View Full Version : Bush You Thick....

4th December 2007, 18:05

You've just been given a report saying Iran stopped the nuke program....so shut up....no one else wants a war......Did you not notice that talking works? IE. Sudan??? N Korea??? Even Syria now??? :doh

So stop trying to look strong, when the rest of the world know you have no reason to go to war with them, and have no 'spare' armed forces anyway after the job you managed to cock-up that your dad didn't finish.....must be something in the genes.....vertainly isn't intelligence!!!

5th December 2007, 02:10
But then he would have no excuse to build the missle defence shield against Iran... and when I say Iran I mean Russia and China... and when I say missle defense shield.. I mean a shed load of Nuclear warheads aimed at Moscow and Beijing and probably even London knowing their :icon_tong of a president.