View Full Version : Scarlett Murder

9th March 2008, 12:04

What the :censored: was a 15 year old doing out in a bar on her own at 4am? :splapme

11th March 2008, 19:44
Someone agrees with you mate.

11th March 2008, 20:05
Would you leave your 15 year old daughter with a 25 year old tour guide until4am? :yikes: Absolutely no chance... its just unreal ...I know the girls mother seems to be a free spirit but its just not right to parent in this way....you are there to protect them from themselves as we all know at that age kids make wrong decisions. The Indian Police are well within their rights on this imho...:ermmm

11th March 2008, 20:34
"That's probably the worst thing I've done. I don't think I was negligent in any other way."

Leave your 15 year old kid with someone you have known five minutes whilst you go to another part of the country. She goes out clubbing until 4am and get's killed. No, you've done nothing wrong at all, just left your child in a situation where she ended up murdered. Don't worry about it. :ermmm