View Full Version : help

7th February 2008, 19:06
i ordered the flat quickfire system last night but did not receive it.cant get e-mail to keith to work have not got a clue when it gets to the pop3 bit to send e- mail to him does the e-book come via e-mail or should it have put a download page up as nothing happened apart from the money going out via paypal.please help.

7th February 2008, 19:07
Hi Steve, the eBook appears in your account as soon as you have paid. http://www.win2win.co.uk/subs/member.php

7th February 2008, 19:59
cant log in .do you have to be a member to buy the systems.

7th February 2008, 21:00
do you have to be a member to buy the systems as i am unable to log in ?