View Full Version : 2007 what a year

eruptive plot
31st December 2007, 12:42
well,for me a bitter/sweet year to say the least.
the very start of the year my dad was diagnosed with lung cancer,and then died on the last day of january.
the april fool joke was that i lost my job of 26 years on that day,and let me tell you that was a very eerie feeling.
the summer was a good one,with my sister in law and her husband coming across from idaho,we had a nice time in snowdonia and paris.
i got a second job in hoovers in october,the money was'nt very good but it was totaly stress free,which was nice,but then i got made redundant for a second time at christmas time.so we are back on the rock and roll for the new year.
but on a financial point,its been the best year of my life.this was the year when i learned how to win at poker,and is still serving me well.at this time of writing i have won $17500 this year,and without that i would be up to my neck in that brown smelly stuff.
anyway must'nt rant on, and a happy new year to every one on this forum

31st December 2007, 18:57
its a year thats gone so fast...

spent my birthday in january on a beach which was really surreal for me,yes , definately the highlight of the year for me was my one week holiday(the first in years!) in spain.

both my uniteds won the league.:wiggle:

but since august it just seems to be non stop work combined with the female species really screwing my head up, which is putting me under a dark cloud which i cant escape.

31st December 2007, 19:00
Just pure uni work for me, havent had "me" time ever since. Gambling wise starting bank £1500 down to £1063 in under 2 months. Not a nice way to end the year but the new year will be fresh.

31st December 2007, 22:39
Happy New Year to everyone. Just about to hit the town, and I am already proper cained.

Take it easy all.

1st January 2008, 01:50
Nappy Hew Year!!

1st January 2008, 02:25
2007 was a year of stabalisation for me with me settling into the job I had started in the previous Autumn and to be honest not a lot happened to write about.

I will settle for every year been equally uneventful!

1st January 2008, 12:47
As I'm retired, the past year was much as the one before except that I didn't do nearly so well with my betting. However it's a new year to look forward to and I wish everybody all the best and much happiness.
By the way, I have learned that piggy's father-in-law has been quite seriously ill and has an operation due on the 2nd January, so let's all wish him well and say a wee prayer for him.

1st January 2008, 19:23
I will certainly do that Bill,thanks for letting us know. Here is wishing Piggy`s Dad a smooth operation and a quick recovery to full health. He`s on top of the prayer list which for some reason is rather short just now... which has to be a good thing. I daresay that won`t last once 2008 gets under way. Happy and healthy and prosperous 2008 to all my friends on the forum :hearty