View Full Version : Suing William Hill

14th February 2008, 16:41
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2008/02/14/ngambler214.xml by Win2WinRSS :D

I couldn't care less what William should or shouldn't have done, the guy is a complete plonker for doing it, and all his fault. I doubt someone had a gun to his head to make him bet.

MUPPET!!! :rolleyes:

14th February 2008, 17:26
I'm suing 57 brewers, 325 pubs, 4276 food manufacturers, and anyone else I can think of for allowing me to get fat. They should have stopped me from buying those extra sausages and beer :laugh

14th February 2008, 17:28
I'm suing 57 brewers, 325 pubs, 4276 food manufacturers, and anyone else I can think of for allowing me to get fat. They should have stopped me from buying those extra sausages and beer :laugh
Yes but you've got a good case though BigC.:D

14th February 2008, 17:34
im suing my mom and dad cos ive only got a 2 inch todger and it must be their fault. actually thats not strictly true. im not suing my dad as hes no longer with us.

14th February 2008, 17:35
But the 2" is true :yikes:

14th February 2008, 17:37
But the 2" is true :yikes:

when im excited............yes!

14th February 2008, 17:50
when im excited............yes!

Like when watching Liverpool win the CHAMPIONS LEAGUE? :D

14th February 2008, 18:12
How the heck can you lose £2 million gambling! Its just incredible...maybe you can send him some info on staking and running a bank Keith...maybe not though eh! :rolleyes:

Its like one of those word games... how do you get from William Hill to BigC's gut to peza's todger! Bizarre day! :yikes:

14th February 2008, 19:18
how do you get from William Hill to BigC's gut to peza's todger! Bizarre day! :yikes:

you dont get questions like that on mastermind. paints quite a picture eh?

14th February 2008, 19:44
you dont get questions like that on mastermind.


at least not until someone goes on with Win2Win as a specialist subject!

14th February 2008, 20:18
It now appears he signed something so WH was supposed to not let him bet on the account, whether that is legally binding I have no idea, but they obviously stopped him betting, as he opened another account :splapme :icon_tong :icon_tong :icon_tong :icon_tong ......so how the hell can it be WH's fault? :headbange

14th February 2008, 20:35

at least not until someone goes on with Win2Win as a specialist subject!


It now appears he signed something so WH was supposed to not let him bet on the account, whether that is legally binding I have no idea, but they obviously stopped him betting, as he opened another account :splapme :icon_tong :icon_tong :icon_tong :icon_tong ......so how the hell can it be WH's fault? :headbange

Itll be thrown out of court surely...I think this looks like desperation to get some money back...wonder if this is on legal aid?? If you lose money with bookies...its your fault and your fault alone..simple as that. God he was betting some crazy sums wasnt he...going into Will Hills with £100,000 in bin liners!! £7.5 million wagered in 16 months....incredible.:yikes:

15th February 2008, 22:18
I have no sympathy but if he did ask WH to stop him betting they would have done so... on the internet anyway you can ask for a limit, at any one go, daily or whatever and if you attempt to put on more you can`t.. all the internet bookies I know have it. Also, I used to know our local bookie, when we had one, and he had one or two customers he knew couldn`t afford to get, or go on betting, knew they`d be in trouble from the missus and whoever the next day,so he just wouldn`t take their bets.
Apparently this guy used to take in 50 and 500K IN CASH and lump it all on a greyhound... didn`t anyone ask about money laundering ???
Trouble is, in the US people have successfully sued tobacco manufacturers for letting them smoke until they got lung cancer....and the law likes a precedent. :hearty

15th February 2008, 22:21
You could have George Michael's Trap 2 for 500K :yikes:

16th February 2008, 05:09
The worst thing about this case is (hang on i'll et the quote):

He began gambling at the end of 2005 and it wasn't just the odd fiver on the horses.

He says he didn't get a buzz out of bets of tens or hundreds of pounds. He wanted to gamble thousands.

He didnt get a buzz out of bets, he might have well as put his balls teetering over the blades of a blender, at least he'd have had a good run for his money.
He is suing on the basis that WH allowed him to open a new account and start betting, but the main fact here is he suspended all his other accounts, so he was only betting through the new account. The counter point to this argument is, had he have been winning, could WH have turned around and said "sorry we can't pay you, you are a self-excluded punter" a stance like that would cause uproar.