View Full Version : a quite drink

13th November 2007, 20:51
A guy is having a quiet drink in a pub and decides to nibble a few bar snack peanuts. As he's chomping on a handful of nuts he hears a little voice say, “You're a really handsome bloke. That shirt really suits you. Nice car by the way very good taste.” All the time he's eating the peanuts the voice carries on in a similar vein.
Then he goes over to the cigarette machine. As he puts the money in, another voice starts. “You're a real ugly b*****d. That shirt looks cheap and your car is a total heap of crap!”
Confused, the guy goes up to the barman and tells him what's happened.
”Sorry about that sir,” says the barman, “The reason is the peanuts are complimentary, but I'm afraid the cigarette machine is out of order!”