View Full Version : Colour assignment title

10th December 2007, 21:43
I gotta choose a title for my colour report.
We did an experiment to see whether females really did like pink and males like blue.

Titles that ive come up with are

" Evolution dictates colour "
" Did evolution even dictates colour ? "
" Are colour preferences genetic or choice ? "

anygood ? which ones makes you go " oohh interesting whats this about "
Any other titles would be greatly appreciated.

10th December 2007, 22:01
I'm a big believer in the title being the last thing you write, unless you have been given a title to write to. But what about:

"Is it OK for a man to wear a pink shirt?"
"Pink? That's a girl's colour"

Nope, struggling too much as I need to know where the report is going and what it covers. My first thoughts were all along the lines of colours chosen for babies but if that isn't in the report then it's all rather irrelevant.

10th December 2007, 22:06
"The Evolutionary Divergence of Human Genetic Skin Colour"

10th December 2007, 22:09
I'm a big believer in the title being the last thing you write, unless you have been given a title to write to. But what about:

"Is it OK for a man to wear a pink shirt?"
"Pink? That's a girl's colour"

Nope, struggling too much as I need to know where the report is going and what it covers. My first thoughts were all along the lines of colours chosen for babies but if that isn't in the report then it's all rather irrelevant.

Experiment required subjects to build a purpose built profile page. They were told to change border colours background colours, foreground colour. Colour choices were 3 shades of blue, green, pink

Iron Chris
10th December 2007, 22:13
Couple of 'quick' ideas...:)

The Colour Within You.

Is Colour More Than Skin Deep?

10th December 2007, 23:45
great titles ! dont copy right them whatever you do :D

11th December 2007, 00:54
Sexual Colour Performance

And I bet people reading it will be expecting something completely different.

11th December 2007, 01:08
Blue Moods and Pink Blushes

11th December 2007, 01:09
Gender Agendas

11th December 2007, 01:24
Gender Agendas

gotta be no less than 3 words no more than 8 words :splapme

11th December 2007, 01:30
blue blushes and pink moods

11th December 2007, 01:31
What kind of silly rule is that! :) Just too catchy, eh? :wink

Suppose it'll have to be "The Gender Agendas"

11th December 2007, 01:38
The Colour of Many?

Honey, I Blue Up The Kids?

Blues Brothers and Pink Sisters?

11th December 2007, 03:31
all these titles are great ! wish i could use them all

11th December 2007, 09:55
How Does Skin Colour Turn Us Into Nigerian Rip-off Merchants? :D

11th December 2007, 14:50
Bloody Nigerians.

11th December 2007, 15:02
I gotta choose a title for my colour report.
We did an experiment to see whether females really did like pink and males like blue.

Titles that ive come up with are

" Evolution dictates colour "
" Did evolution even dictates colour ? "
" Are colour preferences genetic or choice ? "

anygood ? which ones makes you go " oohh interesting whats this about "
Any other titles would be greatly appreciated.

This seems like a pointless experiment if you ask me, as most people would probably respond to how they expect people to want them to respond. No one likes to appear different. For example if you ask the average teenage lad what sport he loves, the automatic response is probably football even if they can not stand the sport.

I can not see how the first two titles could work anyway, unless your saying that either the male or female is more or less evolved then the other. How on earth could that work as you can only compare sex with sex and not males with females.

11th December 2007, 18:01
Gender assignment - a pigment of the imagination?

(I know - I've used it twice this week!)

4th January 2008, 20:53
ive come to the conclusion that the majority of people like the colour blue

any catchy titles you can share ? :D