View Full Version : Women, precisely

24th February 2008, 19:56
Getting ready to go down the pub on Friday my girlfriend asked me if her clothes matched.

"Yes", I said "red and green look good together".

She set her mouth and said, "it's dark pink and mint".


How do they manage to make simple things so complicated? :doh

24th February 2008, 20:06
I'd have been more tactful and said, "You've dressed up like a used tampon covered in snot" :yikes:

24th February 2008, 21:51
She obviously doesn't know that men can only see 16 basic colours. To men, mint is just a herb. Peach is only a fruit. Aubergine is some kind of vegetable. Rose is a flower we buy once a year.

24th February 2008, 23:12
Rose is a flower we buy once a year.

...oh bugger.....I never realeased it was that often :yikes:

24th February 2008, 23:55
Certain types of men can reckonise the different shades. I'd say Vegy and John would be two off this forum who are in touch enough with their femininity to spot the differences:ermmm

25th February 2008, 00:05
Tsk. Tsk. We promised never to mention Vegy's lovely pink name ever again.

25th February 2008, 08:12
Certain types of men can reckonise the different shades. I'd say Vegy and John would be two off this forum who are in touch enough with their femininity to spot the differences:ermmm

I'm pretty good with the various shades of colours.... such as King Crimson, Deep Purple, Floyd Pink, Sabbath Black, Goblin Orange, Al Green, Simply Red, Zombie White, Cream, and a particularly naff shade called Boy Band Blue....:thumbs

26th February 2008, 00:48
In a similar vein, there's a few other differences about men that women should learn:

Peeing from a great height is much more difficult than peeing from point-blank range. We're bound to miss sometimes.
We don't consider shopping to be a sport.
We never remember what anniversary this is, and never will. That's what calendars are for.
We are not mind-readers.
Come to us with a problem only if you actually want help solving it. That's what men do. Sympathy is what your girlfriends are for.
Whenever possible, please say whatever you have to say during the ad breaks.
If it itches, it has to be scratched.
If you ask a man a question you don't expect an answer to, don't be surprised if you get an answer you didn't expect.
Anything a man says 6 months ago is inadmissible in an argument.
Men consider yes and no to be perfectly acceptable answers to any question.
If a man asks you what's wrong, and you reply "nothing", he will act like nothing's wrong. He knows you're actually lying, but he also knows it's not worth the hassle.