View Full Version : Sharia Law? Poll

8th February 2008, 22:43
One law for all, you can't pick and choose which bits of law you want, otherwise I'll take the stoning instead of the 3 points on my license for speeding :ooo

9th February 2008, 00:03
You want Sharia Law ? Go and live in a muslim country...simple

9th February 2008, 02:31
I thought you were always stoned anyway?!?!

This reminds me of that Spitting Image sketch of an arab chatting to anthor arab...only it's just a head sticking out of a brown paper bag seeping blood:

Arab #1: So what happened to you, Ali?
Arab Head: I was found guilty of theft so my arm was amputated.
Arab #1: But where's the rest of you?
Arab Head: Well, I asked for three other offences to be taken into consideration!

9th February 2008, 10:17
I see the Archbashthebishop seems to be changing his story, bit strange as I listened to what he said live, and heard the same as everyone else.

Go find a choirboy :yikes:

9th February 2008, 11:29
Can't see why people aren't able to live by their beliefs. There are plenty of other groups who have their own rules. Freemason's, catholics,etc. Even private clubs have their own constitutions. As long as it affects only themselves let them get on with it.

9th February 2008, 11:59
As we get more and more muslim MP's, aspects of it will be introduced naturally anyway.
I can't see the fuss over what he said. It's probably the only sense he's made in a long while.

9th February 2008, 13:38
i thought she was brilliant with her puppet lambchop

9th February 2008, 21:52
what a pathetic idea it was to even sugguest it. i personally think religion is a load of :butthead: anyway. but there should be a clear line between law and religion.

sharia law is also very harsh - just imagine people getting there hand cut off in this country.

have you seen how 'some' trials are held also? what a joke:
judge - do you swear on the koran, you didn't do it?
defendant - i swear, i didn't do it.
judge - ok i find you innocent. as nobody would lie swearing on the koran.
defendant - phew, i thaught all the DNA evidence may find me guilty of thoes 5 prostitute murders aswell :rolleyes:

9th February 2008, 22:14
With regard to God....this is an excellent book http://www.amazon.co.uk/God-Delusion-Richard-Dawkins/dp/055277331X/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1202591616&sr=8-1

9th February 2008, 22:38
Will the last person to leave the country please turn the lights off ? :headbange

7th February 2011, 08:20
I'm in a minority - English and white