View Full Version : "Routine site maintenance" message

24th February 2008, 16:12
No, not the W2W site.

I've tried logging on to one of my online bookie accounts for a couple of days only to receive the "site is undergoing routine maintenance - apologies etc etc" message.

Thing is, it isn't still undergoing maintenance. It's been accessible on my work's pc for the whole time I've been getting that message at home, right up to half an hour ago (yes, I'm sad enough to be at work on Sunday).

So it's an issue with my home pc. I've tried the obvious (deleting history, temp files, cookies and then re-starting) to no avail.

Any ideas?

24th February 2008, 16:15
See if it comes up on this proxy, but don't login http://www.zend2.com/

25th February 2008, 03:52
Thanks Keith, that got me to the homepage. Why the non-login?

25th February 2008, 09:33
Not sure how secure it is. It proves it is your computer though. Have you tried CTRL+SHIFT+REFRESH?

You could install the free trial of "Hide My IP" till we get it figured.....I'm in a rush to get the vets.....

25th February 2008, 10:48
Well, whaddaya know. This morning it's OK. Very strange - been stuck on the maintenance page since Thursday, but just wems to have righted itself.

Thanks anyway Boss.

25th February 2008, 11:49
.....I'm in a rush to get the vets.....

Or as more commonly known in Wales, "The Dating Agency" :D :pk1

25th February 2008, 12:30
.....I'm in a rush to get the vets.....

Or as more commonly known in Wales, "The Dating Agency" :D :pk1
