View Full Version : download music and your internet will be cut off

12th February 2008, 10:43
apparently people will get 3 warnings if they download music / stuff illegally from there ISP's. then there internet will be cut off.

can't see it happening to be honnest, there may be a few hedline cases, but downloading music is now so common this looks a hard law to enforce.

12th February 2008, 11:05
But it will the responsibilty of the ISP who already have software to know what you are doing.

However, law officials obviously do not keep up with technology, yes it is possible to discover if you are downloading a movie, they can read the information in the packet, and also the port number can give it away. However, the hackers are always one step ahead, most download software should be able to send encrypted packets, and use random ports. In fact you should be using this now.