View Full Version : OJ Simpson

17th January 2008, 14:08
What a complete plonker this guy is.....if this was Cluedo we'd only have one result....:rolleyes:

If I was on $125,000 bail I'm pretty sure I'd have the sense to stay within the rules, rather than show contempt towards the legal system.

According to nearly everyone over here, he'll have a hell of a job getting out of this one, independent witnesses, witness of the 'hostages', and the two guys OJ went with are standing against him :laugh ......and this time his lawyers look like muppets.

What annoys me since he may (:rolleyes:) have committed is the $Millions he has made. Only in America. :ermmm

17th January 2008, 14:26
I guess when you get away with something like he has done...just makes you think youre invincible. He'll ge away with it somehow.... although where are the Shapiros, Baileys and Cochranes now then...albeit Johnny would find it hard to represent him now I know! :)

17th January 2008, 14:36
I don't see how he can get out of this one, but then I don't know how he got off the first time.

17th January 2008, 14:37
Is this the Vegas thing still? Or has he been naughty again?

We discussed OJ a lot when were out in Vegas and everyone I spoke to thinks he's basically screwed on this one

17th January 2008, 14:43
Yeah the armed robbery in Vegas

17th January 2008, 14:44
It's funny...They're gonna take Britney's kids away from her. OJ gets to keep his and he killed their mother. Strange world.

17th January 2008, 14:50
Is this the Vegas thing still? Or has he been naughty again?

We discussed OJ a lot when were out in Vegas and everyone I spoke to thinks he's basically screwed on this one

I think he contacted a his co-defendant Mat....anyway he got out again on double the bail!


from Wiki;

In January 2008, Simpson was taken into custody in Florida and flown to Las Vegas, NV where he was jailed for allegedly violating the terms of his bail by attempting to contact Clarence "C.J." Stewart, a co-defendant in a trial in which they are charged with kidnapping, armed robbery, assault with a deadly weapon, burglary, coercion and conspiracy to commit crimes. District Attorney David Roger of Clark County, Nev., provided District Court Judge Jackie Glass with data that Simpson had violated terms of bail. The hearing on this bail issue will be on January 16, 2008. If Simpson is found to be in violation of the terms of his bail, he will remain in jail until his trial in April, 2008. The kidnapping charge could land Simpson in prison with a life sentence with parole, and the robbery charges, if convicted, carry mandatory prison time.

17th January 2008, 15:35
It's funny...They're gonna take Britney's kids away from her. OJ gets to keep his and he killed their mother. Strange world.

Allegedly :rolleyes:

4th October 2008, 15:21
OJ Simpson has been found guilty on 12 charges of armed robbery, conspiracy to kidnap and assault with a deadly weapon by a court in the US city of Las Vegas.

The former US football star and actor was accused of robbing two sports memorabilia dealers a year ago.

The armed robbery charges carry a mandatory jail sentence, and kidnapping carries a possible life term.


You couldnt make this up...on the 13th anniversary of the not guilty verdict in his murder trial. He never had a hope of a fair trial I dont reckon, whatever that jury says afterwards!

4th October 2008, 15:45
An oldie.....

A man is stopped in heavy traffic in Los Angeles and thinks, 'Wow, this traffic seems worse than usual. We're not even moving.'

Noticing a police officer walking down the highway between the cars, the man rolls down his window and says, 'Excuse me, officer what's the holdup?'

'It's O.J. Simpson,' says the cop. 'He's all depressed. He's lying down in the middle of the highway threatening to douse himself in gasoline, and light himself on fire, because he doesn't have $8.5 million dollars for the Goldmans.

I'm walking around taking up a collection for him.'

The man says, 'A collection, huh? How much have you got so far?'

'So far?'

'Ten gallons