View Full Version : couple of things

29th October 2007, 09:37
ok first thing my new laptop seems to have a life of its own i can be typing away the for some reason curser jumps and i'm typing elsewhere.
also will xp excell work on windows vista cos its just cost me 70 quid to buy an office that will work with vista and an excell for xp would have only cost me 15 quid

29th October 2007, 10:11
ok first thing my new laptop seems to have a life of its own i can be typing away the for some reason curser jumps and i'm typing elsewhere.I bet you have the mousepad/touch pad enabled still and keep brushing it with your wrist as you type so the cursor moves.

29th October 2007, 10:16
not sure how do you disable mouse pad

29th October 2007, 10:18
Look under Start -> Settings -> Control Panel -> Mouse

29th October 2007, 10:18
Control Panel....under MOUSE :)