View Full Version : Steve Wright - MURDERER

21st February 2008, 19:23
So it didn't take long for the jury to find him guilty!!! If you'd asked them after the first 8hrs they'd have found him guilty. :geek

Now we have to spend £1000's of OUR money to keep him in a lavish lifestyle for the rest of his days, 3 meals a day, TV, playstation, paid job, accomodation, free heating, free utitlies.........He's a murdering SCUMBAG and deserves only the level of human rights he gave out...


21st February 2008, 19:48
I think the crane, rope and flat bed truck are appropriate for this 'person'. ;fire

21st February 2008, 19:55
Now we have to spend £1000's of OUR money to keep him in a lavish lifestyle for the rest of his days, 3 meals a day, TV, playstation, paid job, accomodation, free heating, free utitlies........

any way i can get a piece of this without murdering anybody,save me having to do three jobs

21st February 2008, 19:55
I expect he'll get a minimum of 15 years tomorrow! :rolleyes: If anyone deserves the death penalty then its someone who kills 5 people within 6 weeks or so. Maybe the best thing would be to leave a rope in his cell...

22nd February 2008, 00:13
He has already tried to commit suicide twice in the past..he`ll be on suicide watch, but then so were Fred West and Harold Shipman.

22nd February 2008, 00:43
I'd be surprised if it's only 15 years...more likely a whole life sentence. And there's one snag with imposing a death penalty: how do we know it was only 5 people? The police are already keen to talk to him about other unsolved murders in the Suffolk/Norfolk area and doing him in would deprive them of that opportunity.

22nd February 2008, 01:13
I agree Glos...I think in this case life will mean life even if the judge doesnt say so tomorrow. I would like to think that if you kill 5 people, you wont ever see life outside a prison though. I see the Police want to talk to him about Suzy Lamplugh disappearance in '86...he worked with her apparently on the QE2. & it would also seem quite strange for someone who kills 5 women in a short space of time not to have done anything previous...whether that includes murder we may never find out I guess.

22nd February 2008, 09:58
Debate on Sky News:

John Gaunt: Bring back the death penalty for these people.

Other person: We can't do that John, everyone has some good in them, and we have to nurture that :splapme

So Stevie boy, you can be Britains first fully paid Executioner for when you hang Huntley :D