View Full Version : Rip-Off Britain

27th March 2008, 16:50
I've just had done the postage for 2 identical items. One going to Manchester, about 70 miles away, the other to Los Angeles (8500 miles). Both postage methods are basically the same in comparison.

Mancland: £2.50
LA : £3.74

Seems to be a slight per mile difference :ooo

So I just checked the price to Germany: £2.42 :doh

Just as bad as using Skype. If I phone my neighbour during office hours on his mobile it's 20p-30p/min, during the same period if I phone a mobile in the USA, it is 1.2p/min :ermmm

27th March 2008, 17:23
I'm not aware of a price band that equates to £2.50
A 750g packet to a UK address is £2.38 while one of 800g would be £2.92 assuming first class.
The same 750g item to a US address would be £8.32 for airmail or £6.73 surface so it's strange that the prices you've been quoted are cheaper.

27th March 2008, 17:53
the other to Los Angeles (8500 miles). LA : £3.74

8500? Nearer 5500 to 6000 isn't it?

Isn't the postage done on size of the package as well now Glos?

27th March 2008, 18:03
That's right...and it's what I based those sample prices on.

27th March 2008, 18:40
That's right...and it's what I based those sample prices on.

I use the Royal Mail Business Services, just goes by weight.

27th March 2008, 18:44
Couldn't you just take the US one...surely youll be off soon wont you?? :D

27th March 2008, 19:05
Couldn't you just take the US one...surely youll be off soon wont you?? :D
I wish......although houses are getting nice & cheap :)

28th March 2008, 09:44
just been to france to look at a house to buy


now where would you find a property like that for £75,000 in the uk :yikes:

also on the way back bought 2 cases of JP CHENET BRUT wine at £2.85 a bottle and a case of oxford landing at £3.10 a bottle

Tesco's has oxford landing at £5.69 a bottle and JP Chenet at 6.17 a bottle

though petrol is around £1.06 a litre

went to bayeux for a night and had a lovely meal for two for less than £40 including wine

28th March 2008, 12:52
Crazy isn't it. Northen France is very nice I think, at least that's what I've found when visiting. Been to a few of the ww1 and 2 sites etc and the villages and towns along the coast are very picturesque. Also I've always found the people along there friendly too.

28th March 2008, 12:57
me and the missus done 3 days along the coast studying the WWII D-DAY landings as she is doing something for the soldiers from liverpool who were involved, some big display for the capital of culture fearture

we visited jono beach and the caen memorial and and went round the coastal villages as she had to take photos of the memorials , all the coastal towns are lovely but do remind me of a posher version of llandudno :ooo:ooo

28th March 2008, 13:26
.....could have been Rhyl :yikes:

28th March 2008, 14:09
.....could have been Rhyl :yikes:

no i said posher version not chav version:D:D