View Full Version : Sure2profit?!!

12th December 2007, 17:36
I am being bombarded by Sure2profit pushing their latest calculator.
The main site is based on the old Dawson system suicidal win recovery - hence SURE2profit (with an unlimited bank and agreeable bookmakers for when your bet reaches the millions).
This is normally well hidden, but in their latest ad they include details of all bets to generate £8530 in 76 days. This is based on £10 per race profit.......
in amongst this is a losing bet of £1737.62 followed by (thanfully!) a winning bet of £2520 @3.9. Do they really believe that by publishing a long list of results, a) people will be bored of reading by the time the losers kick in, or
b) no one will read any of it but just look at the bottom line, or
c) because they publish such a long list and include losers it must be true, or
d) their marketing staff are much smarter than me, or
e) any combination of the above.

d) is a give me, but what about the rest? How would you sell this "system"?

12th December 2007, 17:39
Prefer a Casio myself... one of them scientific calculators too...

12th December 2007, 17:50
This product is a Top Seller, and as with the System Banker software, if used correctly will profit, however they supply little information on bank protection & risk management, and bugger all on how to pick horses that will at least break even.

A few pro's/semi's use this type of thing for some systems/methods, even on here, but you need to know what you are doing, but Sure2profit market at those wanting to grab fast money.

12th December 2007, 17:58
Can't you get a back hander if you send a letter about name copyright Keith ? :D

Street cry
12th December 2007, 21:17
all these things work but Keith' s system banker is by far the safest and the most useable.

18th December 2007, 19:09
This product is a Top Seller, and as with the System Banker software, if used correctly will profit, however they supply little information on bank protection & risk management, and bugger all on how to pick horses that will at least break even.

A few pro's/semi's use this type of thing for some systems/methods, even on here, but you need to know what you are doing, but Sure2profit market at those wanting to grab fast money.

saying that all we neeed is a

1. a proven profitable system
2. good staking plan (3% each stake my preference)
3. bank barrier 60%
4. mega patience.

Easy peasy, what else you need to know ?

18th December 2007, 20:33
Easy peasy, what else you need to know ?

Win2Win :thumbs

Street cry
18th December 2007, 21:41
Pete 50,
I would highly recommend the w2w system banker it will give you regular bank highs, solid gains and increased safety as you go along. It is properly designed unlike most of the products about and is very easy to use and very profitable. It is also very good value :)

12th August 2008, 13:29
Please will someone tell me where to find this W2W system banker ???

12th August 2008, 13:59

12th August 2008, 14:21
Thanks.. it tells me I need some sort of programe to open it as it is compressed... what do I have to do ? xxx :hearty

12th August 2008, 14:24
Women !!!:headbange :D

Software downloads form here: http://www.zipgenius.it/eng/?page_id=12

Free compression software to uncompress this and most other software is here: http://www.zipgenius.it/eng/?page_id=12

You get the daily qualifiers here: http://www.win2win.co.uk/subs/member.php

Use this code for a free week: 15E35707E8


12th August 2008, 14:40
Thanks a bunch hon. but I can`t find where on the Zipgenius site it says CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD or similar.... I just get lots of info about it but not what to do to get it..:yikes: I know I am very dim...and you are wonderful. Grovel. Grovel.

12th August 2008, 14:54
I can't find it either :doh.....But you can get it here http://www.download.com/3001-2250_4-10754818.html?spi=45039fb7b93fea6ac547fd1a2debb045&idl=n

12th August 2008, 14:54
don1`t worry, I found another 7-zip..hope this works. :hearty

12th August 2008, 14:54

12th August 2008, 14:56
What do I click on to enter this code ? Just find the boxes to subscribe for a day or week etc.

12th August 2008, 15:04
Also having downloaded the software I can`t open it even though I have downloaded the unzip software.. you say the file should read msi at the end but mine has downloaded as systembanker.rar - I click on that but nothing happens..sorry to be a pain. I`ll buy it once I sort out all this. :hearty

12th August 2008, 15:16
What do I click on to enter this code ? Just find the boxes to subscribe for a day or week etc.
OK, have now got into the sub site. thanks.. waiting to sort out the software !! Do I get a PH.D in computer technology at the end of this please ?

12th August 2008, 18:31
OK, have now got into the sub site. thanks.. waiting to sort out the software !! Do I get a PH.D in computer technology at the end of this please ?
If I haven't shot you before then! :laugh

If you have installed a Zip kind of software then it is supposed to automatically pick up a RAR.....ZIP, RAR, ACE....all the same concept :thumbs

7-zip does RAR, so maybe it needs to be told to do it auto, but never mind.

Right-click on the "systembanker.rar" and hopefully you can select 7-Zip from the menu. That should uncompress it.

13th August 2008, 13:45
Right-click on the "systembanker.rar" and hopefully you can select 7-Zip from the menu. That should uncompress it.

It doesn`t.... :hearty I get the selection and select 7-zip but nothing happens. :;fire

13th August 2008, 14:05
Oh bloody hell. Just download winrar or summat

13th August 2008, 14:07
Or the one I said :)