View Full Version : Kiss of Death

7th December 2007, 18:20
I know Mr Mourinho LOVES and CRAVES media attention, but please, for the love of Steve McLaren, make a :censored: decision!

It was only two weeks ago he was saying he wasn't interested, now it's all media hype and over-exaggerated news reports... but the bookies seem to buy it, he's 2.7 on Betfair.

If Jose doesn't take it, Capello definitely will...

8th December 2007, 10:28
Ta b honest, I'm not sure the FA really have a choice. If they don't go with Jose, the country & media will all be waiting for the first hint of a cockup as the majority want Jose, and the FA know that. If the FA do get him, and it goes wrong, they can blame the media & public.

£6 Million - Bargain......if you compare it to what they paid McClown.

8th December 2007, 12:07
They have to talk to Mourihno just to stop him playing up to the media. I don't think he wants it.
I would like to see Lippi get it, but he won't.

13th December 2007, 23:24
Capello gets the job and nobody batters an eyelid... interesting.

14th December 2007, 10:24
Probably because most of us knew he was getting the job, and no one else to pick from who wants it.

He's multilinguistic, so can pick up English quickly. Once you know at least two, it's pretty easy to pick up more. Same goes with programming languages, only takes me 3 days to learn a new one.