View Full Version : Arsenal Injury......

23rd February 2008, 13:59
Eduardo seems to have a bent leg :geek

I reckon that players who do things like that should be banned until the other player is fit enough to come back, which for this one is next season.

23rd February 2008, 14:01
If he comes back at all if the reaction of Sky in not showing the replay is anything to go by

23rd February 2008, 15:01
Have just seen a photo of the injury and it does look really bad

23rd February 2008, 16:36
I havent seen the challenge...was it very bad?? Wenger just said Taylor should never play football again!

23rd February 2008, 17:00
Never play football again??? I don't think he was playing football when he made the tackle!

23rd February 2008, 17:10
Never play football again??? I don't think he was playing football when he made the tackle!


23rd February 2008, 17:17
For those who missed it http://www.menshealth.co.uk/chatroom/topic/315518

24th February 2008, 00:26
Just watched the Arsenal game on MOTD and they showed the replay after the match. That was simpy awful to see :ermmm....you just hope he can come back from it really. After seeing it I dont think that Taylor 'did him'...it wasnt pretty but it just seemed that Eduardo was too quick for him. When you see that...it makes you wonder how there aren't more injuries really. I see Wenger has issued a statement tonight as well that on reflection he regrets saying that Taylor shouldnt play football again. You can understand that he was upset though....just a horrible incident.

What the heck was up with Gallas...losing the plot. :cryer