View Full Version : Talksport

7th January 2008, 09:55
Now I've always enjoyed listening to this channel while driving around, but over the last few months it seems to have turned into 50% show, 50% adverts....and it is doing my head in :headbange

Not as bad as the USA radio stations yet though. Last time I was there, they had a 'phone in', they managed to fit in 2 callers in an hour :splapme

7th January 2008, 10:35
Funniest non phone in show is LBC between 5 and 6 pm.
I have given up with radio 5 on the way home from footie as they switch to commentary at 5.15. This LBC show is worth one listen to though - last Saturday they received one text in the hour and no callers, the previous week one text and two callers - and it is billed as the greatest talk show!!!
Presenter waffles on for the whole hour with results and pleas for any football fan to phone in. Hilarious ( but probably only once!).

7th January 2008, 10:51
Now I've always enjoyed listening to this channel while driving around, but over the last few months it seems to have turned into 50% show, 50% adverts....and it is doing my head in :headbange

Not as bad as the USA radio stations yet though. Last time I was there, they had a 'phone in', they managed to fit in 2 callers in an hour :splapme

Have you noticed how nearly all of them are stupid govt adverts for benefits, govt initiatives, propaganda etc etc

The 'best' one was an advert pre Xmas featuring Ainsley :censored: Harriet warning people to cook their turkey properly to avoid illness !!! How much did he get paid by the govt for that one?

This is our flipping money they are wasting....;fire