View Full Version : London Mayor

29th April 2008, 12:53
It'll be a surprise if Ken wins, and London deserve the Tory muppet man :laugh

29th April 2008, 14:39

Anyone but Ken........please :thumbs

29th April 2008, 17:50
You can't seriously want Boris Jon?

He wants to waste a fortune getting rid of a whole fleet of brand new busses to bring back the routemasters!

29th April 2008, 17:55
God I hope Boris wins...what a laugh thatll be...itll give hope to everyone! How long will it be before Cameron disowns him!! :D

29th April 2008, 18:09
God I hope Boris wins...what a laugh thatll be...itll give hope to everyone! How long will it be before Cameron disowns him!! :D

Boris for PM. Now that would be funny! :laugh

29th April 2008, 18:14
God I hope Boris wins...what a laugh thatll

Not for you it won't be. If Boris wins I'm moving to Lincoln! :D

29th April 2008, 18:16
Not for you it won't be. If Boris wins I'm moving to Lincoln! :D

:yikes: Come on Kenneth...you can still do it! :D I was watching a bit of it last night and it seems its going to come down to second preferences isnt it vegy??? Ken could still win it on those they said?

29th April 2008, 18:24
Gordon Brown must have everything crossed and praying morning, noon and night for Boris to win. It'd be a godsend for Labour.:)

2nd May 2008, 22:32
Looks like it`s Boris.

2nd May 2008, 22:37
Looks like it`s Boris.

Jeez... what a nightmare.. a snobby buffoon in charge of our capital city... I think we've just entered the twilight zone.

2nd May 2008, 22:54
Jeez... what a nightmare.. a snobby buffoon in charge of our capital city... I think we've just entered the twilight zone.

London finally gets what she deserves! :laugh

2nd May 2008, 22:59
London finally gets what she deserves! :laugh

well, that's the gist of the old saying I guess, still it's got to be disastrous for the city. What'll be next? Ken Dodd for Liverpool mayor.... Gazza for Newcastle?

2nd May 2008, 23:06
well, that's the gist of the old saying I guess, still it's got to be disastrous for the city. What'll be next? Ken Dodd for Liverpool mayor....

Now youre talking bigc!!:D I know what youre saying though...it should be so interesting...this could be a nightmare for Cameron...if he does really bad and cocks-up as he has done for so long as an MP....it could be great for Brown in the long run....maybe??? Though he wont think so today after the brutal kicking they have had eh! :rolleyes:

2nd May 2008, 23:15
I bet the other members of the Bullingdon club can hardly believe its Johnson that has got into power first!

Should be good to see how he gets on if only to give an indication how his drinking buddies might fare if they get into power in a couple of years time.

2nd May 2008, 23:41
Time to open the Highland Park....:wiggle:


2nd May 2008, 23:45
Great day here, BNP lost two seats locally, hopefully soon be rid of those nasty nutters and Harlow 'next door' finally Conservative again.

I think I might come out of the political wilderness at this rate and join up again! ( Well, maybe :yikes:)

2nd May 2008, 23:54
Taxi for Livingstone!

Not that they would want him in their cab :D

3rd May 2008, 00:19
Now the hard bit comes for Boris. This is the first test for the Eton mob, i fully expect Labour to feed on any mistakes he makes, and he will make them, and then say thats what happens when you put in a toff with no experience of running things.

For all his faults Livingstone lived London. He is a career politician. Johnson is a clown albeit an educated one. I honestly think he will be a disaster as Mayor and the Conservatives may well wish they had put a serious candidate forward for an election they should have been confident of winning. I think they chose Johnson as they have no policies so just went for personality. Will people tire of a floppy haired clown?

3rd May 2008, 00:55
We'll see TH, the Liberal media like the Gurniad, Independent and BBC are chomping at the bit to slaughter him first opportunity they get. In fact they have been doing it for months anyway....

3rd May 2008, 01:23
I aint got nothing against him, he is a bit of a twit but he has won the election so good luck to him. It was good for democracy that so many Londoners voted.

Everyone knows that been in power is harder than been in opposition. I just dont think he is a career politician and will find it incredibly tedious. That will lead to mistakes and also falsely high expectations of change. Will he really have the will to change London so much, did Ken really make such a mess of London anyhow?

Ive took a fleeting interest in the campaign but obviously im not in London so we dont get so much coverage. He did not seem to be saying anything major was going to change though.

Is he abolishing the congestion Charge for example? How is he going to deal with the tube?

Is he going to be Boris Johnson london Mayor or Camerons puppet? He seems to have spent the campaign been the latter. Will he be able to do that for four years? I dont think he is disciplined enough.

3rd May 2008, 07:35
How is he going to deal with the tube?

I think he's going to campaign to get it back on channel 4 on Friday nights because Paula Yates was damn fine totty and that Jools chappy was snortingly witty....:thumbs

3rd May 2008, 08:57
Thank you Boris.....Won me £200, backed him a few weeks ago, and laid Ken this week (not physically ::hump :ooo )

I'd like to know which idiots call him a racist, he's married to an Indian.....I've been called racist as well this year....married to a Filipina :splapme.....lucky for me the wife slapped the bitch who called me it :laugh .....sort that out Whitey :D