View Full Version : Jeremy Beadle....

30th January 2008, 19:48

Will he pop out of his coffin for a last joke? :geek

30th January 2008, 20:03
I hadn't even realised he was ill nor that he had been admitted to hospital

30th January 2008, 20:14
Seems he'd had leukaemia and a cancerous kidney removed in recent years as well as this bout of pneumonia.... he was only 59, far too young to be popping off!

30th January 2008, 20:20
irritating bugger, but sad none the less..

30th January 2008, 20:26
irritating bugger, but sad none the less..


30th January 2008, 20:29
I always like Jeremy... :(

Tis certainly a shame, and he was a pioneer in his way.

In true Jeremy Beadle stylee, I think we should all give him a big hand!

(I'm sure he'd apprreciate the joke :peeky )

31st January 2008, 10:42
This is really sad news. You know he was a genius...he had an IQ of like 160 and raised astronomical amounts of money for charity...I mean millions. I think he never got the credit he deserved. For years he'd make people laugh with his shows. A genuine nice fella.


31st January 2008, 11:05
He was a really great guy. He always worried about his TV persona as he was not really a TV natural. He had a great radio show on LBC many years ago and was a very funny intelligent bloke. Most people's reaction after meeting him was what a nice person not like that irritating man on TV!

31st January 2008, 11:27
Over £100 Mill according to the news in charity. Be nice to see the well known celebs achieve even 1% of that.

31st January 2008, 11:33
He was only 32 when Game For A Laugh started :yikes:

31st January 2008, 12:54
Surprised he never joined Coronation Street like all the other comedians seem to these days :ermmm

31st January 2008, 15:21
He did used to get ripped to pieces by people didnt he but seems that what he did with his charity work was extraordinary. £100 million is a lot of money isnt it....

31st January 2008, 17:11
They're gonna film his cremation.
It's called :
You've been flamed.:)

31st January 2008, 17:38
Have some consideration :ermmm Some folk on here have no respect.

"Watch Out, Beelzebub's About!......." :rolleyes:

31st January 2008, 17:56
They're gonna film his cremation.
It's called :
You've been flamed.:)

Have some consideration :ermmm Some folk on here have no respect.

But £250 is £250 Keith.. :ermmm

1st February 2008, 10:44
Reckon he'll be reincarnated as a fish....

"Watch Out, Beadle's a trout"

Seriously though the charity fund raising is just amazing.... it's guys like him that work quietly but tirelessly for charity that put the usual celebs who have to make sure everyone knows they've done a bit for charity to shame, when in reality it's all about keeping their face in the public view. Good on ya JB for being one of the best of the good guys.