View Full Version : Self plug...

5th February 2008, 01:58
That's of course if Keith doesn't mind. :)

Just spend the last few hours redesigning my website, feel free to have a gander, any feedback appreciated:



5th February 2008, 10:18
You missed the word 'THE' out of the middle of John Raper :doh

5th February 2008, 11:13
As a self confessed attention-seeker,

I really do feel there should be more about me in there

5th February 2008, 11:31
I really do feel there should be more about me in there

I'm not sure he wants that kind of descriptive language on the site though :D

5th February 2008, 21:27
Ace! I come back on here after nearly 24 hours and have three responses, none of which offer any critique. Come on, you can do better! At least Sparky had the decency to PM me with the 34 errors he found. :D

5th February 2008, 21:40
Self plug...
...butt plug....:doh

Is this a game?

5th February 2008, 22:16
Sorry John :peeky

5th February 2008, 22:45
I replied to your email Mat, it's gone into my sent items but Sgt. System Administrator doesn't seem to think it's been delivered... did you get it?

5th February 2008, 22:46
I replied to your email Mat, it's gone into my sent items but Sgt. System Administrator doesn't seem to think it's been delivered... did you get it?In a word, no.

5th February 2008, 22:49
That's 4 words?

5th February 2008, 22:51
OK I'll paste it here...

5th February 2008, 22:52
Woah, easy tiger!

Thanks for getting some feedback to me. Where’s Number 10 though?! In response…
The front page is busy, I agree, but I think it showcases the fact well that I am graphically strong (which is the intended purpose for people who’re going to look at it).
Weird. I haven’t had any problems with getting a different image loading to the one I clicked. What browser are you using?
Yeah, I’ve used a JavaScript download thingy called Lightbox, which unfortunately only enables me to display one image at a time. I had the idea to have my featured projects each on a separate page, so that I can go into more detail about them. I’m going to specify that Flash/XML files are available on request to back it up.
Obscure? Previous is on the left, Next is on the right, how is that obscure?!
See point 3.
See point 3 again.
It’s abstract design! They’re not supposed to be blinkers, they're supposed to be sunglasses. Sunglasses look cool. Thus, the horse looks cool. You know it’s true!
Fair point, that’s just the way the font is. I think it fits in well with the design.
Strange, the experimental horse illo onwards are all working fine for me.Thanks for your input mate – finally someone who can give me some constructive criticism.


Plus, I'm not sure why that grey line is there. It looks fine in Firefox (there is no grey line visible) but yet in IE there's a grey line. Heeeeeelp! :(

5th February 2008, 23:24
2. I get the right image up but if I mouse the cursor round the image I get a change from the point to the clicky hand thing and when I click I get the image from the home page at the point. Bring up the brochure and click on the "you" on the Thank You and Goodbye page. That brings up the Egg smileys. Like I said, it looks like the mouse focus is still on the parent main page and not the image. If you accidentally click on certain bits of the image it will bring up a different image because of the mouse focus.
4. It was the location, and the fact they are hidden initially. Bring up the brochure again and keep the mouse cursor down the bottom. The Next doesn't appear until you move the cursor up so you could miss the fact the buttons are even there (like I did for a while)
7. Abstract design my:butthead: :laugh
9. Not for me, in Avant (using the IE engine). I tried a next from the previous image and also clicking each individually. Works for me now though. That horse has very full cheeks :wink

5th February 2008, 23:53
All I get is what looks like the back of Chubby Brown :doh

6th February 2008, 00:40
Cheers Mat.

2) It's a little bit temperamental, I know.

4) I'm going to look at to see if I can get those bad jackson buttons to appear when the image loads initially.

7) It's better than a physical pile of rubbish posing as art in the Tate Modern! :D

I've emailed my xHTML/CSS friend to see if he can help remove the spurious grey line when viewed in IE.

6th February 2008, 09:23
I've emailed my xHTML/CSS friend to see if he can help remove the spurious grey line when viewed in IE.

I removed the code below (useMap code) and the line dissapears so it looks like one of the Coords rect is screwing it up, hope that helps..thats the bit between row_05.jpg & row_06.jpg


useMap=#featured border=0> <MAP id=featured name=featured><AREA
title="Promotional brochure design for Pixelsquare" shape=RECT
title="A collection of 'smiliey' illustrations for Egg Banking"
shape=RECT coords=329,36,514,156
title="A screenshot taken from the dynamic Flash/XML application I created for my final year dissertation at university"
shape=RECT coords=535,38,719,157

6th February 2008, 23:03
Thanks for having a look Plater. Yeah, it must be one of the hotspots that's making the line appear. Question is, which one and why?!

None of the hotspots hit any of the borders between row_05 and row_06, so I'm very perplexed.

6th February 2008, 23:22
I fixed it! :spinning :spinning :spinning

Now I've just gotta put Sparky in a good mood by removing all the grey. :laugh