View Full Version : What's the point...

9th January 2008, 20:03
of all these RSS newsfeeds when it ignores the biggest story of the day?

Reg Hollis' (from the Bill) attempted suicide!

How dare they sack poor old Reg!

This is a treavesty of the highest order, and Reg needs reinstating!

9th January 2008, 20:15
They've ruined the forum in my opinion. It aint what it was a couple of years ago

9th January 2008, 20:38
of all these RSS newsfeeds when it ignores the biggest story of the day?

Reg Hollis' (from the Bill) attempted suicide!

How dare they sack poor old Reg!

This is a treavesty of the highest order, and Reg needs reinstating!

Poor fella....it does seem a strange decision as hes one of the best characters.

9th January 2008, 23:32
Yes, they have definitely had a big, negative impact on the forum. A lot of the character of the forum has disappeared since the RSS feeds were introduced. A forum is supposed to be a friendly community among people. RSS feeds aren't people.

10th January 2008, 00:02
I thought they were squirrelled away in their own thread where no-one can read them now?

10th January 2008, 00:04
Well I view the forum by clicking on new posts...and generally that's just RSS feeds. Boring ones at that, and heaven forbid if anything exciting does happen, there's about 3-4 threads about it.

10th January 2008, 00:04
And no RSS feed about this!!
