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10th October 2007, 20:32
I might have an interview in the coming days for work
in a German Sausage Grill Bar!

Any tips for a possible interview bearing in mind,
I'd burn beans on toast :laugh

Yours, a possible budding chef! :D

10th October 2007, 20:48
best bit of advice i could give would be
................... for god's sake don't show them your party trick with a german sausage that you showed andy p in your love in session. :yikes:

10th October 2007, 20:49

If it goes well, I'll be your sioux chef when you get your own restaurant! :D

10th October 2007, 20:53
I'll be your sioux chef

you're not apache on Nigella

10th October 2007, 20:57
I couldn't be bothered to check for the correct spelling, and don't know any similar sounding words, so sioux will do for me ! :D

10th October 2007, 20:59
Know any French, Vegy?

10th October 2007, 21:00
Bonné Da Douché :doh

10th October 2007, 21:05
it's a bit of a change in carear option,

usually the preferable applicant's show they are:
- good under pressure, as basically everything you cook has a short deadline for completion (so to speak).
- organised, to cope with multiple orders at once, keep track of the orders, starters / mains etc....
- good communication skills, as you need to know at all times what's going on.
- want to work, the hours are often unsociable, often working late, sometimes covering shifts, and depending on the bar sometimes your hours will change weekly.

10th October 2007, 21:19
and if you get the job - stock up on burn cream, after your first week your hands / arms will be red with burns, several popped blisters and a blue plaster on at least one finger :laugh
- though you will soon get used to the heat, and be able to grap your watch out of the deep fat fryer.

- always keep deoderant with you, the smell of sweat and greese isn't that appeling.

- always say yes chef after the head chef talks to you - some chefs think there army generals.

10th October 2007, 21:28
okay... you're kinda putting me of now :ooo

10th October 2007, 21:31
it's a fun job,
.or a nervous brakedown in the making :rolleyes:

30th November 2007, 21:18
forgot to ask - did you go for the job vegy?

i am starting a new chef job on sunday (part time) :yikes:

30th November 2007, 21:41
Despite several e-mails (an one informing of my recent food hygiene certificate) Luther never got back to me :mad: