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7th February 2008, 22:39
Ive had the worst cough/cold ive ever had in the past 10 days and no signs of it disappearing either. Im on the antibiotics and it aint shifting. :geek

7th February 2008, 22:54
We've all had it as well mate, took me 2 weeks to get rid of it and the wife has had 2 lots of something similar and hasn't been right since before Christmas, it's definitely the worst I've had for many a year!

7th February 2008, 23:10
any of you read "the stand"

7th February 2008, 23:13
any of you read "the stand"

yeah about 15-20 years ago though I think I know what you're getting at:yikes: :wink

7th February 2008, 23:15
I've been wearing an NBC suit this winter, so I'm fine.....if a little anemic!!

7th February 2008, 23:15
any time i read it i get the flu ...seriously. very wierd. brilliant book though.

8th February 2008, 11:49
Ive had the worst cough/cold ive ever had in the past 10 days and no signs of it disappearing either. Im on the antibiotics and it aint shifting. :geek

I am not a dctor so can't be sure, but I thinkI have a diagnosis...

it just remains for me to ask, have you made a will?

8th February 2008, 14:30
I had it late last year, I finally got rid of it in time for Christmas but it took about 6 weeks.
I must have bought every cold and flu remedy on the market, in the end I went to docs and after 2 lots of antibiotics it went.
By the way the doc told me I had wasted my money - beechams, lemsip, capsules, drinks, she said they don't work no better than a cheap bottle of paracetamol.

8th February 2008, 14:53
All Beechams and them do is help relieve the symptoms a bit, they don't cure you, which is what most folk think they do.

9th February 2008, 13:47
It won`t cure you but if you have seriously bunged-up nasal passages and sinuses then get some OLBAS OIL. (not pastilles, oil.) not expensive and lasts forever... best way to use it at first is to get into a warm bath, put a couple of drops into warm damp hands and then cup them to your nose and breathe in. For a second you`ll think the top of your head has come off but my goodness it shifts the yuk .. works on chest too if you breathe it in through mouth as well as nose... keep doing it every ten or fifteen minutes, box of tissues, room on your own, and watch it shift. You'll be able to breathe for the first time.
At night, drops on your pillow or pyjamas collar or whatever - not very partner friendly unless they have the bug too but you`ll sleep. :hearty