View Full Version : Which System ?

28th August 2007, 08:46
Hi, apologies if I appear stupid. I am trying to work out which system would suit me best. I trialled System Banker last week from Sunday to Friday (went away then and had no internet) and it seemed good. Mainly backing favourites so low odds, but good strike rate and profit. I'm quite up to paying £3/wk for it but the trouble is, although the tips come in around lunchtime, this still gives me a problem as my work controls the internet so I could only check them retrospectively (OK for paper trading but not much good for a real system for me then).

Do I understand it that if I buy an ebook(s) from W2W I get to understand how to make the selections myself - for a given system ? Is there an ebook for System Banker tips? Do any allow me to make sepections first thing in the morning - although I recognise I may get slightly poorer selections that far out. Any recommendations as to which would be the best for me? I do not have enough to play with to start several at once!

I have been trialling my own system that gives me 3 to 6 horses each morning (some on paper and some tips with real money) I got cold feet after about a month when a drawdown started as I do not have enough data to back check it 'cos it's based on NAPs tables. Since 1st June 07, based on SP, from a £0 start,at theoretical £10 even stakes it got to £707 by 7th July with a worst drawdown of minus £75, then dipped and recovered now standing at £698 again. I don't know if that's good or not and as I say I can't back check it.

Thanks, Ian

28th August 2007, 08:55
I trialled System Banker last week from Sunday to Friday (went away then and had no internet) and it seemed good. Mainly backing favourites so low odds

Bit of pyschological problem here with your thinking. Horses are Fav for two reasons, they are the form horse and statistically more likely to win than any other in the race, and they are backed by the most money. There is no difference between making a profit from 1/2 shots, and 20/1 shots, a profit only achieved by 0.7% of bettors. Plus the fact they are not ALL favs, 8/1 winner the other day.

Do I understand it that if I buy an ebook(s) from W2W I get to understand how to make the selections myself

Yes, and you can do them the night before, and you get the same selections if you do them 12hrs later.

Is there an ebook for System Banker tips?


I do not have enough to play with to start several at once!
You can start with £50 per bank.

I'll let the others who use then recommend which eBook.

28th August 2007, 09:04

Yes, I agree with you - it doesn't matter if it's a Fav or not as long as the system makes a profit - it was only an observation and I said mainly not all. I'd rather back low odds that win than long odds that lose!

At first I did not realise that System Banker was resetting my selection of backing via an exchange so on some I got the recomended stake size for bookmaker. I noticed this was a lot lower (circa 50p for £250 bank) than the min £2 for the exchange. If I started several systems at say £50 as you mention would I be at too much risk using Betfair ? Mind you I suppose its still only 4% of bank.


28th August 2007, 09:08
The System Banker is only for the qualifers supplied with it, you can't use it with anything else, as the staking is locked into the SR, average odds, etc, using it on other system will most likely blow the banks away. (I am looking at programming in AI!!).

Most other systems you just start at 3% the bank (1% for lays). You can use the £2 min at first while your banks picks up, but the aim is to get all SR's to around 1% or less.

28th August 2007, 09:21
Thanks again, I did understand that Sys Bkr was only for the tips provided. That's partly what puts me off in the long run - in case you decide to retire :)

28th August 2007, 09:24
Thanks again, I did understand that Sys Bkr was only for the tips provided. That's partly what puts me off in the long run - in case you decide to retire :)

I'll die first :yikes:

28th August 2007, 10:59
Hi Ian,

I've been running both the Running For Profit and Jumping For Profit e-book systems for around a year now, both are profitable and I'd be happy to recommend either of them. Running For Profit was started in May 2006 with a start bank of £158, it now stands at £1004. Jumping For Profit was started in October 2006 with a start bank of £94 and it's now £412. As they get bigger the banks grow faster and I'm looking forward to even more profit in the next 12 months ! :D
Both are very easy to use, once you've done them for a few days it only takes a couple of minutes to get the selections.

I've only recently started a couple of the Quickfire systems, so can't tell yet how they'll compare, I'm sure someone who's been using them for longer will be along soon. At the moment both are slightly in profit.

Hope this helps, best of luck with whichever system/systems you decide on ! :thumbs

28th August 2007, 11:36
Thanks Scaaty, those sound good. Ian

29th August 2007, 01:52
Ian where can u get those ebooks?

29th August 2007, 01:53
do you spend a lot of time on these systems? the thing is most people work full time or study full time as i do and its difficult and time consuming for some of these systems.

29th August 2007, 01:59
Here you go


29th August 2007, 02:03
thank you!

31st August 2007, 00:09
some systems are easier to do than others but they are all pretty easy with practise. You just have to get used to following the rules, like scaaty has. As long as you have access to the racing post you should be able to do them easy enough at anytime from around 7.00pm the night before right up to racetime the next day.

3rd September 2007, 21:19
I have noticed in the discussion about Auto-sys that some of you have let systems fall by the way side due to the time taken to make selections.

Can anyone tell me how long it takes (on average) to make the selections for either, say, Running for Profit or Jumping for Profit each day.

Like many others it it the problem of placing bets whilst at work that prevents me using auto-sys during the week.



3rd September 2007, 21:26
i run about 30 systems and it takes me no more than 20 minutes to put the bets on in my lunchhour.

3rd September 2007, 21:31
Thanks, but I actually meant doing the selections rather than placing the bets.

3rd September 2007, 21:31
Doing a few is not a problem but I'd really reccommend using autosys if you are going to get to a stage where you'd like to be running all of Keith's ebook systems. 10p a day for each ebook (and some have 5 systems in them) is well worth the time saving. Especially when there are 5 or more meetings going on. I'd dropped quite a few due to time constraints and since starting them all back up when autosys was released it takes less time to get them from the site and list them in the relevant spreadsheets than it did to manually check for qualifiers on a couple of systems.

Having said all that if you are just doing one or two to begin with then it shouldn't take you long to get the qualifiers yourself. But long term if you buy more then autosys is well worth it.

3rd September 2007, 21:32
I think a ballpark figure of 5 minutes per system per meeting is probably not too far away. The simpler ones can be done in 2 minutes per system per meeting when you know what you're looking for. That may be a slight overestimate but it gives you an idea.

3rd September 2007, 21:39
It is not so much the time it takes to do each system its maintaining the discipline. Its easy to have a couple of bad days and when it comes to sitting down and going through the cards its easy to think I will skip them.

Thats just human nature. Some people are more disciplined than others. I must admit I used to come home from work, fall asleep in front of the TV and then when I woke up could not be bothered going through the cards.

Now I use the Auto Sys and only have to do limited manual checks on a couple of systems and I have got my discipline back. I can recommed that if time and discipline might be an issue as it has helped me.

3rd September 2007, 21:47
Thanks everyone, this is a great forum.

I'd love to use auto-sys as I want to understand the system I am relying on whilst not having to spend too much time. That is why I am less keen on System Banker which whilst very profitable during the free trial I would prefer to understand it rather than rely on Keith's tips.

However, as I understand it to use Auto-sys I would need to be on-line between 10am (ish) to mid-day and as work has banned sites like this I can't do that. Therefore I will need to make my selections the night before (hence my question about the time required) and place bets early before work or use Auto-betfair to place them (or pop to the bookies every lunchtime that would make me feel like a right junkie(no offence to any gambler (or junkie) intended).

Have I understood Aut-sys correctly ?

3rd September 2007, 21:53
Another quick question if I may, what are the advantages of becoming a member of this website at £35/mo (after the trial) ? Please don't get me wrong, I am not questioning the price just trying to get things straight. You still have to buy the ebooks to get the systems I presume.

3rd September 2007, 21:53
Auto sys gives a list of selections on the morning of the racing. As you correctly state you can do these selections manually anytime from about 7.30pm the night before. You could then place them the night before if you wanted.

I dont use the work computer either but have a mobile phone with internet access and that is an option too if you want to do them in the day.

Why not do the systems manually at first, as that is the best way to understand them properly, and if they make a few quid you could think about getting an internet accesable phone with the profits?

3rd September 2007, 21:56
Another quick question if I may, what are the advantages of becoming a member of this website at £35/mo (after the trial) ? Please don't get me wrong, I am not questioning the price just trying to get things straight. You still have to buy the ebooks to get the systems I presume.

The ebooks and the membership are two different things altogether. You dont have to be a member to buy the ebooks.

Membership gives you five flat systems and 5 NH systems, additional method bets and method lays and a lay system. There is also a members forum. There are no ebooks, we are just supplied daily with the selections.

4th September 2007, 08:48
and as work has banned sites like this I can't do that.


Onspeed also allows you, but you need to install software on the PC.