View Full Version : Mad Pyjama Woman In Road

28th November 2007, 00:12
If anyone sees this on the news don't panic it was me.

At around midnight last night I was just settling down under the duvet when I heard a car hit something outside.
I jumped up, looked out of the window and saw a cat laying in the road and a car speeding away..
It's back legs were moving so there was no way I was leaving it there so I threw on some trainers grabbed a bath towel, and ran out onto the main road.
I stood in the path of the oncoming traffic on the main road while I took a look at the cat, directing traffic to go around me.
Unfortunately it had took a massive hit to the head, its eyes had popped out and was now dead.
I scooped it up in the towel and put it on some pallets at the side of a shop. I checked for a collar but there wasn't one.
Not really knowing what to do I rang the local police station, they took all the details and said they would send the council to move it.
I left home at 9am this morning and the poor thing was still there.

What gets me is why is it ok to run over a cat and leave it. It may have only been injured and needed vets attention.
This was a well looked after cat, someones pet, and no-doubt someone is fretting about it right now.

28th November 2007, 09:49
We get wild animals like badgers, foxes, etc hit all the time around here, and no one ever stops. If we ever see anyone do that, we'll take the reg, and stop for the animal......then hunt the buggers down, tie them to my car, and drive off :censored:

28th November 2007, 11:05
Ring the Cats Protection League or a vet Sam. They may be able to scan it to see if was chipped.

28th November 2007, 11:06
Eat it, shame to waste meat.....

28th November 2007, 13:40
Ring the Cats Protection League or a vet Sam. They may be able to scan it to see if was chipped.
The purrrrfect action sparky.:thumbs

28th November 2007, 14:09
We let the local shops know what had happened.
A little old lady went into the paper shop and said she was worried about her cat which hadn't been home, they took her to the cat, and it was hers so she took it home to bury it.
It's nice to know that she was able to do this but it must have been really terrible for her to see it in such a state.

28th November 2007, 18:29
If cats are as bloomin' intelligent as you'd have us believe, how come they haven't worked out that big fast car = sqaushy kitty?

I hit a pigeon once at close to 70mph joing the M25. Looked in my rear view mirror to see the biggest cloud of feathers you could imagine followed by the next car bursting through it like some kind of special effect. :thumbs

28th November 2007, 19:43

I hit a pigeon once at close to 70mph joing the M25. Looked in my rear view mirror to see the biggest cloud of feathers you could imagine followed by the next car bursting through it like some kind of special effect. :thumbs

And I bet it still lived.

28th November 2007, 20:10
Animals are not good at judging speed.....nor are humans, hence all the accidents & road deaths :)