping for Profit, Running for Profit, Flat Quickfire and NH Quickfire.

So above for details on how to subscribe

23rd August 2007, 21:47
Well done Mat, good to see all that work pay off. Hope it's a success for ya. See what happens when you put your mind to something :wink

23rd August 2007, 21:49
....See what happens when you put your mind to something :wink

Yes...I burnt my ear in the oven.....:geek

23rd August 2007, 21:51
To bed with you!

26th August 2007, 15:28
I have to say I shelved the systems I purchased due to lack of time commitment. I was a bit gutted because the Layem system I was using was doing quite well. By missing a day here and there it was affecting profits, so I shelved it. Looks like this could be the answer to my prayers and who knows, that elusive Villa in Spain could eventually become a reality.

26th August 2007, 17:05
The systems have been flying lately. :)

28th August 2007, 11:33
At the moment I'm only doing a couple of the Quickfire systems and I've got more time than money, so can't justify getting auto-sys yet. Certainly sounds great though and once I get them all running I reckon I'll need it ! The only problem I can see is me - maybe it's because I grew up in the pre-computer age, but I still find it hard to completely trust technology, I'm the sort of person who does a calculation using a calculator and then does it again in my head to make sure the calculator got it right !!! :ermmm

We also discussed how we would upgrade the software when the Racing Post update the code behind their website (as they did once or twice during Auto-Sys development).

One question - apologies if it's a stupid one, but I know nothing about programming etc - if the Racing Post site change something that might affect the selections, how would you know without manual checking ?

28th August 2007, 11:53
At the moment I'm only doing a couple of the Quickfire systems and I've got more time than money, so can't justify getting auto-sys yet. Certainly sounds great though and once I get them all running I reckon I'll need it ! The only problem I can see is me - maybe it's because I grew up in the pre-computer age, but I still find it hard to completely trust technology, I'm the sort of person who does a calculation using a calculator and then does it again in my head to make sure the calculator got it right !!! :ermmmThere's no problem with that Scaaty. In that case you could use Auto-Sys as the calculator to confirm that your manual running of the rules has been correct.

One question - apologies if it's a stupid one, but I know nothing about programming etc - if the Racing Post site change something that might affect the selections, how would you know without manual checking ?If the RP change something then Auto-Sys will fall on its :butthead: and I'll know about it pretty quickly - when I try and run Auto-Sys to get the day's qualifiers. There is little the RP can do to change their code that won't get flagged up by Auto-Sys breaking. It's a deliberate design feature :)

28th August 2007, 12:15
There's no problem with that Scaaty. In that case you could use Auto-Sys as the calculator to confirm that your manual running of the rules has been correct.

That's true, hadn't thought of that ! I've certainly made mistakes in the past, particularly on the JFP system, that have cost me money. Getting better at it now, but with more systems it's more likely to happen.

If the RP change something then Auto-Sys will fall on its :butthead: and I'll know about it pretty quickly - when I try and run Auto-Sys to get the day's qualifiers. There is little the RP can do to change their code that won't get flagged up by Auto-Sys breaking. It's a deliberate design feature :)

That makes sense, thanks :)

28th August 2007, 12:21
I can honestly say that it saves you a lot of time, yesterday wouldve been a nightmare really! I have the flat quickfires, running for profit and jumping for profit.... Ok today there is hardly any racing so wouldnt have taken so long but I got the qualifiers in 2 mins today....great stuff and well done Mat! I think you deserve some rep for your hard work. :thumbs

23rd February 2008, 17:35
I'm new so this is my first posting, hope you all well and had a profitable day

7th April 2008, 01:45
hi, i just want to clarify the pricing of auto-sys subscriptions. does each seperate w2w ebook cost £1.50 / month (currently going off the price of jumping for profit price from my account, or are other systems £3?). so if i were to own the other 4 w2w ebook systems, would this be £7.50 - £15 a month?

because the NH Quickfire holds 5 systems does it hold an additional charge for auto-sys?

sorry i'm new here and am trying to work things out :)

7th April 2008, 01:51
each ebook is £1.50 per month / quickfire are £1.50 even though it has 5 systems

28th August 2008, 15:46

Is there any development of this (as you suggested in your original post) for 3rd party systems.

I would be interested in having something that just extracted the data from the RP.

28th August 2008, 16:21

Is there any development of this (as you suggested in your original post) for 3rd party systems.Yes, and no. Myself and my business partner have encountered a few legal issues that we are still working to resolve

I would be interested in having something that just extracted the data from the RP.And that's one of the main legal issues right there - RP's copyright.

Let me give my business partner a gentle reminder and see if we can't get a way forward for you...

28th August 2008, 16:36
Cheers Mat - I'm sure most of us would happily pay for something that did an adequate job.