View Full Version : Shannon Matthews

14th March 2008, 18:58
Must have been 0.01% chance of finding her alive. As usual it's a family member :ermmm

Now all they need do is figure who is the real father, and the correct mother :splapme

17th March 2008, 20:46
Something not quite right with all this if you ask me!!

It wouldn't surprise me if Shannon ran away to the uncles, and he's been hiding her, as seems to be a lot of family problems.

Police: "Shannon, was it your dad, or a step-dad that hit you?"
Shannon: "All of them!"
Police: :ooo

17th March 2008, 22:34
totally agree... shouldn't really judge them like this but they all looked like a right dodgy lot on their videocam footage on the news earlier.

20th March 2008, 13:05
I agree.. why would the grandparents - their own daughter is shannon`s mother after all - say she shouldn`t go back there if there were not something very wrong ?
I know a very nice working class couple in their 60s living in the same area.. hard workers all their lives, proud to be so, proud Yorkshire stock. They have 3 daughters now 40, 36, 33. The first daughter has been married for 16 years. always worked, ditto husband and they have 2 children aged 19 and 17. The boy has knocked up his gf (who already has 3 children by 3 other blokes and she is only 24.) The girl is pregnant for 2nd by a new bf. None of the younger generation has EVER worked, they are all drawing various forms of benefit.
Their 2nd daughter has 4 children by 4 different fathers, has had two marriages and 2 divorces and God knows how many boyfriends in and out. She has never worked, nor have her men and they are also on every sort of benefit.
The 3rd daughter has 2 kids by two different men. She worked in a factory until she became pregnant. Her elder child is now so she could work, even if part-time. She doesn`t want to.
So, in just 2 generations this family has gone from proud hard working people to the present showerm with the morals of rabbits, sense of responsibility ditto. Naturally they all smoke, all drink, all manage nice hols. What has happened to this part of Yorkshire in only about 30 years ? My friends love their daughters but they`re ashamed of them and they can`t understand how they can all sit about living off other people without caring a jot.. Meanwhile, the children are all either messed up or permanently unwell, their diets don`t bear thinking of - the only decent meal they get is every sunday when Gran cooks a huge Sunday roast for about 16 people. It`s both infuriating and sad. The younger ones now have no one in the family who goes out to work in the normal way.

20th March 2008, 18:01
Not very good with new lines, parargraphs, etc eh Susan :wink ....maybe a book writing course would help :peeky