View Full Version : Vegy's Blog

3rd September 2007, 17:08
Came into work after a relatively good betting weekend, culminating in a nice bet on a draw in the Sampdoria V Lazio game.

Didn't get to do any horses on Sunday after taking the wife and nippers to the Natural History Museum for a bit of culture. Trying to get round the dinosaur exhibit was a pain... particularly with fainting creationists dropping like flies.

They have an anamatronic Tyrannosaurus Rex... but the wife made it past that unfortunately.

The kids were a bit disinterested actually, which I found quite disappointing. Perhaps the eldest is still too young to appreciate it yet... or perhaps he has seen it all before in the form of my prehistoric looking mother-in-law.

Anyway... no betting for me until at least tonight as Betfair has been banned by the firms surf control. This site has too, but the stupid IT dept don't realise I can still access this site from my local driver... stick that up your internet activity recording rquipment...

Orient are playing tonight due to Forest being at home tomorrow in the Johnstone's Paint Trophy. Would be nice to do well in this for once... possibly have our best chance of getting to Wembley this year with a lack of outstandingly brilliant teams in the southern section this year!

Tube strike starts in London tonight. I get the bus, but I bet I can't get on one of those now for people not being able to tube it. In theory, my best bet is to stay late and let the crowds die down, but after the lack of understanding I have had from my boss since a recent incident that is best not covered here, they can go and whistle.

Anyway, I'll get through more of the book I'm reading that way. Robert Rankin's Knees Up Mother Earth. The seventh book in a Brentford trilogy ???? Don't ask, I don't understand!

Hmm, I could use that as an epitaph!

3rd September 2007, 17:36
How on earth do you get time to have a job, play the sims, bet and post blogs?

All my time is taken up with betting, poker, looking after two school age kids and doing the housework.

Oh, and of course my favourite hobby ... being beaten to a pulp by the wife if we have a losing day (so about 20% of the time).

3rd September 2007, 17:41
Housework ? What's that? :D

3rd September 2007, 19:36
Housework ? What's that? :D

Your wife says the same thing :)

3rd September 2007, 19:46
Well I never heard her mention housework but she did whisper in my ear 'what's that' when she heard Vegy put the key in the front door :D

3rd September 2007, 21:34
Well I never heard her mention housework but she did whisper in my ear 'what's that' when she heard Vegy put the key in the front door :D

Funny that.....Must be a favorite phrase of hers, she said 'what's that' when I :ass1 :ooo

4th September 2007, 22:18
Took the morning off work as I had to wait for the Sky man to come and install it for us. We only went for the cheap £15 per month option at the mo'.

Guy called at 9-30 - said he'd be here between 11 and 2.

He arrived at 5 past 2 :mad: So I had to text dad and tell him I wouldn't be in work today! Texting is the safest option. He replied with a one word response. Don't you hate it when people do that!!

Just in case your wondering - it wasn't a rude response or anything of that sort, but just saying "okay".

Anyway, the sky man was finished by about 2-30... and now the missus has her sky TV! Although exactly if Sky TV without any of the premium channels is worth £15 more than freeview is another matter.

Do I really want to watch Sky 24 movies with films from 1756! Not really. I'd much rather be talking to you lot on here. Well... some of you!

The racing was a bit of a damp squib in terms of money making, but the football tonight proved to be slightly more successful. My knowledge of conference football making me several bobs. while my Johnstones Paint Trophy knoledge took some of those bobs away! But still a bob or two up - so compain I should not - but invariably do - it's the cockney way!

Back to work tomorrow. Got to get in early because of the underground strike - and no doubt get home late because of it. Looking at a 13-14 hour day from leaving home to getting home. And my job - if indeed any job - is definitely not worth that sort of committment.

Bloody Bob Crow and their pay rises. If they ain't happy with their wages - they should get off their fat hairy harrisses and get another job! For crying out loud!

But ho-hum. Another day it will be... no access to the racing to keep me occupied... but at least I have you lot, don;t I... Hello?... Hello?

4th September 2007, 22:36
so compain I should not -

(c) the Yoda phrasebook.... :D

4th September 2007, 23:14
you write a good diary veg, i enjoy reading it.

5th September 2007, 02:45
Me too. You're a good writer.

5th September 2007, 03:06
Me too.

5th September 2007, 08:25
Me too.

He owns are local Chinese takeaway :doh

5th September 2007, 09:23
you write a good diary veg, i enjoy reading it.

Me too. You're a good writer.

Me too

Well if that's the way you feel, I won't do anymore :mad: ... Hold on a minute... is that positive praise I see before my very eyes! :ooo :spinning (Discouinting Merlin's as that may have contained a hint of sarcasm :laugh )

5th September 2007, 10:46
You pat someone on the back, and they think you are kicking them in the balls...

5th September 2007, 10:50
Vegy prefers a Pat on the balls.... Pat Butcher perhaps?:yikes:

5th September 2007, 22:33
My apologies to Merlin. When you are in receipt of constant criticism, some praise comes as some what off a shock! :laugh

Anyway... today was quite uneventful.

I spent many an hour feeling proud of myself at work when I was told that my timesheets were outstanding, only to later be deflated by the news that it meant that I hadn't actually filled them in as yet!

A 3 hour trip home despite the suspension of the train strike. This obviously meant severe delays all over the network... so they didn't waste any time resuming normal service then!

I got off at Bank Station to wait for an 8. I had a bag full of letters that I had forgot to post so just popped round the corner to post then and on my way back, watched as 3 Number 8 buses in a row went past me.

Got home at aroud 8 o'clock.

Won a few squid on the horses today... Echo of Light being my largest bet of the day, followed by Pigeon Island for which I managed to get around 7/4 on Betfair by placing my bet last night (as opposed to the SP of 10/11).

Maybe no6t having access to betfair during the day ain't so bad after all... :yikes:

6th September 2007, 08:51
You can access Betfair Lite on most mobiles these days Vegy boy.....although it does seem to be saving you money not having access :)

6th September 2007, 09:35
Probably could on the missus' mobile, but I don't have one at the mo'!

6th September 2007, 22:28
Today was a bit sombre at work.

The reason being it was my mum and dad's 32nd wedding anniversary, or would have been as the case may be! My dad took the day off to visit the grave and generally take part in some self reflection. I phoned him and he wasn't his usual jovial self! Will he ever be again? I don't know!

To make matters worse, there was a frighteningly horrific event in McDonalds this afternoon. A recent promotion saw them giving away multi colour coke glasses with each large meal. There were 6 to collect, and having collected 3 already I went in today only to discover that the deal be mo more! :yikes: Now I have a half finished collection of multi colour coke glasses! :mad:

It was my eldest child's first day back at school today... that seemingly went well. At least, my wife didn't get a phone call asking her to come and fetch him because he has been naughty... that for us is considered going well! :rolleyes:

At home, I was reduced to betting on the only football game that was on tonight. It was a Blue Square Premiership match. (To you and me, that's a CONFERENCE match :ermmm ) Anyway... Halifax at Stafford, it's a banker surely. Well... I was convinced by Merlin and Mug OUFC both supporting the shaymen and even had the confidence to do a HT / FT on Halifax at 3-1... and it was all going swimmingly at HT - 1-0 to Halifax :spinning Anyway, five minutes after HT it was 2-1 to Stafford ;fire But low and behold, Halifax managed to swing it round and win 3-2... PHEW!

Two more bets, but I won't find out the results of those until tomorrow as they are overnight games. One is Sport in the Brazilian league, as tipped up by the evcer reliable Merlin :d No pressure then! :laugh

My last bet was on my other love, the NFL! I don't think that this game will be as high scoring as the market is suggesting. The Orleans defence is certainly improved on last year! I have a Handicap/Match points double going on... :ooo

The game to finish with less than 51.5 points and New Orleans with a 5.5 point head start!

Hopefully, I shall wake up in the morning with a bank full of cash :D

If not, I suppose I should be thankful just to wake up in the morning! :wink

17th September 2007, 21:02
It's been over a week since my last entry, and has anything eventful happened!

No sirree! You'd have been more entertained going to a live concert featuring M People. Although probably less suicidal...

There has been however, football. Orient have won both of their games since the last entry. Both 1-0, but that's good enough for me. Beating Yeovil away was a marvellous achievement.

Had a PDR meeting at work. For those that aren't up to speed with the world of Human Resources, that's a Professional Development Review! Or, as was in our firm's case... an excuse to feed your face and get slaughtered on cheap wine. Indeed, it only took our Tax Partner 5 glasses before he was swaying up and down the hallway singing he joys of spring... in autumn!!! :doh

It also seemed like an opportunity for the Partners to boast about how much richer than us they are. Small talk reveolved around them thinking £600 for a weekend in Vegas was a cheap vacation. How they regularly go to the casino with minmum investments of £500 and how they buy £83 bottles of wine for each other!

Still, I bought an Armanny suit for £10 nicker down Roman Road Market, so up theirs! And no, that's not a spelling mistake!

Deciding whether to stay up for the NFL tonight? DOn't think I should... it's a late starting one! 1.35 pm start. Should be dreaming about Vanessa Hudgens about then, or if I'm feeling slightly less picky, the missus!


11th October 2007, 11:52
3 weeks since my last entry. And my good lord (Colin West), it seems like only yesterday!

As Stephen King says in my current read, for the journey to and from work, SSDD... Same :censored: Different Day.

The bok is called DREAMCATHER and is so far very scintillating. Particularly as one of the main characters is called Gary jones :)

I got the book after the missus joined the local "Idea Store". What used to make do as Libraries round these 'ere parts are now these new age, all round "learning facilities" with computer areas, a cafe area, and a few books! There's even a fishtank in the children's learning area... very riské!!!

I went to the horror section, and decided to go for a King. Behind me under the H's was a familiar name. Susan Hill. But I've read The Various Haunts of Men. And they didn't have her new book, soon to be sold at all good book stores, and indeed being read on Radio 4's Book at Bedtime (weeknights 10:45 - 11:00 )...
Not that I would want to be accused to giving out unnecessary free advertising :D

Anyway, it's due back this Saturday, so I'm trying to cram in as much of the book as I can.

Of course I could always get her to renew the book, but that wouldn't be so much of a challenge then would it!

Anyhow - toodle-pip!

11th October 2007, 12:00
soon to be sold at all good book stores, and indeed being read on Radio 4's Book at Bedtime (weeknights 10:45 - 11:00 )...
Not that I would want to be accused to giving out unnecessary free advertising :D

Anyway, it's due back this Saturday, so I'm trying to cram in as much of the book as I can.

Wot kinda blog entry is this?

Bit o neg rep in order....

11th October 2007, 12:14
Can I remove my tongue from BigC's cheek now? :laugh