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18th December 2007, 14:28
TORIES - UNLAWFUL donations :laugh :laugh

Now Cameron looks a bigger :icon_tong than Brown after all he said :laugh

18th December 2007, 17:30
£5,900 and £1,500
- hardly competes with the dodgy £600,000 that labour got.

18th December 2007, 18:28
Driving at 35mph & driving at 100mph in a 30mph is still breaking the same law is it not?

18th December 2007, 18:34
they may be both breaking the law but going 100mph is far worse than 35mph and the punishment is also a lot worse.

18th December 2007, 20:37
So you admit they are BOTH breaking the same law then. I rest my case :)

18th December 2007, 23:48
If Cameron is a cute politician he will let it lie now. If he lays it on too thick the papers will bore of it dig and find anything on his lot and, just as in Labours case, totally blow it out of all proportion.

Thats how the press and the media work. Build someone up, knock them down. That wont give him an easy ride for too long if he comes across self-righteous, it would be way too easy for them to slap him back down.

The press are paying Brown back because he led them down the garden In October about the election, and he has signed the European treaty. Cameron took the beating in the three months previous to that. He should just let it bubble without stoking it too much because if he overdose it people will start to think he is point scoring and doing it for the sake of it and the moment people start to bore of it, the press will turn the tables back on him.

18th December 2007, 23:52
Also you say the sums aint much Presto, but the amount Harman got in hot water over was 5 grand and Wendy Alexanderas problems stemmed from an ammount that was under a grand.

Most people dont care, but its the pack mentality/snowball effect that takes hold if you aint careful. Last thing Cameron wants to do is paint himself as whiter than white because although it worked for New Labour in the mid 90's I cant see the public forgetting the perjuries and the scandals of the last Tory Government and I reckon that could backfire quite nastily if he over eggs the pudding.

19th December 2007, 00:02
to be honnest i think a big deal has been made out of both cases. i havn't heard much about the tory cash, but to be honnest the ammount is so small i hardly would have thaught it anything much.

i think the labour cash is more of an issue due to the fact that it was donated through a 3rd party which brings up the whole issue of corruption, especially as the bloke got planning permission for a housing development that was previously rejected.

i know rules are rules, and indeed cameron set himself up for a fall, but to be honnest a £1,500 donation i wouldn't have thaught would call for a background check etc.... to make sure that it was legit. I would have thaught that there would be a minimum ammount (say £5000 per year) donation before any checks came in.

19th December 2007, 00:33
Im not saying that the cameron thing is a big story at all, it aint. But eventully if he goes down that road it would be like an alcholic tut tutting at someone having a lager shandy.

EVentully at some point, if the Labour party keeps its discipline and dont play the game, the press might go looking at Cameron again.

John Redwood made a right gaffe yesterday about date rape after Cameron had pointedly gone out of his way to address the issue. Six months ago that would have been all over the press and Cameron would have looked weak or stupid or both. Today it barely gets a mention because the press are more interested in why Gordon Brown did not turn up for a photocall or about some hard drive with some learner drivers names on.

Thats how it is at the minute and so he has to be careful of how the wind blows. Personally I would just let the press stick the boot in and not say stuff for point scoring purposes that could come back to haunt me if they decide that they want a go at me again.

In the main I think he is just about managing to do that. The temptation and big danger though is to just gorge yourself on it and then you look pompous and smug, especially if you are a Tory and an old etonion.

19th December 2007, 10:25
Spot on TH. The Tories have had their mileage out of dodgy donations, and lets face it, the coverage of the slightly creepy "confirmed batchelor" who used Tory voters to donate was more of a PR disaster than a legal one. Like you say, if they keep banging on about it people will get bored and start asking awkward questions.

19th December 2007, 11:27
Spot on TH, words have a way of coming back to bite you.....ask John Major :laugh

Im not saying that the cameron thing is a big story at all, it aint. But eventully if he goes down that road it would be like an alcholic tut tutting at someone having a lager shandy.

EVentully at some point, if the Labour party keeps its discipline and dont play the game, the press might go looking at Cameron again.

John Redwood made a right gaffe yesterday about date rape after Cameron had pointedly gone out of his way to address the issue. Six months ago that would have been all over the press and Cameron would have looked weak or stupid or both. Today it barely gets a mention because the press are more interested in why Gordon Brown did not turn up for a photocall or about some hard drive with some learner drivers names on.

Thats how it is at the minute and so he has to be careful of how the wind blows. Personally I would just let the press stick the boot in and not say stuff for point scoring purposes that could come back to haunt me if they decide that they want a go at me again.

In the main I think he is just about managing to do that. The temptation and big danger though is to just gorge yourself on it and then you look pompous and smug, especially if you are a Tory and an old etonion.